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Alaska Library Association, Anchorage Chapter records

Guide to the Alaska Library Association. Anchorage Chapter records

Collection number: HMC-0500.
Creator: Alaska Library Association. Anchorage Chapter.
Title: Alaska Library Association. Anchorage Chapter records.
Dates: 1983-2009.
Volume of collection: 2.2 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials entirely in English.
Collection summary: Organizational records of the Anchorage Chapter of the Alaska Library Association.

Organizational history:
The Alaska Library Association (AkLA) was formed to provide leadership and advocacy for the educational and political concerns of the Alaska library community. AkLA encourages cooperation among libraries and related groups, safeguards intellectual freedom, and promotes access to information for all Alaskans. AkLA includes the Northern, Juneau, and Anchorage chapters, plus the Alaska Association of School Libraries. The Anchorage Chapter of the Alaska Library Association was created to provide a venue for the Anchorage library community to meet, interact, develop, and exchange ideas relevant to libraries and the library profession.

Collection description:
This collection contains records of the Anchorage Chapter of the Alaska Library Association. Included in the collection are meeting minutes, agendas, programs, schedules, networking proposals, budget reports, and membership information.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged chronologically by date or date span, with files grouped by record type or subject within each year.

Rights note: Rights ownership to records created by AkLA-A are retained by the organization.

Preferred citation: Alaska Library Association (AkLA). Anchorage Chapter records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Related materials: Archival records of the parent organization, Alaska Library Association, are held at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Rasmuson Library, Alaska and Polar Regions Collections.

Acquisition note: This collection was deposited in the archives in February 2001. A deposit agreement was signed in December 2000.   Additional materials are added periodically.

Processing information: This collection was described by Kathleen Hertel in 2001 and is updated with collection additions.

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