Fitness and Nutrition

Adolescent girls' most common source of junk food away from home  D.A. Cohen et al., Health & Place, September 2012

After high school, young women's exercise rates plunge  S.K. Watson, Shots: Health News from NPR, June 11, 2018

Assessing weight perception accuracy to promote weight loss among U.S. female adolescents: A secondary analysis  J. Yost et al., BMC Public Health, August 2010

Association of web-based weight loss information use with weight reduction behaviors in adolescent women  T.H. Laz & A.B. Berenson, Journal of Adolescent Health, October 2011

Associations of lean and fat mass measures with whole body bone mineral content and bone mineral density in female adolescent weightlifters and swimmers  Ş.N. Koşar, Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, January 2016

Cardiovascular fitness is negatively associated with homocysteine levels in female adolescents  J.R. Ruiz et al., Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, February 2007

Child and adolescent abuse in relation to obesity in adulthood: The Black Women's Health Study  R. Boynton-Jarrett et al., Pediatrics, August 2012

A church-based intervention to change attitudes about physical activity among Black adolescent girls: A feasibility study  W.M. Thompson et al., Public Health Nursing, May 2013

Comparison of site-specific bone mineral densities between endurance runners and sprinters in adolescent women  A. Ikedo et al., Nutrients, November 2016

The contribution of dance to daily physical activity among adolescent girls  J.R. O'Neill et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, August 2011

Cross-sectional study of female students reporting anabolic steroid use  D.L. Elliot et al., Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, June 2007

Data to action: Using formative research to develop intervention programs to increase physical activity in adolescent girls  D.R. Young et al., Health Education & Behavior, February 2006

Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate and bone mineral density in adolescents – The black box warning: A position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine  B.A. Cromer et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, August 2006

Disordered eating among a multi-racial/ethnic sample of female high-school athletes  Y. Pernick et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, June 2006

Effects of a life skills intervention for increasing physical activity in adolescent girls  D.R. Young, Archives Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, December 2006

Epidemiology of injuries in female high school soccer players  K.R. Sentsomedi & T. Puckree, African Health Sciences, March 2016

Ethnic differences in food sources of vitamin D in adolescent American girls: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study  L.V. Van Horn et al., Nutrition Research, Augus 2011

Ethnic variation in body composition assessment in a sample of adolescent girls  K.A. Meyer et al., International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, October 2011

Evaluation of an individualized counseling approach as part of a multicomponent school-based program to prevent weight-related problems among adolescent girls  C. Flattum et al., Journal of the American Dietetic Association, August 2011

Examining weight concern and delay discounting in adolescent females  S. Thamotharan et al., Eating Behaviors, April 2016

Factors related to obesity and overweight among Black adolescent girls in the United States  M.R. Winkler et al., Women & Health, February 2017

Familial correlates of adolescent girls' physical activity, television use, dietary intake, weight, and body composition  K.W. Bauer et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, March 2011

The female athlete triad  A.K. Weiss Kelly et al., Pediatrics, August 2016

Focus on just one sport can mean stress for girls  HealthDay News, September 19, 2017

Food-related beliefs of adolescent girls ages 9-13 and their mothers on O'ahu, Hawai'i  M. Mosley et al., Hawai'i Journal of Medicine & Public Health, April 2016

Fortified breakfast cereal consumed daily for 12 wk leads to a significant improvement in micronutrient intake and micronutrient status in adolescent girls: A randomised controlled trial  H.J. Powers et al., Nutrition Journal, July 2016

"I feel free": Experiences of a dance intervention for adolescent girls with internalizing problems  A. Duberg et al., International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, July 2016

Implementation of a school environment intervention to increase physical activity in high school girls  D.S. Ward et al., Health Education Research, December 2006

Improving health-enhancing physical activity in girls' physical education  S. Fairclough & G. Stratton, Health Education Research, August 2005

Increasing physical activity and decreasing sedentary activity in adolescent girls – The Incorporating More Physical Activity and Calcium in Teens (IMPACT) study  D. Jones et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, August 2008

Is obesity at individual and national level associated with lower age at menarche? Evidence from 34 countries in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study  C. Currie et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, June 2012

Morningness-eveningness and physical activity in adolescent girls: Menarche as a transition point  S.J. Beal et al., Child Development, July 2016

Motivational interviewing as a component of a school-based obesity prevention program for adolescent girls  C. Flattum et al., Journal of the American Dietetic Association, January 2009

Nutrition community 'leaving adolescent girls behind'  A. Byatnal, Malnutrition Deeply, February 19, 2018

Out and about: Association of the built environment with physical activity behaviors of adolescent females  D.A. Rodriguez et al., Health & Place, January 2012

Pre-menarcheal physical activity predicts post-menarcheal lean mass and core strength, but not fat mass  M.A. Day et al., Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions, December 2015

Prevalence of the female athlete triad syndrome among high school athletes  J.F. Nichols et al., Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, February 2006

Prospective study of physical activity and risk of developing a stress fracture among preadolescent and adolescent girls  A.E. Field et al., Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, August 2011

Psychosocial, environmental and behavioral factors associated with bone health in middle-school girls  S.V. Sharma et al., Health Education Research, April 2009

The relationship between unsupervised time after school and physical activity in adolescent girls  B.R Rushovich et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, July 2006

The role of peer social network factors and physical activity in adolescent girls  C.C. Voorhees et al., American Journal of Health Behavior, March 2005

The role of social support on physical activity behaviour in adolescent girls: A systematic review and meta-analysis  Y. Laird et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, July 2016

Scale development for perceived school climate for girls' physical activity  A.S. Birnbaum et al., American Journal of Health Behavior, May 2005

Shoe and field surface risk factors for acute lower extremity injuries among female youth soccer players  J.W. O'Kane et al., Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, May 2016

Sport specialization's association with an increased risk of developing anterior knee pain in adolescent female athletes  R. Hall et al., Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, February 2015

Travel by walking before and after school and physical activity among adolescent girls  B.I. Saksvig et al., Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, February 2007

Understanding gender norms, nutrition, and physical activity in adolescent girls: A scoping review  R.A. Spencer et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, January 2015

YOUTH: A health plan-based lifestyle intervention increases bone mineral density in adolescent girls  L.L. DeBar et al., Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, December 2006