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Guide to the Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas





University of Alaska Anchorage Records
Guide to the Governance Office. Undergraduate Academic
Board minutes and agendas


Collection number: UAA-0039.
Creating office: UAA. Governance Office. Undergraduate Academic Board.
Series title: UAA. Governance Office. Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas.
Dates: 1976-2008.
Volume of series: 18 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Records in English.
Series summary: Records of the meetings and activities of one of the UAA curriculum boards.


Administrative history:

The Academic Affairs Board (AAB) was created in 1976 as a committee of the Faculty Senate. Prior to that, curriculum was governed by the Southcentral Regional Council. In 1989 the functions of AAB were split between graduate and undergraduate academic matters and the Graduate Affairs Board was formed and AAB continued with the undergraduate portion of the workload. In 1997, with a new Faculty Senate constitution, the name of the committee was changed to the Undergraduate Academic Board (UAB). In 2004, the General Education Requirements Committee was formed as a subset of UAB to provide review for GER courses.


Agency functions:

UAB reviews all undergraduate level courses and programs to be added, changed, or deleted from the catalog and university offerings.


Series description:

This series consists of agendas and meeting summaries. Information includes the dates courses or programs were considered by the Board and when those courses or programs were forwarded to Faculty Senate for approval.


Arrangement: The records are arranged chronologically by date of meeting.


Digitized copies: Digital copies of collection material not available online. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.


Preferred citation: UAA. Governance. Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.


Current records: The Governance Office maintains more recent records. Generally the most recent two years of minutes and agendas can be located on the UAA Governance website.


Related materials:
UAA. Governance Office. Faculty Senate minutes and agendas; 1978-2007, UAA.0040.
UAA. Governance Office. General Education Requirements Committee records; 2005-2008, UAA.0041.
UAA. Governance Office. Graduate Academic Board minutes and agendas; 1989-2008, UAA.0038.


Custodial history: The records were transferred to the Archives in 2009 and 2010.


Processing information: This collection was described by Christine Tullius and Arlene Schmuland in 2009. The description was updated in 2011 by Arlene Schmuland and William Jacobs.


Container list:



Box Description Dates
1 Academic Affairs Board minutes and agendas. 1976-1981
2 Academic Affairs Board minutes and agendas. 1981-1983
3 Academic Affairs Board minutes and agendas. 1983-1985
4 Academic Affairs Board minutes and agendas. 1985-1988
5 Academic Affairs Board minutes and agendas. 1988-1990
6 Academic Affairs Board minutes and agendas. 1990-1991
7 Academic Affairs Board minutes and agendas. 1991-1993
8 Academic Affairs Board minutes and agendas. 1993-1995
9 Academic Affairs Board minutes and agendas. 1996-1997
9 Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas. 1997-1998
10 Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas. 1998-2000
11 Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas. 2001-2003
12 Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas. 2003-2004
13 Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas. 2004-2005
14 Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas. 2005-2006
15 Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas. 2006
16 Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas. 2006-2007
17 Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas. 2007-2008
18 Undergraduate Academic Board minutes and agendas. 2008


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