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American Society for Circumpolar Health records

Guide to the American Society for Circumpolar Health records

Collection number: HMC-0993.
Creator: American Society for Circumpolar Health.
Title: American Society for Circumpolar Health records.
Dates: 1980-2015.
Volume of collection: 3.2 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Materials in this collection are in English.
Collection summary: Records of a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of circumpolar health practice, policy, education, and research.

Organizational history:
The American Society for Circumpolar Health (ASCH) was formed during the First International Symposium for Circumpolar Health in 1967. ASCH continued as an informal organization in order to actively participate in other international symposia. In 1979, wanting to become a formalized organization, members of ASCH developed a constitution and bylaws, and in 1980 became a charter member of the International Union for Circumpolar Health (IUCH). The ASCH is a charitable organization dedicated to promoting research, exchanging knowledge, and fostering greater awareness and responsiveness to the health issues of circumpolar peoples. It is also involved with planning and organizing the International Congress for Circumpolar Health (ICCH), which is held every three years. The ICCH brings together medical scientists, health care delivery specialists, health administrators, and health consumers to discuss health care in circumpolar regions.

Collection description:
The collection contains the meeting minutes, member activities, correspondence, and membership information of the American Society for Circumpolar Health. Included in the collection are the minutes and proceedings, as well as planning files for the International Congress on Circumpolar Health (ICCH). The collection also contains photographs taken during the 10th ICCH, which depict speakers, a reception, and the Native Cultural Celebration held during the meeting.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged in the order it arrived at Archives.

Digitized copies: Select audio cassettes have been digitized and are available for use in the Archives Research Room. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Digitization was made possible by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Rights note: Copyright to materials created by the ASCH is held by the ASCH with the Archives authorized to permit use on their behalf. Materials in the collection created by other individuals or organizations may be subject to copyright not held by the ASCH or the Archives.

Preferred citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Works used in preparation of inventory: “ASCH.” ASCH. http://asch.cc/.

Acquisition note: An initial deposit was given to Archives by Carl Hild in 2008. The bulk of the collection was deposited at Archives by ASCH president, Brenna Simons-Petrusa. A deposit agreement was signed by Simons-Petrusa and Abbie Willetto Wolfe, ASCH treasurer, in 2016. Additions have been made since.

Processing information: This collection was arranged and box level listing provided by Brenna Simons-Petrusa of the ASCH. The collection was further described by Veronica Denison in 2016. Additional material was added to the collection and described by Veronica Denison in 2017. Becky Butler provided additional description when materials were digitized in 2019.

Container list:

Box Description Dates
1 Meeting minutes; Member activities; Board meetings; Correspondence; Nominations and elections 1980-1990
2 Meeting minutes; Member activities; Board meetings; Correspondence; Membership information; Nominations and elections 1990-2014
3 Meeting minutes; Membership information; Correspondence; Bylaws and constitution; Albrecht-Milan Foundation (currently called Arctic Health Foundation Fund), includes audiocassette of fund dedication; Arctic Health Initiative; Alaska Health Research Symposium; International Congress on Circumpolar Health (ICCH) 1-15: Planning, minutes, proceedings; Photographs of 10th ICCH 1980-2015
4/1 Audio cassette tape: ASCH Annual Meeting. 1986 October 20. Recording of annual meeting of the American Society for Circumpolar Health at the Anchorage Hilton. Topics discussed include: the presentation of an award to Dr. Fred Milan, approval of minutes, the treasurer’s report, a call for comments on a draft response to the Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984, opportunities for research in public health, the 7th International Conference on Circumpolar Health planning, an update on collaborations across health organizations, radioactivity detection in Alaska from Chernobyl, the ASCH’s bylaws and constitution,the development of an Alaskan medical publication, the development of an Alaskan medical publication, the creation of an endowment fund, member announcements, and a call for membership. 1986 October 20
4/2 Audio cassette tape: Recording of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: a description of Canadian and Yugoslavian circumpolar health efforts (Dr. Frederick Milan), an update of the Canadian Public Health Association Annual Meeting (Dr. John Middaugh), the selection of health as one of the priorities for the Arctic Research and Policy Act by the Arctic Research Commission, the treasurer’s report, and the selection of delagates to 7th International Symposium for Circumpolar Health. 1986 January 31
4/3 Audio cassette tape: Recording of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the approval of minutes, an update on the Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium for Circumpolar Health published by the University of Washington Press, the treasurer’s report, the president’s report on a planning visit in Sweden for the first International Union for Circumpolar Health, funding Dr. Brian MacMahon’s virology workshop on Hepatitis B and creating her own session on cancer (Dr. Anne Lanier), the costs of attending the 7th ISCH, planning the annual meeting and elections for the ASCH (Dr. Carl Hild made the new Board member), a call for articles for the newsletter, and Dr. John Middaugh’s appointment as Editor of “Alaska Medicine” and a report on his meeting with Glen Olds (president of Alaska Pacific University) on establishing endowment funds. 1986 May 29
4/4 Audio cassette tape: Recording of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the treasurer’s report (Dr. Helen Beirne), the establishment of an endowment fund in Dr. Earl Albrecht’s name (Dr. F. Pauls), special travel fares to the 7th ICCH, a proposal to extend the ACSH’s presidential term (Dr. John Middaugh), the journal “Alaska Medicine,” the difficulty in fundraising for the ICCH, and the relationship between the ASCH and the International Union for Circumpolar Health and an agreement between UAA and the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (Dr. Ted Mala), an agreement between UAA and the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (Dr. Ted Mala), funding for Dr. Brian MacMahon’s Hepatitis B workshop, the possibility of funding ASCH members attendance to the 7th ICCH, and the activities of the Arctic Students Circumpolar Health Organization (Paulette Nix). 1987 February 4
4/5 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the middle section of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: a constitutional amendment to extend the ASCH president’s term, the appointment of ASCH delegates to the IUCH meeting, Dr. Ted Mala’s disgruntled response to the previous board meeting, the need to delineate the ASCH’s identity from other circumpolar health organizations, and the role of ASCH in the IUCH (Dr. John Middaugh). 1987 February 4
4/6/A Audio cassette tape: Recording of the last third of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the activities of the Arctic Students Circumpolar Health Organization and an invitation to the Board to attend an ASCHO meeting (Paulette Nix), funding for ASCH to attend the ICCH meeting, the need to develop guidelines for ASCH delegates to the ICCH, and the need to clarify IUCH membership status. 1987 February 4
4/6/B Audio cassette tape: Recording of an ASCH board meeting. Beginning of 1987 February 25 meeting before tape recorder stopped is at the start of the tape. The rest of the tape is from a 1987 May 19 board meeting. Topics discussed include: an endowment fund committee report, the treasurer’s report, discussion of bringing a gift to the 7th ICCH, an update on the journal “Alaska Medicine,” the ASCH annual meeting, the search for new board members, and a report on the constitutional amendment to lengthen the ASCH’s presidential term. 1987 February 25-May 19
4/7 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the annual ASCH meeting. Recording includes a speech made by Elmer E. Rasmuson on the Arctic Science Policy, his participation on the Arctic Research Commission, and the need for more Alaska Native involvement in research. The meeting continues with membership introductions, the approval of the minutes of the 1986 meeting, the treasurer’s report, a brief report on ASCH membership, a brief report on the Arctic Research Commission’s decisions regarding the Arctic Research and Policy Act, a brief report on the 1987 IUCH and ICCH meetings in Sweden, ASCH election results to select two new board members, reports on the endowment fund, the constitutional amendment to lengthen the ASCH’s officers’ terms, the adoption of “Alaska Medicine” as the official ASCH journal, and a request for research into a lifetime membership category. 1987 September 24
4/8 Audio cassette tape: Recording of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the treasurer’s report, a thank-you from Dr. Bill Fagey for the attendance to the ICCH, planning for the ASCH annual meeting, an update on the “Alaska Medicine” journal, a consensus statement from a circumpolar cancer group, an update on the election of new board members, a report from Dr. Ted Mala about the frequency of the ICCH meetings, potential dues increases, promoting membership in the ASCH, the “Alaska Medicine” journal, membership dues, establishing the agenda of the ASCH annual meeting, a report from the endowment committee, Elmer E. Rasmuson’s address to the ASCH annual meeting, the participation of the Soviet Arctic research branch in the IUCH, Dr. Ted Mala, and a report on cold water immersion research. 1987 September 9
4/9 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the first two-thirds of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: a presentation by Lyle Perrigo about the Arctic Research Commission and the need for an Alaska Science and Technology Foundation, the need for cooperation with other arctic research organizations, the treasurer’s report, the secretary’s membership report, the lack of progress towards incorporation, the contract between the ASCH and the “Alaska Medicine” journal, the contract between the ASCH and the “Alaska Medicine” journal, the annual dues for the ASCH, a report on the planning for the 8th ICCH, the legislation and funding for the International Circumpolar Health Institute, and an election report. 1988 February 24
4/10 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the last third of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: a movement to extend officer terms and shorten Dr. Brian MacMahon’s, a discussion about Hart-Hansen and the International Arctic Science Committee, the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research meeting in Tasmania, Dr. John Middaugh’s appointment to the Polar Research Board, the Arctic Medical Research Journal, the ASCH annual meeting, and the 1988 Alaska Science Conference. 1988 February 24
4/11 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the first half of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the planning of the 8th ICCH (Peter Reid), disparity between previous treasurer and secretary reports, the secretary’s membership report, the shipment of the Arctic Medical Research Journal, the treasurer’s report, the search for two new board members, the status of incorporation, the endowment fund, the need for health topics at the 1988 Alaska Science Conference, the ASCH annual meeting, the need for a health conference in Alaska, the Alaska Health Coalition, the relationship between the Polar Research Board and the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research, the relationship between the IUCH, the WHO, and UNESCO, and selecting editors for the Arctic Medical Research Journal. 1988 May 25
4/12 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the second half of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: selecting editors for the Arctic Medical Research Journal, financing IUCH, the creation of a tobacco-cancer workshop, a decision that ICCH symposiums should continue to be held every three years, ASCH’s affirmation of the IUCH decision that Soviet labor unions should not be allowed to join the IUCH board, problems with the Alaska Science Foundation, potential members of the Alaska Science Foundation’s board, the next board meeting, and Peter Reid’s progress report on the 8th ICCH planning. 1988 May 25
4/13 Audio cassette tape: Recording of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the treasurer’s report, the secretary’s report, the approval of the past meeting’s minutes, Dr. Robert Fortuine and Dr. Ted Mala’s reports on the IUCH council meeting, the tobacco-cancer workshop, the actions of the U.S. Arctic Commission, the results of Dr. John Middaugh’s meeting with Henry Cole about funding Alaskan health initiatives, the announcement of the nominees for new ASCH board members, report on the ASCH endowment fund, ASCH annual meeting planning, the relationship of ASCH to other circumpolar health organizations, and an ASCH membership brochure. 1988 July 29
4/14 Audio cassette tape: Recording of an ASCH board meeting and a lecture by Dr. Frank Pauls. Topics discussed at the Board of Directors meeting include: a UAA/ACC circumpolar health club and a new cold room at UAA/ACC. Dr. Frank Pauls’ lecture discusses laboratory research, Alaskan medical history, his career, the importance of mission hospitals and public health nurses to Alaskan health, the importance of public health, brucellosis and rabies outbreaks in Alaska, the creation of an Alaskan virology lab and a rabies registry used to locate potentially rabid dogs. 1988 July 29 and undated
4/15 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the annual ASCH meeting at Ryan Middle School in Fairbanks, Alaska as part of the 1988 Alaska Science Conference. Topics discussed include: member introductions, the treasurer’s report (Dr. Helen Beirne), the secretary’s report (Dr. Frank Pauls), the Arctic Medical Research Journal, the election of Dr. Phillip Nice as a new ASCH board member and the need for a run-off election between Dr. Carl Hild and Dr. Brian McMahon to select a second, a report on the Albrecht-Milan Endowment Fund, a report on arctic health research policies, the announcement of the 8th International Congress on Circumpolar Health, Dr. Robert Fortuine’s report as a delegate to the International Union for Circumpolar Health, the IUCH’s secretary report presented on behalf of Dr. Ted Mala by Mary Core, the International Union for Circumpolar Health’s secretary report presented on behalf of Dr. Ted Mala by Mary Core, the International Arctic Science Conference in Leningrad in 1988, Dr. Anne Lanier’s report on a tobacco workshop to be held at the IUCH/World Health Organization 1989 Circumpolar meeting, the selection of Alaska Science Foundation board members, the 1989 and 1990 Arctic Science Conferences, the selection of Jennifer Talbot as chairwoman of the membership committee, and the selection of Dr. Robert Wainwright as a representative to the Alaska Health Science Library’s advisory council. 1988 October 8
4/16 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the last third of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include the need to evaluate procedure for the 1990-1992 election of board officers and promote nominations among the ASCH membership. 1989 March 9
4/17 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the first two-thirds of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the treasurer’s report, the authorization of the treasurer to purchase liquid assets and affirmation of the treasurer’s position to make such decisions in the future, the future for leftover Hepatitis B research funds, the secretary’s report, the establishment of a student ASCH membership fee, a report on the Albrecht-Milan Fund, a report on the ASCH’s 1988 annual meeting, a report on the two run-off elections needed to elect Dr. Brian McMahon as an ASCH board member, Dr. John Middaugh’s report on the Polar Research Board, Dr. Anne Lanier’s report on the Alaska Science Foundation, the 1989 IUCH/WHO Tobacco and Health Circumpolar Conference, the development of a health section for the 1989 and 1990 Arctic Science Conferences, planning for the 8th International Congress for Circumpolar Health in 1990, the decision to offer free ASCH membership to individuals providing complimentary services to the organization, and the need to evaluate procedure for the 1990-1992 election of board officers. 1989 March 9
4/18 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the first half of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: a call for nominations for officer positions, potential new board members, discussion of potential new officers, and Dr. John Middaugh’s report on the status of the International Union of Circumpolar Health. 1989 June 6
4/19 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the second half of an ASCH board meeting and unidentified classical music. Topics discussed include: a movement to provide $1000 to the International Union of Circumpolar Health to cover the registration fee in the International Council of Scientific Unions, the secretary’s report on membership, treasurer’s report, the future of dedicated funds held by ASCH, the use of funds for research, whether or not the ASCH retains the residual funds leftover from a Hepatitis B project, workshop sponsorship, special account policy, the World Health Organization’s AIDS conference, a status report on the 8th International Congress for Circumpolar Health, a status report on the 1989 ASCH annual meeting, and student membership fees. The last few minutes of tape contain the end of a lecture on consumer health awareness. 1989 June 6 and undated
4/20 Audio cassette tape: Recording of the annual ASCH meeting at at the University of Alaska Fairbanks as part of the 1989 Alaska Science Conference. Topics discussed include: secretary Dr. Frank Pauls’ comments on the first part of the meeting, member introductions, the treasurer’s report, the secretary’s report on membership and the new ASCH officers, a status report on the Albrech-Milan Endowment Fund, Peter Reid’s report on the 8th International Congress for Circumpolar Health, Dr. John Middaugh’s report on the International Union for Circumpolar Health, Dr. Francis Williamson’s report on the Alaska Science and Engineering Foundation, Drs. Mim Dixon, Peter Wilkiness, and Jerry Brown’s report on the actions of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission and the Polar Research Board, the Department of Health and Social Services activities with the Canadian and Soviet governments, a message from President-Elect Anne Lanier, the suspended publication of the Alaska Medicine Journal, fundraising for the 10th International Congress for Circumpolar Health, Dr. Thomas Newberry’s announcement of the 1990 Alaska Science Conference, and a call for nominations for the Jack Hildes Medal. 1989 September 15
4/21 Audio cassette tape: Recording of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the treasurer’s report, Dr. John Middaugh’s report of the 7th International Congress for Circumpolar Health, Dr. Anne Lanier’s proposal to host a tobacco-cancer workshop, Dr. Frank Pauls’ report on travel to a conference in Sweden, the nominees for ASCH officer positions, the 1986 annual ASCH meeting, a funding shortfall in publishing the proceedings from the 1984 International Symposium on Circumpolar Health, planning the 1986 ASCH annual meeting, the Arctic Research Commission’s final draft report on research priorities, a call for articles for the Alaska Medicine Journal, a request to audit the ASCH’s books, the proposal to found an endowment fund, and Dr. Ted Mala’s endeavors to create a Soviet exchange program. An earthquake briefly interrupts the meeting. 1986 September 18


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