Identity, Self-Esteem, Mental Health

Altered brain function, structure, and developmental trajectory in children born late preterm  J.E. Brumbaugh et al., Pediatric Research, August 2016

Attachment-based family therapy with a 13-year-old girl presenting with high risk for suicide  E.S. Krauthamer Ewing et al., Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, January 2016

Attentional bias training in girls at risk for depression  J. LeMoult et al., Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, November 2016

Being a boy: Ages 11 and 12   E. McCarthy & A. Joyce, Washington Post, December 18, 2018

A brief measure of peer affiliation and social acceptance (PASA): Validity in an ethnically diverse sample of early adolescents  T.J. Dishion et al., Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, March 2014

Children's visuospatial memory predicts mathematics achievement through early adolescence  Y. Li & D.C. Geary, PLoS One, February 2017

Cumulative risk over the early life course and its relation to academic achievement in childhood and early adolescence  L.D. Ragnarsdottir et al., Preventive Medicine, March 2017

Developmental trajectories of aggression, prosocial behavior, and social-cognitive problem solving in emerging adolescents with clinically elevated attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms  M.J. Kofler et al., Journal of Abnormal Psychology, November 2015

Discrimination of amygdala response predicts future separation anxiety in youth with early deprivation  S.A. Green et al., Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, October 2016

Disordered neighborhood environments and risk-taking propensity in late childhood through adolescence  C.D.M. Furr-Holden, Journal of Adolescent Health, January 2012

Does an evidence-based healthy relationships program for 9th graders show similar effects for 7th and 8th graders? Results from 57 schools randomized to intervention  C.V. Crooks et al., Health Education Research, June 2015

Early adolescent friendship selection based on externalizing behavior: The moderating role of pubertal development. The SNARE study  A. Franken et al., Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, November 2016

An ecological approach to promoting early adolescent mental health and social adaptation: Family-centered intervention in public middle schools  E.A. Stormshak et al., Child Development, January 2011

Effect of school belonging trajectories in grades 6-8 on achievement: Gender and ethnic differences  J.N. Hughes et al., Journal of School Psychology, December 2015

Family relationships and parental monitoring during middle school as predictors of early adolescent problem behavior  G.M. Fosco et al., Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, March 2012

Frequent residential mobility among American Indians and early indications of sexual risk among young adolescents  N.r. Tuitt et al., PLoS One, June 2019

In search of emerging same-sex sexuality: Romantic attractions at age 13 years  G. Li & M. Hines, Archives of Sexual Behavior, October 2016

Integrating mindfulness with parent training: Effects of the Mindfulness-Enhanced Strengthening Families Program  J.D. Coatsworth et al., Developmental Psychology, January 2015

Investigating and linking social conditions of minority children and adolescents with emotional well-being  M.B. Spencer et al., Ethnicity & Disease, Spring 2006

Latent class profiles of depressive symptoms from early to middle childhood: Predictors, outcomes, and gender effects  D.J. Whalen et al., Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, July 2016

A longitudinal examination of early adolescence ethnic identity trajectories  C.Y. Huang & E.A. Stormshak, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, July 2011

Middle schools enter a new era in sex ed—teaching 13-year-olds about consent  S. Schmidt, Washington Post, January 14, 2020

More middle-school girls are inflicting self-pain. Experts say it might be because of smartphones  M. Eltagouri, Washington Post, November 21, 2017

Neural reactivity to emotional faces may mediate the relationship between childhood empathy and adolescent prosocial behavior  J.C. Flournoy et al., Child Development, November 2016

The outsize influence of your middle-school friends  L. Denworth, The Atlantic, January 28, 2020

A physical activity intervention and changes in body mass index at a middle school With a large American Indian population, Oklahoma, 2004-2009  J.E. Eichner et al., Preventing Chronic Disease, December 2016

Predicting first onset of depression in young girls: Interaction of diurnal cortisol and negative life events  J. LeMoult et al., Journal of Abnormal Psychology, November 2015

Promoting parent-child sexual health dialogue with an intergenerational game: Parent and youth perspectives  J. D'Cruz et al., Games for Health Journal, April 2015

Proud black teens less depressed  Ethnic pride may be as important as self-esteem to the mental health of young African American adolescents, according to this article from

Relationships of parental monitoring and emotion regulation with early adolescents' sexual behaviors  W. Hadley et al., Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, June 2015

Self-esteem in adolescent females  F.M. Biro et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, October 2006

Seven ways to teach tweens to give to others without sacrificing themselves  P. Fagell, Washington Post, January 7, 2020

Suicide in elementary school-aged children and early adolescents  A.H. Sheftall et al., Pediatrics, October 2016

What happened when Brooklyn tried to integrate its middle schools  L. Meckler, Washington Post, November 15, 2019