Northern Climate Observer

This e-newsletter is distributed weekly via listserv by the Center for Climate and Health at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. It's an up-to-date source of information on climate-related health issues in Alaska and other areas of the circumpolar north. Here are links to recent editions. To subscribe to the newsletter click here.
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- No. 487, June 9, 2022—Unusual Bird Behavior on Yukon Delta, Bird Illness in Norton Sound, Avian Flu in Two Wild Birds in Yukon, Unusual Circling Behavior in Brant Goose Near Golovin, H5N1 Avian Influenza in Red Fox in Unalaska, Avian Flu in Norway Wild Birds, River Erosion Near Noatak
- No. 486, May 18, 2022—Winter-Killed Wildlife in Interior Alaska, Last Ice Washes down NWT's Hay River, Landslide Closes Road into Seward, Influenza A Virus Detected in Ontario Foxes, Rare Snail in Norway, Strange Fish in Togiak Bay, Project to Spread Reflective Beads on Arctic Ice
- No. 485, May 5, 2022—Goose Hunting in Times of Avian Influenza, First Case of Avian Flu in Alaska, Whooper Swan Far from Home, Risk of Spring Flooding in NWT, Fires in Siberia, Utqiagvik Lands 10 Whales
- No. 484, April 20, 2022—Deadly Bird Flu, Avian Flu in Saskatchewan, Chistochina River Dark, Sunny March in Finland, Polar Bear Attack in Chukchi, Wet March in Iceland, Wildfire in Scotland, Renewable Energy in Remote Alaska Communities
- No. 483, April 7, 2022—Turr Deaths in Newfoundland and Labrador, Dwindling Jackrabbits in Western Alaska, Heavy Snow for Alaska Bison, Ice Shelf Collapses in Antarctica, Avalanche in Alaska, Compacting Snow to Preserve Permafrost
- No. 482, March 23, 2022—Tulips Bloom Ahead of Schedule, Hot Antarctica and Arctic, Dead Antarctic Petrel, River Overflow on Winter Road to Old Crow, Hooper Bay Sewage Lagoon, Heavy Snowfall in Fairbanks, Record Snow in Japan
- No. 481, March 4, 2022—Norway Lobsters, New England Lobsters, Bering Sea Ice, Iceland's Wild and Windy Winter, British Columbia Salmon
- No. 480, February 18, 2022—Strong Winds in Western Alaska, Blizzards in Nunavut, Extreme Weather across Iceland, Kotzebue Weather Swings Wildly, High Winds in Dillingham, Winter Rainstorm in Interior Alaska, Norway's First Full-Scale Hydrogen Ferry
- No. 479, January 28, 2022—Dying Iceland Seabirds, New Fish Species off Iceland Coast, Melting Caucasian Glaciers, Northern Sea Route, Iced-in Loon Rescue, Atmospheric River in Juneau, Fox Attacks Dogs in Nunavut, Storms in Scotland
- No. 478, December 13, 2021—Tomcod Decline, Good Year for Sea Ice Extent, Alaska Cold Snap, Ice-Locked Russian Arctic Towns, BC Flooding, Storm-Damaged Forest in Norway, Late Snowfalls Hurt Winter Sports, Reindeer Drown in Finmark, Harmful Alga in Oslo Fjord, Prawn Decline, Nome Storms
- No. 477, November 17, 2021—Unusually Warm Fall in NWT, Leaving Barges to Freeze in Kuskokwim River, Huge Temperature Anomalies in Siberia, UK Snow Patch Melts Away, Mighty Glacier Retreating in Norway, North Slope Polar Bears Prompt Concern, Meeting Clean Energy Needs
- No. 476, November 3, 2021—Turkey Vultures in Alaska, Ducat Fish in Norway, Climate Change Worries Finland's Young Reindeer Herders, Northern Permafrost Cliff, Vanishing Vancouver Island Glaciers, Melting Glacier Could Mean Expansion of Alaska Hydroelectric Project
- No. 475, October 20, 2021—Failing Breakwater in Newfoundland, Erosion at Cape Blossom, Nunavut Breaks Temperature Records, Beluga Whale in Puget Sound, Clash of Orca Species, Low Oxygen Levels along Pacific Northwest Coast, Eklutna River Reborn
- No. 474, October 7, 2021—Rare Pink Salmon Near Iqaluit, Humpback Salmon Invade River Teno, Large Jellyfish in Sea of Japan, Plummeting Crab Populations in a Warming Bering Sea, Sea-Life Die-Off on Norton Bay, Repairing "Igloo Church" Damage from Permafrost Thaw
- No. 473, September 23, 2021—Right Whales in Alaska, Extinction of the Steller's Sea Cow, Orcas Thrive on BC Coast, Glacial Outburst Flood in Iceland, Yukon River Sees Lowest Coho Run Ever, Electric Car Charger in Northern Quebec
- No. 472, September 10, 2021—Bristol Bay Sockeye Record, Dismal Yukon River Salmon Returns, Death of a Norway Strawberry Field, Dead Reindeer along Russia's Khatanga River, Snow Goose Die-off, Water Warning in Scotland, Record Warmth in Inuvik, Russia Plastic Ban
- No. 471, August 24, 2021—Lightning in Iqaluit, Rain at Greenland Ice Summit, Humpback Salmon in River Teno, Vancouver Island Drought, Aggressive Coyotes in Stanley Park, Thriving Wood Bison, LED Lights for Fisheries Bycatch Problem, Backyard Micro-Hydropower Project
- No. 470, August 19, 2021—Kotzebue's Wettest Month on Record, Noatak Bank Erosion, Rare Polar Bear Sighting in Kotzebue, Polar Bears Move Close to Yamal Peninsula Reindeer Settlements, Puffins Bounce Back, Parachuting Packages in Rural Alaska
- No. 469, August 10, 2021—IPCC Report, BC Village Smashes Temperature Records, Yukon River Salmon Declines, Mosquito-Borne Viruses in NWT, Dead Seabirds, Siberian Wildfires, Iceland's Warmest July, Phytoplankton Blooms in Arctic
- No. 468, July 20, 2021—Lytton First Nation Responds to Climate Events, BC Wildfires, Permafrost Ablaze in Yakutia, German Towns Evacuated from Floods, Dike Threatened in Belgium, Air Quality Warning in Nunavik, Blue Mussel Die-off, Finland Crops in Peril
- No. 467, July 13, 2021—Browntail-Moth Caterpillars in Maine, BC Fruit Crops Cook, Rain Events in Southern Yukon, Black Flies Take Over Norwegian Hiking Trails, Rare Sei Whales Spotted, Hybrid-Electric Aircraft
- No. 466, June 3, 2021—Gambell Fights Distemper Outbreack, Narrow-Bordered Bee Hawk-Moth Spotted Near Arctic Circle, Red Bloom in Kachemak Bay, Flood Waters Rise in NWT, Agricultural Revolution in Rural Alaska
- No. 465, May 25, 2021—Flooding in Buckland, Ice-Breaking on Little Anyyu River, Hunt Opens for Stranded Muskox, Late Ski Season in Lapland, Mass Bird Shooting in Chukotka, Wildfire Alert in Iceland
- No. 464, May 11, 2021—Mackenzie River Flooding, Old Crow Solar Farm, Landslides in Arctic Quebec, Kamchatka Reindeer Deaths, Iceland Brush Fires, European Green Crab in Alaska?
- No. 463, May 5, 2021—Dust Devil at Ringerike, Nogai Steppe Transitions from Pasture to Desert, High Water in Northwest Territories, Cliff Collapse on Gwynedd Coast
- No. 462, April 29, 2021—Wildfires in Western Siberia, Climate Change Adaptations in Labrador, Bird Flu Fears in Norway, New Rabies Strain in Maine, Windstorms on Seward Peninsula, Increased Shipping in Canada's Northwest Passage, Siberian Permafrost Thaw
- No. 461, April 15, 2021—Mushers Rescued from Kobuk 440, Record Snowfall in Juneau, Cold April in Scotland, Ice Shards on Finnish Lakeshore, "Ice Tsunami" in Norway, Speeding Glacier, Early Cherry Blossoms in Japan, Record Temps in Arctic Russia
- No. 460, April 8, 2021—A Lynx and a Toddler in Anchorage, Clever Costco Ravens, Mysterious Disease Killing California Bears, Rabies Epidemic in Nome, Polar Bear in Yakutia, Fairbanks Snowstorm, Early Budding Willows, Babushka of Baikal
- No. 459, March 30, 2021—Ice Wall on Finnish Lake, Record-Low Sea Ice Cover in Gulf of St. Lawrence, Heavy Snowfall Shortens Kuskokwim Ice Road, Wolves in Southern Sweden, Arctic Walrus in UK, Bird Flu in Norway, Landslides in Denali Park
- No. 458, March 23, 2021—Ash Plume from Alaska Volcano, New Cone on Kamchatka Volcano, Volcanic Eruption in Iceland, Walrus Ends Up in Ireland, NWT Prepares for Spring Floods, Rare Bird Sighting in Norway, Fungal Patches on Cisco Fish
- No. 457, March 11, 2021—Warm, Wet February in Unalaska, Iceland's Warming Seas, Seabird Die-offs in Western Alaska, Gold Jackal in Norway, Yukon Avalanches, Norway Landslides, Record Snowfall in Russia
- No. 456, February 24, 2021—Bowheads on Rebound, BC Farmer Grabs Lynx by Scruff of Neck, Surprise Bite in Alaska Outhouse, Iceland Mudslides, Fish Die-off in Norway, Dead Seals on Ireland Coast
- No. 455, February 17, 2021—Western Isles Wildfires, Record Low Temps in UK, Scotland Snow Drifts, Sweden Groundwater Levels Recover, Late Freeze on Chistochina River, Flooding in Iceland, Stray Russian Blue Dogs, Lynx in Downtown Yellowknife
- No. 454, February 10, 2021—Atypical Lynx Behavior in Yukon, Peat Fires in Yakutia, Skating on Lake Baikal, Saving a Chevy Camaro from Norway Flood, Winter Storm in Cape Breton, Glencoe Mountain Slopes Remain Closed, Skjoma River Salmon Freeze
- No. 453, February 2, 2021—Ice-Damaged Tanker on Northern Sea Route, Sea Star Wasting Disease, Salmon Spawning in Upper Columbia River, Snowy Owl in Central Park, Disease Killing Songbirds in Northern U.S., Reindeer Bridges in Sweden
- No. 452, January 27, 2021—Sinkhole under Chefornak, Ice Pancakes in the Highlands, Warm Winter Makes Hunting Difficult, Women Save Dog from Lynx Attack, Storm Christoph Brings Heavy Rain to Wales, Iceland Avalanches, Rare Melanistic Seal Pups
- No. 451, January 19, 2021—Under-Ice Swim, Skaters Perform on Kazakhstan's Lakes, Record Warmth in Iqaluit, Winter Passage in Bering Strait, Thin Ice in Finland, Early Winter Storms, Snow in Istanbul, Snowstorm Paralyzes Madrid, Salmon Lost in Seal Attack
- No. 450, January 13, 2021—Rare Bird in Yukon, Massive Mountain Rockslide in Southeast Alaska, Orca Pod Returns to Broughton Archipelago, Changes in Western Arctic Caribou Herd, Russia Avalanche
- No. 449, January 6, 2021—Landslides in Southeast Alaska, Norway Landslide, Iceland Mudslide, Norway's Hottest Year, Strange Electric Rays, Duck Die-off, Stranded Whale Pod
- No. 448, December 16, 2020—Mirror Ice in Lapland, Sounds of Skating on Thin Ice, Record Transit on Northern Sea Route, Thawed Tundra Soil, Climate Change and Landslides, Seal Die-off on Caspian Sea
- No. 447, December 9, 2020—COVID-19 Outbreak at Fraser Valley Mink Farm, Muddy Mess across Southeast Alaska, Haines Landslides, Scotland Thundersnow, Vermilion Flycatcher in Labrador, Moscow Sees Warmest Fall, Frozen Methane Bubbles
- No. 446, November 30, 2020—Shocking Arctic Temperatures, Storm Buffets Western Alaska, Finnmark Reindeer on Thin Ice, Climbers Break Ice from Vladivostok Bridge, Fewer Studded Tires in Iceland, Thawing Norway Permafrost, High Water in NWT
- No. 445, November 23, 2020—Finnmark's Warmest November, Ice Rain in Vladivostok, No Kuskokwim Ice Road, Open Water in NWT, Southeast Alaska Salmon Harvest, Hokkaido Bears, England's Grey Seals, Emaciated Fin Whales
- No. 444, November 18, 2020—Fall Storm in Norton Sound, Russian Arctic Sea Fails to Freeze, Record November Warmth in Svalbard, Fish and Squid in Icy Depths of Arctic Ocean, Covid in Scotland, Bear Activity Persists Despite Early Snow
- No. 443, November 10, 2020—Rising Seas on Outer Hebrides, Whale Dies in River Clyde, Bear Cannibalism in Kamchatka, Highways Reopen after Record Yukon Snow, Saskatoon Blizzard, Landslides in Southeast Alaska, Heat Records in Norway and Finland
- No. 442, October 29, 2020—Foreign Trash on Beaches, Polar Bears Besiege Rubbish Truck in Russian Arctic, Polar Bears' Plastic Diets, Police Kill Brown Bear, Massive Glacial Dam Release, Heavy Rains Block Roads in Southeast Alaska
- No. 441, October 21, 2020—Fish and Invertebrate Die-offs in Sea of Okhotsk, Beluga Family Rescued, Beached Bowheads in Nunavut, Foreign Trash on Regional Shores, "Alaskapox" Possibly from Small Animals, Few Berries or Fireweed, Iceland's Sea Eagles
- No. 440, October 15, 2020—Scottish Dolphin off Denmark, Yukon River Chum, Covid-19 in Arctic Alaska, Kamchatka Algae Bloom, Hemlock Looper Moth in BC
- No. 439, October 9, 2020—Kamchatka Peninsula Die-Offs, 2011 Debris Washing Ashore in Okinawa, Rare Fish Found on Vancouver Island, Svalbard Glacier Meltdown, Norway Plum Season, Badger on Finnmark Plateau, Late Wild Rose Blooms
- No. 438, September 29, 2020—Rising Water Temp for Arctic Char, Warm Air in Finland, Portland Rats, Smog in Arctic Russia, Whitehorse Fish Donation, Siberian Thermocirque, Polar Bear near Chukotka School, Bear Encounters in Anchorage Park
- No. 437, September 22, 2020—Fraser River Sockeye, Chilkat Salmon Runs, Emaciated Grizzly, Juneau Garbage Bears, Haines' Bear Problem, Chum Shortage Bad for Mushers, Alberta Caribou, Smaller Alaska Salmon
- No. 436, September 14, 2020—Unalaska Winds, Great Slave Lake Storms, Russia Typhoon, Sanikiluaq Wreckage, Pink Salmon Thrive, Few Yukon River Chum, Drying Coho Eggs, Arctic Wildfire Emissions, Iceland Hay, Prince Rupert Rain, Nunavut Caribou
- No. 435, September 2, 2020—Record-Warm Arctic Summer, Polar Bear Brings Cubs into Town, Polar Bear Kills Man in Svalbard, Record Heat in Svalbard, Surprise Flood Kills Iceland Salmon, Multi-Headed Fireweed, Juneau Fireweed, Dead Whales
- No. 434, August 17, 2020—Sea Mammals Rescued, Aleutian Sea Lions, Columbia River Salmon, Kuskokwim Chum, Yukon Chinook, Rivers Closed, Salmon Gone from Amur River, Great White Sharks in Nova Scotia, White Bear, White Orca, Cemetery Flooding, Poem
- No. 433, July 28, 2020—7.8 Earthquake Shakes King Cove, Hottest Day in Svalbard, Landslides in Northern Norway, Puffin Saved, Oily Substance Near Savoonga, Record Rainfall in Yellowknife and Iqaluit, Yukon Mosquitoes, Wildfire Smoke Choking Siberian Cities
- No. 432, July 13, 2020—Manet Invasion in Oslo Fjord, Giant Jellyfish in Wales, Eroding Shoreline in Tuktoyaktuk, Electrified Storm, Siberia Wildfires, Wild Boars in Moscow Parks, Miners Threaten Sámi Reindeer Herder's Homeland, Bad Plum Season in Norway
- No. 431, July 7, 2020—Pelicans in Nunavut, Siberian Wildfires, Anchorage Smoke from Siberian Wildfires, Malaria Mosquito Species in Finland, Windstorms in North Karelia, Plate-Sized Jellyfish on Northeast U.S. Beaches, Bubonic Plague Suspicion in Mongolia
- No. 430, June 29, 2020—Finnish Heat, Working in PPE During Swedish Heatwave, 100 F in Russian Arctic, Whale and Bearded Seal in Laval, Beluga off San Diego, Shishmaref Waves, Quebec Moths, Radioactivity in Air, Washed-up Sea Lion, Rescued Seal Pups
- No. 429, June 19, 2020—Spruce Pollen in Norton Sound, Orange Gunk Identified, Northern Anchovy Blooms, Heavy Rain in N.W.T., Mass Reindeer Vaccination, Nesting Trumpeter Swans in Potter Marsh, COVID Outbreak in Northern Sweden, Forest Fires in Sweden
- No. 428, June 12, 2020—Toxic Fuel Bypasses Booms to Reach Pristine Lake, Russia Wildfires Cover Greece-Sized Area, Strong Winds in Finland, Wild Salmon in Irish Rivers Display Red Skin Disease, B.C. Black Bears on the Move, Otters in Southern Alberta City
- No. 427, June 4, 2020—Record Birch Pollen in Fairbanks, Pollen Tinting Water in Norton Sound, Icelandic Bees Recovering, Rare Bird Visits Sweden, Giant Jellyfish Washes Up in Maine, Seal Pup Swims Home to Greenland, 'Zombie Fires' in Siberia and Alaska
- No. 426, May 26, 2020—Bottlenose Dolphins off Finnish Coast, Wild Animals Roam Russian Cities, Coyote in Urban Edmonton, Yukon Conservation Officers Warn against Feeding Foxes, Daytime Raccoon and Red Fox Activity, Wolves in Gavleborg
- No. 425, February 26, 2020—Bering Sea Ice Extent and Thickness Near Normal, Plowing the Longest Ice Road Ever, Spring Has Sprung in Stockholm, Rivers Overflow in Southwest Sweden, the Day the World's Most Polluted City Was in Siberia
- No. 424, February 19, 2020—Troubling Spring Melt, Kuskokwim River Too Rough for Travel, Dead Sea Stars, Extreme Weather in Norway, Extreme Weather in Iceland, Difficult Grazing for Reindeer, UK Storms, Bare Ski Race Course, Winter Cherry Blossoms
- No. 425, February 5, 2020—Raspberries Sprout in Norway Winter, Precipitation Records on Vega Island, Receding Sea Ice off Northern Japan, Rain Closes B.C. Ski Mountains, 600 Fishermen Taken Off Floating Ice in Sea of Okhotsk, Bears on Kodiak Street
- No. 424, January 30, 2020—Finland Flowers, Norway Temp Records, Norway Beekeepers Worried, Mountain Icing and Desperate Reindeer, Cold Snap Eases Briefly in Anchorage, Record Snowfall in Haines, Frozen Pipes in Selawik, Exposed Nuttall Cockles
- No. 423, January 9, 2020—Anchorage Breaks Snow Record, Warm Winter in Russia, Cold Snap May Save Northwest Alaska, Norway Heat Record, Mudslides in Western Washington, Storm Wallops B.C. South Coast, Unusually Warm in Northern Norway
- No. 422, December 23, 2019—Ice is Nice for Skating in Anchorage, Not Too Icy for Junior Nordic, Ice Balls Spotted on Island in Finland, Building Disappears under Snow, Salmon Frenzy in Western Arctic, Grizzly Bears Move North in High Arctic
- No. 421, December 12, 2019—Warm Weather Keeps Eagle Crest Closed, Open Holes Near Bethel, Kuskokwim 300 Delayed Again, Car Strikes Fallen Boulder, Storm Brings Flooding in Newtok, Power Outage in Iceland, Ice atop Snow Leaves Reindeer Starving
- No. 420, December 5, 2019—Late Haines Harvest, Russian Birch Trees Moving Up Mountains, Icy Conditions in Reykjavik, December Heat Record in Iceland, Virus at Iceland Fish Farm, Winter Storm Batters Alaska Coast, Alders Budding out of Season
- No. 419, November 27, 2019—Metlakatla Drought, Open Water Replaces Sea Ice, Utqiagvik Celebrates November Whale, Failing Permafrost Cellars, Bering Sea Fisheries in Flux, Die-offs at B.C. Fish Farms, Uncharged Electric Buses, Kazakhstan Snowstorm
- No. 418, November 16, 2019—Meshik Village Erosion, Seal-Killing Virus, Drought Ends in Southeast Alaska, White Stork and Flamingo Fly to Siberia in Winter, Toxin Levels Drop in Baltic Herring, Whitehorse Man Warns Others after Falling through Ice
- No. 417, November 9, 2019—Utqiagvik Whalers Hope for Late Bowhead, Ground Sinks at Historic Burial Site, Beached 'Ice Eggs' on Finnish Island, Cliff Collapses into Ocean, How Brown Bears Turn White, Deadly Virus in Marine Mammals as Arctic Ice Melts
- No. 416, October 31, 2019—Village Begins Relocation, AFN Declares Climate Emergency, Harvested Salmon after Warm Season, Whales Disappearing from Warming Gulf of Maine, Sea Urchins Decimate Pacific Kelp, Iceland Earthquakes, Yellowknife Grizzly
- No. 415, October 17, 2019—Threatened Alberta Bull Trout, Hybrid Salmon on Vancouver Island, Invasive Salmon in Scottish Rivers, Scombroid Poisoning from Fish, Methane Seep in Arctic Ocean, Yellowknife Porcupines, Newtok Moves Families to Mertarvik
- No. 414, October 9, 2019—Alaska Ticks, Finland Ticks, Bobcats in Calgary, Taymyr Reindeer at Brink of Extinction, Month's Worth of Snow Hits Southern Yukon, Dengue Outbreack in Nepal, Flooding and Mudslides in Juneau, Moths in North Vancouver
- No. 413, October 3, 2019—Cause of Massive Salmon Die-off, Invasive Salmon in Scottish Rivers, Slender Armorhead in Purse Seine, Declining Precipitation in Alberni Valley, Asian Giant Hornets on Vancouver Island, Iqaluit Water Reservoir, Homer's First EV Station
- No. 412, September 24, 2019—Ice Seal Deaths, Shearwater Bird Die-off, Whitehorse Fish Ladder Sees 40-Year Low, Spider 'Ballooning' Event, Svalbard Reindeer Tangled in Plastic Waste, Napakiak Fuel Tanks Moved, Brown Bear Swims 3-km Avacha Bay
- No. 411, September 17, 2019—Bering Sea Ice Melt, Nunavut Man Nets Shark, Dead Salmon Shark Near Port Heiden, Seabird Die-offs, Finland's Lakes and Wells Running Low, State of Emergency in Yakutsk, Winter Arrives Early in Värmland, Brown Pelican in B.C.
- No. 410, September 12, 2019—Lapland Heat, Utqiagvik Passes 60 Days above Freezing, More Baby Puffins, Poor Langoustine Season, Marine Heat Wave, High Water in Selawik, Pacific Pomfret in Southeast Alaska, Sturgeon in Yukon River, Yukon Wildfire
- No. 409, August 27, 2019—Water Shortage in Chignik Lagoon, Water Emergency in Nanwalek, Tick-Borne Infections in Sweden, Bats in N.W.T., Less Blue-Green Algae in Finnish Lakes, Helsinki Flooding, Land Rising from Melting Glaciers, Brown Bear Pack in Magadan
- No. 408, August 22, 2019—Siberia Wildfires, Parks Highway Wildfire, Haines Works to Keep Water Flowing, Jakolof Creek Fish Die-off, Hot and Low Water in Susitna Valley, Pink Salmon Smash Record, Slow Chinook Run, Mixed Fortunes for Berry Pickers
- No. 407, August 15, 2019—Chum Salmon Die-off, Dead Seabirds, Newfoundland Turrs—Canaries in Climate Crisis, Drought in Southeast Alaska, Flooding in Kotzebue, Lightning Strikes in the Arctic, Sun Disappears in Siberia Blackout
- No. 406, August 8, 2019—Walrus Early As Ice Recedes, Greenland Ice Sheet Turns to Slush, Boaters Die Near Calving Glacier, Erosion in Shaktoolik, Nome Breaks Climate Record, Finland Fish Kill, Whale Stranding, Shearwater Die-off, Unspawned Chum
- No. 405, July 31, 2019—Elk Seek Water in Finland Heatwave, Reindeer Hit the Beach, 200 Reindeer Die on Arctic Island, Blue-Green Algae Blooming in Finland Heat, What's Killing Russia's Honey Bees?, Siberia Tundra Fires Destroying Permafrost
- No. 404, July 24, 2019—Palmer Vegetables Mature Early, Hunting Season for New Species in Alaska, Ticks in Alaska, Alaska Salmon Stream Hits High Temp, Dead Chum Salmon in Yukon River, Fifty Whales Dead on Iceland Beach, Yukon Wildfire, Siberia Wildfires
- No. 403, July 15, 2019—Spruce Bark Beetles, Wildfire Smoke in Alaska's Cities, Heat Wave in Y-K Delta, Parasites in Kuskokwim Salmon, Wildfires near Dawson City, Dead Pink Salmon in Norton Sound, Ice Seal Deaths, Nunavut Warmer Than Victoria
- No. 402, July 9, 2019—Anchorage Hits 90 Degrees, Fairbanks Smoke Advisory, Anchorage Officials Respond to 25 Fires in a Day, Fire Ban in Yukon, Flood Apocalypse in Eastern Siberia, Sand Lance Die-off, Dead Pink Salmon, Shellfish Harvest Risky, California Mussels
- No. 401, July 3, 2019—Dead Ice Seals, Dead Krill and Sea Birds and Stranded Ice Seals, Stranded Walrus, Late Arrival of Humpback Whales, Where Are Killer Whales of Salish Sea?, Whale Deaths in Canada
- No. 400, June 26, 2019—Ice Seal Deaths, Girl Bitten by Sea Lion at California Beach, Blue Mussel Die-off, Gray Whale Carcasses, Orcas Late for Annual Summer Visit, Whale Deaths in Gulf of St. Lawrence, Puffins, Invasive Elodea, Insects Feast on Willows
- No. 399, June 19, 2019—Alberta Wildfires, Siberia Wildfires, Kenai Peninsula Wildfire, Dead Ice Seals, Little Ice for Bearded Seal Hunting, Starving Polar Bear Wanders into Siberian City, Melting Arctic Sea Ice Forces Sled Dogs to Slosh through Water
- No. 398, June 11, 2019—Record Temps in Kotzebue, Iceland's Second Warmest Spring, Finland Thunderstorms, Anchorage Thunderstorms, Alberta Wildfires, Low Tide and No Sea Stars, Gray Whale Deaths, Tularemia in Alaska Hares, Denali Landslide
- No. 397, May 29, 2019—Spruce Pollen, Snowing in Stockholm?, Eroding Cliff at Point Woronzof, Stranded Gray Whales, Alaska's Third Dead Gray Whale of Year, Scientists Examine Gray Whale Blubber, Beached Whale at Reykjavik, Rare Anchorage Thunderstorm
- No. 396, May 22, 2019—Stranded Seal Pups and Walrus Calves, Shiner Surfperch in Southcentral Alaska, Surge in Dead Gray Whales, Salal Bushes Dry and Dying in B.C., Northern Alberta Wildfire, Rare Bird Spotted in Finland for First Time
- No. 395, May 15, 2019—Siberia Wildfires, Extreme Heat and Drought in B.C., Western Red Cedars Die Off, Record Temps in Goldstream, Second Whale Found Dead in Turnagain Arm, Sea Star Die-off in Juneau, Bad Spring for Bumblebees
- No. 394, May 6, 2019—Stranded Hunters, Iceland Glacier Will Be Gone by 2050, Scientists Lose Equipment to Thawing Permafrost, Wind Carries European Birch Pollen to Iceland, Bubonic Plague in Mongolia, Reindeer Resort to Seaweed, Booming Red Fox
- No. 393, April 30, 2019—Transbaikal Wildfires, Alaska Fire Season Kicks Off, Finland Air Quality at Seasonal Low, Melting Snow May Have Caused California Earthquakes, Cook Inlet Erosion, Dalmatian Pelicans Take Wrong Turn
- No. 392, April 22, 2019—Dangerous Thaw in Utqiagvik, Melting Ice Disrupts Y-K Delta, Russia Beekeeping at Risk, Yukon's Swan Haven, Snake Bites on Rise in Sweden, Umka the Polar Bear, Early Bees and Butterflies, Rescuers Save Dog, Transbaikal Wildfires
- No. 391, April 15, 2019—Nenana Ice Classic Tripod Falls Earlier Than Ever, Pace of Bering Sea Changes Startles Scientists, Spruce Bark Beetle Damage, Early Robin in Fairbanks, Willow Ptarmigan Courting, Puffin Changes, Old Crow Declares Emergency
- No. 390, April 9, 2019—Unsafe Conditions for Hunters in Iqaluit, Grass Fires and Flood Warning in Finland, Anchorage Dusty Season Arrives Early, Polar Bears Ingesting Plastic, Warmest March, Snow Going Fast, Thawing Permafrost Triggers Landslides
- No. 389, April 2, 2019—Arctic Influences Weather around Globe, Four-Wheelers Fall through Ice, Plovers Arrive in Iceland, Puffins Arrive in Iceland, Changing World of Mongolia's Boreal Forests, Siberian Island Vanishes, Heavy Pollen Season in Finland
- No. 388, March 27, 2019—Spring Heat Wave in Canada's Central Arctic, Mud on Mackenzie Valley Winter Road, Shrinking Seasonal Ice in Bering Sea, Historic Avalanche Season in Colorado, Wild Dogs Take Down Muskox, Spring Storms at King Cove
- No. 387, March 19, 2019—Wales Loses Shorefast Ice, Warming Arctic Hits Iditarod, Changes in Finland, Mining Trucks Trapped in Ice, Winter Road Remains Closed in N.W.T., Uptick in Cesium-137 Heralds Arrival of Fukushima Plume in Northern Bering Sea
- No. 386, March 5, 2019—Bering Sea Ice at Unprecedented Low, Storms Cripple Nome, Winter Storms Flood Houses, Birds Arrive Early, Trumpeter Swans Early to Breeding Grounds, Fewer Arctic Terns, Oxygen Decline in Gulf of St. Lawrence, Female King Crabs
- No. 385, February 26, 2019—Arctic Char Population Rapidly Declining, Capelin Stocks In Poor Shape, Northern Finland Temperatures Soar 40 Degrees in a Day, Ash Turns Siberia Snow Black, Brown Bear Walking with Cubs in Mid-Winter, Early Bear Reports
- No. 384, February 20, 2019—'Chalky' Halibut, Polar Bears Terrorize Island Town in Russia, Yukon Ice Cave Changing, Gustavus Wolves Eye New Quarry, Unusual February Flooding, Leads in Ice After Warm Storm
- No. 383, February 5, 2019—Cold Damages Ontario Grape Buds, Record Cold in Sweden, Extended Cold Snap in Iceland, Snow Stalls Finland Trains, No Dawson City Ice Bridge, Unusual Yukon Ice, Brown Bear Awake in January, Black Bear in Middle of Winter
- No. 382, January 28, 2019—Killer Whales Move into Arctic, Sea Lions Helped by Kamchatka Residents, Seal Lion Bites Sand Point Fisherman, Straying Polar Bear, Wolves in Norman Wells, Wolverine Sightings Up in N.W.T., Extinct B.C. Mountain Caribou
- No. 381, January 14, 2019—Prudhoe Bay Wells Leak Oil and Gas, Seals Swarm Streets of Newfoundland Town, Erosion Endangers Lake Erie Homes, Wildfires Near Fort Liard, Winter Blue-Green Algae in Gulf of Finland, Hopes Sinking for Dawson City Ice Bridge
- No. 380, December 26, 2018—Hurricane-Force Winds off Vancouver Island, Late Freeze-up in Lower Kuskokwim, Relocating Bears Won't Fix Growing Conflicts with Humans, Distemper Likely Cause of Gulf of Maine Seal Die-off, Open Water Disrupts Winter Travel
- No. 379, December 12, 2018—Record-Breaking November Weather, Dawson City Ice Bridge Uncertain, Smelt Mortality, Changing Winter Conditions in Western Alaska, Shellfish Washed Up by Storm, 'Flash-Frozen' Turtles Wash Ashore in New England
- No. 378, November 20, 2018—Healthy Polar Bears, Spruce Beetle Outbreak in Southcentral Alaska, Drug-Resistant Sea Lice on B.C. Coast, Northwest Territories Angler Harvest, 'Son of the Blob', Sea Lions Take Over Docks, Winter Is Different
- No. 377, November 12, 2018—Fairbanks Snowpack Thin, Herring Infection Worsens, Finnish Lake Overrun by Waterweed, Cattle Egrets and an Exceptional Heron, Brown Booby North of Usual Range, Polar Bears Besiege Chukotka Village
- No. 376, November 6, 2018—Sperm Whales Near Pond Inlet, Hydroelectric Power in Ketchikan, Unusual Squid, Spotted Seals Endangered in Iceland, Anthrax Kills B.C. Bison, Swedish Slaughterhouses, Arctic Fox Endangered, Icelandic Lobsters in Trouble
- No. 375, October 24, 2018—Melting Glacier in China, Mudslide on Haines Highway, Alaska's Warm Fall, Finland Temperature Records, Saimaa Seal Population Climbs, Baby Moose Killed by Winter Ticks, Accelerating Erosion at Kincaid Beach
- No. 374, October 15, 2018—Late-Blooming Iris and Lowbush Cranberry, Whaling Deaths, Iceland Grain Harvest, LEO Network at Sámi Youth Ecological Forum, Relocated Beavers Restore Mongolia River, Wales Storms, Feeding Iceland's Birds
- No. 373, October 9, 2018—Drought in a Rain Forest, Powerful Winds Rock Baffin Island, Migratory Birds Extend Stay in Finland, Vancouver Temperatures Hit All-Time Low, Minke Whale Die-offs in Massachusetts, Beluga Whale in Britain's River Thames
- No. 372, October 2, 2018—Warmth Made for Tough Hunting, Walleye Pollock in Salmon Nets, Beetle Damage in Southcentral Alaska, Rise in Reindeer Deaths, Market Squid Move North, Endangered Whale Sighting in Canada
- No. 371, September 27, 2018—Warmer Arctic Waters Attract Surprising Visitors, Record Warmth in Finland, Bubbling Arctic Lakes, Bear Trouble in Alaska Cities, Nunavut Hunter Calls for Changes to Polar Bear Rules, Switzerland is Rapidly Losing Its Snow
- No. 370, September 18, 2018—Spruce Rust, Whale Deaths in Scotland and Ireland, Seward Highway Landslide, Chronic Wasting Disease on Quebec Farm, Prickly Rose in Bloom Out of Season, Russian Salmon Fishermen Dumping Excess Catch
- No. 369, September 13, 2018—Drought-Stricken Swiss Mountains, Ticks Arriving in Yukon, Unusual Weather in Southcentral Alaska, Historic Fuel Delivery by Barge to Alaska's North Slope, Grizzly Bears in Aklavik, Maine Power Outages, Arctic-based Emergencies
- No. 368, September 4, 2018—Pilot Whales in Iceland Fjords, Algae Blooms in Drinking Water, Sweden Cereal Harvest, Bank Erosion from Permafrost Thaw, Right Whale Death off Massachusetts, Nunavut Hunter Killed by Polar Bear and Cub
- No. 367, August 29, 2018—Kodiak Crawdads, Sea Lion in Utqiagvik, Whales Stranded in Iceland, Walrus Sighting in East Iceland, Arid Summer Guts Sweden's Cereal Harvest, American Wildfire Smoke Spreads across Finland, Whitehorse Bears, Maine Heat
- No. 366, August 21, 2018—Northern and Southern Bering Sea Barrier, Dead Harbor Seals in Maine, Bottlenose Whales in Iceland, Great Egret Nests in Finland, Dead Sea Mammals and Birds, Iqaluit Water Supply, B.C. Wildfires, Seabird Die-off, Arctic Wildfires
- No. 365, August 7, 2018—Juneau Algae Bloom, Slow Red Salmon Run, Dead Fish and Discoloured Water, Algea in New Brunswick, Arctic Heat and Reindeer, Arctic Wildfires in Sweden, Heat Shrinks Mountain, Finland Mosquitoes, Sun Blanked Out in Arctic Siberia
- No. 364, July 24, 2018—Scandinavia Heat Wave, Inland Polar Bears, Record Flooding in Mendenhall Valley, Sea Otter Foraging in Re-occupied Soft Bottom Habitats, Deer Ticks in Calgary, Quebec Heat Wave, Cougar on Kenai River, Newfoundland Salmon Numbers
- No. 363, July 17, 2018—Alaska Sockeye Salmon Runs, Arctic Salmon, Great White Sharks in Bering Sea, Greenland Glacier, Siberia Flood, Algea Overruns Gulf of Finland, Siberia Wildfire Smoke Crosses Alaska and Canada and Reaches New England
- No. 362, July 9, 2018—Iceland Landslide, Chignik Sockeye Run, Spruce Beetles Seek New Host, Salish Sea Seal Population, Lake Erie Mayflies and Algae, Blackline Prickleback on Bering Sea, Minke Whale Deaths, Late-Season Polar Bears, Long-Billed Syndrome
- No. 361, July 2, 2018—Sea Otter Foraging in Re-occupied Soft Bottom Habitats, Unusual Mortality Events for Large Whales and Ice Seals, Flooded Basements in Northwest Territories, Rare Harry Potter Owl, Warmer Waters Cut Alaska's Prized Salmon Harvest
- No. 360, June 26, 2018—Public Asked to Report Dead Birds, Mass Death of Herring on Sakhalin Island, Bald Eagle Targeting Forage Fish in Open Water, Small Red Salmon, Epic Storm Lashes Barnaul, Summer Snow in Newfoundland
- No. 359, June 18, 2018—No Sea Stars on Bishop's Beach, Morris Cove Creek and Ocean Disconnection, Copper River Salmon Run Prompts Shutdown, Arctic River Turns Red, Dry Pastures in Sweden
- No. 358, June 13, 2018—20-40 cm of snow in B.C., Late Spring Snow Dump in Alaska, Dead Hare Infested with Ticks, Spruce Bark Beetles in Southcentral Alaska, Killer Whale in Victoria's Inner Harbour, Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway Closures, Iceland Pollen
- No. 357, May 22, 2018—Finland Enjoys Warmest Mother's Day, Wildfire Fears in Sweden, Birch Pollen in Finland, Ice-Choked Lena River Spills Its Banks, Polar Bears in East Greenland, Wildfires around Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Eastern Washington Flooding
- No. 356, May 15, 2018—Steady Growth of Bowhead Whales, Fishing Boat Lifted by Whale, Finnish Coast Guard Rescues Humpback Whale, Lapland Braces for Flooding, Wet Roads in Northwest Territories, Ross's Gull South of Normal Range, Increased Turbulence
- No. 355, May 7, 2018—Change on the Mongolian Steppe, Port Heiden Adapts to Climate Change, Steep and Unprecedented Dive in Alaska Sea Ice, North Slope Whalers Bring In Spring Bounty, Saiga Antelopes Struck by Plague in Central Asia, Dead Bald Eagle
- No. 354, May 1, 2018—Nature Follows Its Own Calendar, Disruptions in Western Alaska, North Pole Camp Folds after 12 Days, Sale of Puffin Meat, Climate Change in Lower Yukon, Overwintering of Canada Goose, Finland Roads Still Closed, Flooding in B.C. Interior
- No. 353, April 24, 2018—Walrus Haul-out on Port Heiden Beach, What's Bubbling?, Spruce Bark Beetles Back, Vanishing Caribou in U.S. a Warning for Canada, Overland Flooding Shuts Down Southern Alberta Highway, Rare Tropical Bird in New Brunswick
- No. 352, April 20, 2018—Finland Ski Centres Eye Uncertain Future, Invasive Species in the North, Third Ringed Seal Found in Unalaska, Arctic Ground Squirrel Adapting to Warming Temperatures
- No. 351, April 9, 2018—Warm Winter Destroys Roads across Alaska, Destruction Bay Dock Rendered Useless by Declining Water Levels, No Slush Cup This Year, 1 Degree of Warming Changes Arctic Lake's Ecosystem, Water Pooling and Flooding Ice Cellars
- No. 350, March 26, 2018—Mass Vaccination against Anthrax on Yamal Tundra, Vessel Saves Stranded Boy, Vancouver Island Cholera Outbreak, Increasing Frequency of Blizzards in U.S. Northeast
- No. 349, March 19, 2018—Newfoundland and Labrador Polar Bears Head North Early, Avalanche Danger in Iceland, Longest Kuskokwim Ice Road Ever, European Starlings in Anchorage
- No. 348, March 12, 2018—Ice Seals in Ice-Free Unalaska, Storm-Related Erosion, 32 Degrees on the Iditarod Trail, Finland Elk Dies from Chronic Wasting Disease
- No. 347, March 5, 2018—Storms Pummel Bering Sea Islands, Ocean Ice All Gone, Storm-Related Erosion, Yukon Bison Die on Icy Hillsides, No More 'Kings of the Columbia', Snowy Winter in Nome, Early Spring Scenes from Siberia
- No. 346, February 27, 2018—Water Where There Should Be Ice, Prime Pelts for Yukon Trappers, Tick-Infested Moose in Northern Quebec, Invasive Species in the Arctic, 'Doomsday' Seed Vault Marks 10th Anniversary, Flood Sweeps Away Ring Road
- No. 345, February 19, 2018—Rural Access Complicated by Warmer Winters, Mushers Forced to Break New Trails, America's Vanishing Ski Trails, Temperatures in Rankin Inlet Close Schools, Coldest January in Decades, Lack of Ice on Baltic Sea
- No. 344, February 5, 2018—Rural Access Complicated by Warmer Winters, Messy Finland Winter, Trail Observations from Kuskokwim 300, Hunters Adapt to Shrinking Sea Ice, European Snowstorm, Sheep in Iceland Mountains
- No. 343, January 29, 2018—Icy Conditions in Kuskokwim 300, No Sea Ice in January, Chefornak Combats Climate Change, Europe Storm, Deadly Roads for Reindeer
- No. 342, January 21, 2018—Winter Rain and Musk Oxen, Open Water and Kuskokwim 300, Alaska Report on Health Effects of Climate Change, Ship Sets Arctic Speed Record, Tiny Pathogen in Northern Canada, Deadly Storm Hits Netherlands and Germany, Warm Winter Winds in Golovin, Alaska
- No. 341, December 28, 2017—Sinking Cemeteries in Western Alaska, Road Erosion in Port Heiden, Vehicles through Ice in NWT, Tracking Snowy Owls, Maine's Ailing Shrimp Fishery, Sweden's Shrinking Shorelines
- No. 340, December 12, 2017—High Winds and Warmth in Anchorage, Warm Weather in Whitehorse, Emaciated Polar Bear, Biotoxin in Dead Walrus, Coral in Bering Sea, Video: Backcountry Skating
- No. 339, December 4, 2017—Polar Bears and Land-Based Diseases, Nunavut Goose Die-off, Wolves in Juneau, Human-Bear Conflicts in Yukon, Encroaching River in Newtok
- No. 338, November 28, 2017—Volcanic Activity in Iceland, Wacky Weather in Nunavut, Arctic Winds in Siberia, Kivalina Evacuation Report, Peru's Melting Glaciers, Face-to-Face with Polar Bear
- No. 337, November 21, 2017—Vitamin D Deficiency, Toxic Algae, Thawing Permafrost, Storm Surge in Northwest Alaska, Fireball in Northern Finnish Skies
- No. 336, November 13, 2017—Cougars in Alaska, Whale Parts, Warming Kuskokwim, Dense Fog in Anchorage, Norway Wild Salmon Decline, Dead Seals in Lake Baikal
- No. 335, November 6, 2017—Juneau Floods, Fog, Yukon Elk, Springlike Weather in NWT, Silent Songbirds, Maine Storm
- No. 334, October 30, 2017—Sea Lion Bacteria, California Sea Lion in Auke Bay, Octopus Invasion, Disaster Funds, Torrential Rain, Polar Bears Feast on Walrus in Russia
- No. 333, October 23, 2017—Sinking Cemeteries, October Flowers, Ketchikan Cougar, Silver Salmon Cysts, Emaciated Grizzly, Poor Bilberry Harvest, Iceland Birch Forest
- No. 332, October 16, 2017—Storm Ophelia Hits Ireland, Autumn Storm, Port Heiden Erosion, Permafrost-Damaged Airport, Eroding NWT Coast, Sustainable Arctic Community, Glowing Tomcod, Dillingham Slugs
- No. 331, October 9, 2017—Autumn Storm, Dead Humpback, Coot Sighting, Jellyfish Swarm in Ireland, Tick-borne Disease in Finland, Lost Polar Bear
- No. 330, October 2, 2017—Polar Bear Feast, Flooding on the Kenai, Late Pink Run, Low Water in Yukon River, King-of-the-Salmon Fish, Rock Crabs in Iceland
- No. 329, September 18, 2017—Dying Alaska Seabirds, Escaped Atlantic Salmon, Algae Blooms, Blue-footed Booby Nesting, Poor Potato Yield, Man o' War Washup, Lapland Moose Deaths, Giant Moonfish
- No. 328, September 11, 2017—Threat to Norway Reindeer, Skagway Landslides, Kodiak Flooding, Cloudberries in Seldovia, Dry Koksilah River, Vanishing Monarchs
- No. 327, September 5, 2017—Spruce Beetle Return, Kodiak Bears' Foraging Shift, Atlantic Salmon Farm Spill, Raven Spike, Wildfire Evacuations in Manitoba, Iceberg off NW Iceland, Marine Invaders, August Snow
- No. 326, August 21, 2017—Sea Star Comeback?, Funnel Cloud, Gray Whale in Kuskokwim, Tularemia around Fairbanks, Smoke in NWT, Water Shortage in Iqaluit, Jellyfish Swarm, Arctic Junk
- No. 325, August 14, 2017—Tale of Two Goose Populations, Melting Permafrost, Black Slugs, Greenland Wildfire, Smoke in Bellingham
- No. 324, July 31, 2017—Year of Bugs, Caterpillar Infestation, Spruce Fungus, Fires in Yukon Territory, Wildfires in Siberia, Lots of Reds and No Kings
- No. 323, July 11, 2017—Coastal Erosion, Pine Foliage Disease, Mosquitoes, Fly Plague in Ireland, Tundra Eruptions from Thawing Permafrost, Wildfire in Northwest Territories
- No. 322, July 5, 2017—Jellied Sea Creatures, Squid in Seldovia Bay, Moose Wade Arctic Ocean, Aggressive Grizzly on Dempster Highway, Deer Plague, Food Insecurity in Northern Labrador
- No. 321, June 25, 2017—Muskox in Kuskokwim Region, Caterpillars at Great Slave Lake, Poor Chinook Run in Kuskokwim River, Dwindling Fresh Water in Iqaluit, Hailstorm in Altai, Black Bear near Salluit, Mushy Sockeye and Halibut
- No. 320, June 12, 2017—Kodiak Fruit, Yukon Fishing Derby Canceled, Tundra Beavers, Lapland Snow, Mule Deer Tick, Tick Rise, Draining Lake, Drying Ponds
- No. 319, May 29, 2017—Earthquakes and Melting Glaciers, Earthquakes and Well Water, Savoonga Sea Ice, Dempster Highway Maintenance, Tree Swallows, Rare Swinomish Eagle, Water Delivery in Sweden
- No. 318, May 22, 2017—Reindeer Island Shutdown, Noatak's Caribou Closure, Mule Deer Parasite, Buckland Belugas, Doomsday Seed Vault, B.C. Landslide, Northern Saw-whet Owl
- No. 317, May 11, 2017—Moose-killing Ticks, Sea Star Wasting, Murre Survival, Tundra Beavers, Bird Nests and Berry Blossoms, Bald Eagle Sores/Deformities
- No. 316, May 8, 2017—Kaktovik's Last Sigluaq, Wood Frogs in Fairbanks, Killer Whales Attack Belugas, Russia Wildfires, Iceland Heat Wave, Early Herring
- No. 315, April 29, 2017—Northwest Alaska Fire, Siberian Town on Fire, Whale Die-off in Atlantic, Jumbo Squid, Stranded Ringed Seal, Early Yukon Butterfly, Reindeer Grazing Conditions
- No. 314, April 21, 2017—Alaska Scallop Parasite, Poor Year for Pink Salmon, Beavers Moving North, Iceberg Alley, Melting Ice Roads
- No. 313, April 14, 2017—Caribou Food Supplies, New Craters, Cowichan River, Road Damage in Finland, Abundant Jellyfish, Early Kuskokwim Breakup
- No. 312, April 7, 2017—Bat Monitoring, Permafrost and Water/Sewer Lines, Mild March in Finland, Manila Clam Die-off, Mystery Beach Bloom
- No. 311, March 24, 2017—Disappearing Eklutna Glacier, Melting Permafrost in Fairbanks, Mystery Salmon, Churchill Blizzards, Arctic Methane, Hijacked Ice Floe, March Pollen
- No. 310, March 17, 2017—Yukon Growers, Spring in Finland, Melting Permafrost Crater, Northern Lampfish Die-off, Steller Watch
- No. 309, March 9, 2017—Snowmobilers and Ice Fisherman, Ski Jumping without Snow, Creating Snow, Disappearing Glaciers, Changes in Traditional Diet, Yukon Species List, Homer Spit Erosion
- No. 308, February 24, 2017—Warm Weather in NWT, Road Closures in Whitehorse, North Slope Ice Roads, Early-Riser Bear, Korkeasaari Bears, Oystercatchers
- No. 307, February 17, 2017—Iditarod Start, Whitehorse Road Closures, Snow Making in Sweden, Low Ice Cover in Finland, Sea Stars' Uncertain Future, Tundra Wildfires
- No. 306, February 3, 2017—Declining Caribou, Baltic Ice, Sea Ice Cracks, Open Water, Unstable River Ice
- No. 305, January 26, 2017—Kenai Peninsula Permafrost, Canada Coastal Erosion, Graveyard Vandalism, Thriving St. Paul Reindeer, Alaska Turtles, Winter Storm Surge
- No. 304, January 20, 2017—Open Water, Northern Oddities, Fish Seek Cooler Waters, Subtidal Shift, Seals with Skin Infection, Dead Crested Auklet
- No. 303, November 17, 2016—November Flower, Toxic Algal Bloom, Volcanic Cooling Effect, Bizarre Temperatures
- No. 302, November 11, 2016—Demoic Dungeness, Sea Ice, Greenlandic Diet, Arctic Agriculture, Puffin Die-off, BC Wildlife, and Environment Ireland
- No. 301, November 4, 2016—Invasive Tunicates, Forecasting Weather, Sea Ice Hot Spots, Autumn Leaves, Bumble Bees, Sea Ice Decline Video
- No. 300, October 21, 2016—Bumblebees, Caribou, Finland's Wildlife, Permafrost, Greenland Glaciers, USCG Cutter Healy
- No. 299, October 14, 2016—Permafrost Wine, Bat White-Nose Syndrome, Slowing Ocean Currents, Another Warm Winter?, Siberia's Forest Fires, Saami University, Arctic Cities Built on Permafrost, Carbon Dioxide Shoe (video)
- No. 298, October 7, 2016—Shaktoolik Plans to Stay, Threatened Drinking Water, White House Arctic Meeting, Warm Winters in Homer, Inuit Voice in Canada's Climate Strategy, Yukon's Climate Transforming, Retreating Glaciers and Yukon Sheep, Hurricanes 101 (video)
- No. 297, September 29, 2016—Shaktoolik Plans to Stay, Declining Northern Birds, Open Water Beckons, George Divoky Watches the Arctic Melt, Ocean Warming, Greenland Rising, Safe Water for Rural Alaska (video)
- No. 296, September 21, 2016—Extraordinary Summer for Alaska Gardeners, Rainy Summer in Whitehorse, New Weather Record in Norway, Canada's Arctic Glaciers, Simulated Arctic Disaster, Kivalina Tests Innovative Water System (video)
- No. 295, September 16, 2016—Hanna Shoal, Rabies in Alaska, Anthrax from Thawing Permafrost, Collapsing Alaska Mountains, Sea Ice Melt and Polar Bears, Architecture and Climate Change
- No. 294, September 9, 2016—Exit Glacier Retreat, Whale Hunting, Changing Fish Populations, Disappearing White Gulls, Whitehorse Cranberries, Alaska Wheat, Boom Time for Whales, LEO (video)
- No. 293, September 2, 2016—Prize-Winning Alaska Fruits and Veggies, Subsistence Hunting in Age of Climate Change, Exotic Ticks in Alaska, Disease in Permafrost?, Methane Loads in Arctic Lakebeds, Precision Mapping of Alaska, 2016 Sea Ice (video)
- No. 292, August 25, 2016—Nunavut Wave Damage, Greenland Algae Blooms, McHugh Creek Fire, Bowhead Whales and Sea Ice, Arctic Port in Seward, Puruvesi (video)
- No. 291, August 19, 2016—Shishmaref Relocation, Black Guillemots, Arctic Luxury Cruise, Weakening Ecosystems, Arctic Fish Populations, Fewer Lingonberries, Greenland and Climate Change (video)
- No. 290, August 12, 2016—Greenland Ice Sheet, Burning Peat Bogs, Arctic Search and Rescue, Arctic Bird Habitat, Toxic Blue-Green Algae, Stunted Tree Growth, Arctic Search and Rescue (video)
- No. 289, August 5, 2016—Esau Sinnok, Yukon Chinook Decline, Walrus Haulout Database, Alaska Ocean Acidification Network, Vanishing Bird Habitats, Finland Ticks, Kale in the Arctic (video)
- No. 288, July 29, 2016—Anthrax Outbreak, Wheat Disease, Bubbling Tundra, Predicting Sea Ice Melt, Katla Volcano, Warming Lakes in Finland, Polar Bear Habitat, NASA Animation (video)
- No. 287, July 22, 2016—Canada's Sea Ice, Salmon Sharks in Western Alaska, Inuit Elders' Observations, Arctic Shore Birds, Dead Sea Birds on Victoria Beaches, Bird Creek Silvers, Greenland Ice (video)
- No. 286, July 21, 2016—Tenojoki Fishing Restrictions, Community Freezer, Northwest Passage Cruises, Rising Populations in Eroding Villages, Barrow Mapping Project, Ice Algae, Alaska Veterinary Laws, Flood in Krasnoyarsk (video)
- No. 285, July 8, 2016—Changing Inland Fish, Water Service Project, Zombie Crabs, Yellowknife Algae Bloom, Chinook Salmon Projection, Siberia's Freak Weather, Bees and Air Pollution, Butterflies and Dance (video)
- No. 284, June 30, 2016—Greening Arctic, Cottonwood Fluff, Pink Snow, Thawing Permafrost, Drying Peatlands, 'Smart' Greenhouse, Polar Bear Diet, Greening Arctic (video)
- No. 283, June 24, 2016—Permafrost-tracking Website, Year-round Ski Jumping, Permafrost Thaw, Resilient Waterfowl, Tlicho Elders Monitor Caribou, Beaufort Sea Polar Bears, "Elegy for the Arctic" (video)
- No. 282, June 16, 2016—Eek Water Project, Browning of Boreal Forest, Arctic Fox Parasite, Ice Melt, Smartphone Apps, Carbon Dioxide Storage Project, Greenland's Frozen Assets, Sami Tribute (video)
- No. 281, June 9, 2016—Greening Arctic, Anchorage Flooding, NWT Caribou Study, Dramatic Great Bear Lake Breakup, Smoldering Wildfires, Icelandic Lake Balls, Climate Change in Great Bear Lake (video)
- No. 280, June 2, 2016—Tundra Wildfires, 'Spicy' Ocean, Rabbit Fever, Air Pollution in North Pole, Wildfire Trends and Impacts, Tropical Arctic, Volcano (video)
- No. 279, May 26, 2016—Shrinking Red Knots, Copper River Breakup, Bee Die-offs, Grizzly–Polar Bear Hybrid, Shaktoolik Berm, Invasive Aphids, Bird Migration (video)
- No. 278, May 12, 2016—Salmon Die-Offs, Canada's Last Reindeer Herder, Solar Power, Unusual Walrus Haulout, Birch Pollen, Mystery Disease in Ribbon Seals, Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning, Alberta Wildfires (video)
- No. 277, May 6, 2016—Fort McMurray Wildfire, Moose Diseases and Parasites, Siberian Erosion, Pollen, Muskox Rump Hair, New Finland Species, New Tourist Routes, Arctic Report Card (video)
- No. 276, April 28, 2016—Mountainside Shrubs, Unusual Atlantic Salmon, Icy Bay Landslide, Middle Latitudes, Canada's Arctic Coast, Warm Water Blob, Arctic Fox (video)
- No. 275, April 15, 2016—Urban Bug Farms, Migrating Birds, Northern Reindeer, Mountain Streams, Wildfires, Shifting Poles, Climate Change 101 (video)
- No. 274, April 7, 2016—Public Health Risks, Bed Bugs, Mountainside Shrubs, Bat Die-offs, Melting Antarctica, Walruses, Unalakleet Seal Hunters (video)
- No. 273, March 31, 2016—Skiers Adapting, Sea Ice Record, Spring Allergies, Mackenzie Belugas, Lyme Disease, Water Resources, Sea Level Rise
- No. 272, March 25, 2016—Arctic Council Priorities, Northern Glaciers, Sea Level Resettlement, Harmful Algae, Birch Pollen, Domoic Acid (video)
- No. 271, March 18, 2016—Early Thaws, Bear Sightings, Sea Otter Strandings and more
- No. 270, March 10, 2016—Glacial Rebound Question (LEO), Ice Road Accident (ClimeMap), Tracking Arctic Algal Toxins, Thin Ice Hazards, Sea Level Acceleration, Winter Retain Woes, Adapting to Wonky Iditarod Weather
- No. 269, March 4, 2016—Sea Otters, Canine Parvovirus, Pets, Early Sealing, Ozone, Troublesome Polar Bears, and a Sea Ice Video
- No. 268, February 25, 2016—Signs of Spring, Start of Wildfire Season, Marine Toxins, NOAA Strategy, Soil Microbes, Orcas, and Learning about Climate from Whaling Logs
- No. 267, February 18, 2016—LEO App, Response of Arctic Communities, Algal Toxins in Marine Mammals, Greenland Ice, Seeking Best Arctic Solar Panels, the Year in Storms
- No. 266, February 4, 2016—Invasive Weeds, Early Frogs, Zika, Shellfish, Saimaa Seals, Murres and PSP, River Erosion, and Polar Ice
- No. 265, January 28, 2016—Winter Bear, Inuit Food Supply, BC Fish, Kotzebue Orcas, Seabird Die-off, Glacial Silt, and Teaching Skiing across Alaska
- No. 264, January 21, 2016—Adaptable Arctic People, Climate and Wildfire, Seabird Die-off, Bowhead Benefits, and Video of Temperature Trends from 1880 to 2015
- No. 263, January 14, 2016—Sea Otter Bacteria, Warming Lakes, Domoic Acid Effect on Sea Lions, Ice Road Builders, and Video of the Murre Die-off
- No. 262, December 11, 2015—Disappearing Lakes, Tibet-Qinghai Glaciers, Greenland Glaciers, Shishmaref Interrupted, Kivalina on the Edge, Tangled Whales
- No. 261, December 4, 2015—Fukushima, Return of the Caribou, HABs and HAB Nots, Squid Potential, Seabirds in the City, Wildfires and Timber Harvests, and Kivalina's Next Steps
- No. 260, November 20, 2015—Ocean Acidity, Minke Whale Death, Methane Sea Pingos, Ocean Dead Zones, Polar Bears, Kivalina Video
- No. 259, November 12, 2015—New LEO Posts, Snowshoe Hares, Mystery Bear Illness, Mercury in Fish, Bird Eating Cod Fish, and Piers Sellers on Arctic Change
- No. 258, November 6, 2015—Tectonic Shifts, Permafrost Germs, Ice Cellars, Domoic Acid, Sámi History (video)
- No. 257, October 22, 2015—Wild Berries, Sea Otters, Hurrican Oho, Pollock, Mercury, Seldovia Pinks
- No. 256, October 7, 2015—LEO Network, ClimeMap, the Cold Blob, Wild Berries, Permafrost, and Iguigig's Wind Farm
- No. 255, September 17, 2015—Murres Die-Off, Greenland Glaciers, a Giant Virus, Northern Forests, Arctic Mosquitoes, LEO Network, and the Emergence of the Northern Sunfish
- No. 254, September 4, 2015—Seldovia Salmon (LEO), Urgent Arctic Action, Tularemia, Baikal Fires, NWT Caribou, Bumble Bees, Presidential Help, and a Postcard from Wales
- No. 253, August 27, 2015—Alaska's Marine Life Die-off, Lake Baikal Fire, Greenland Quakes, Wainwright on Whaling, and the President in Alaska
- No. 252, July 23, 2015—Invasive Dove, Bumblebees, Lake Thaw, Fire Seasons, Shellfish, and Arctic Fishing
- No. 251, July 10, 2015—Alaska and Canada Wildfires, Record Low Snow Pack, Extreme Rain, Walrus, Reindeer, and Coastal Erosion
- No. 250, July 1, 2015—Seal Harvest, Salmon, Small Kings, Coral, Tundra Travel, and West Coast Algal Bloom Video
- No. 249, June 18, 2015—Wildfires, Air Quality, Disappearing Snowpack, Starfish Wasting, and Barents Sea Acidification
- No. 248, June 10, 2015—Starfish, Berry Benefits, Pollution Report, Subsistence Harvest Regulations, Herring Closure and Radiaid
- No. 247, June 4, 2015—Ice Change (LEO), Early Jökulhlaup, the Blob, Snow Geese, Glacier Lakes, Wood Frogs, Anatomy of a Fire Season, and Drones and Whalers
- No. 246, May 28, 2015—Unusual Bees and Moths (LEO), Wildfire Lessons, Water Levels, Barents Fish, Kuskokwim Kings, Nunavik Farming, and the Western Canada Drought (video)
- No. 245, May 15, 2015—Patchy Moose, Fish Kill, Sea Stars, NT Water Woes, Pollock, King Salmon, and Algae Blooms
- No. 244, May 7, 2015—Village Assessments, Rural Sanitation Challenge, Innovative Sanitation, NT Burn Lessons, Return of the Blob, and Extinction Projections
- No. 243, May 1, 2015—Sea Stars, Continental Water Diversion, Arctic Council's New Focus, Sea Lice and Salmon, Cod, and an Optimistic Future
- No. 242, April 23, 2015—Lightning in King Cove (LEO), Global Impacts, Siberia Wildfires and Downwind Smog, Avian Flu, Yukon Bison, Managing PSP Risk, and an Earth Day Journey
- No. 241, April 17, 2015—Early Blossoms in Sitka (LEO), Bering Strait Climate Assessment, Whitehouse on Health, Alaska Bulk Water, and Tweeting for Safety
- No. 240, April 9, 2015—Permafrost Thaw, Wildfires, Terrestrial Polar Bears, the Warm Blob, High Tech Hothouse, and the President on Health Effects
- No. 239, April 2, 2015—Snow Pack and Water Security (LEO), Wildlife Winners and Losers, Northwest Caribou, Kuskokwim Salmon, BC Sockeye, Cluster Flies, and Alaska's Winter Conundrum (video)
- No. 238, March 26, 2015—Birdsongs (LEO), Weird Summer, Snow Geese Cholera, Changing Arctic Habitats, Northern Nutrition, and CA Drought
- No. 237, March 20, 2015—Freshwater Runoff, Pacific Seabirds, Marine Mammals, D-ficient Swedes, and Mountain Change
- No. 236, March 13, 2015—Winter Bees (LEO), Sea Gull Decline, Fish Bones and Mercury, Big Horn Sheep Mange, Youth Action, and an Unusual Iditarod
- No. 235, February 26, 2015—Fish Die-Off (LEO), Northern Salmon Migration, Razor Clam Decline, Northern Russia Impacts, Siberia Mystery Craters, and Sea Level spikes
- No. 234, February 20, 2015—Unusual Fish (LEO), Kivalina Visit, Mixing Fish Species, Seabird Productivity, Gloominess Measure, and Google Nunavut
- No. 233, February 5, 2015—December Salmon (LEO Network), Sockeye Ocean Survival, Continental Rebound in Iceland, Connecting Tides and Quakes, Preventing Emissions, and Interesting Orca Behavior (video)
- No. 232, January 29, 2015—Nome's New Songbird, Kivalina Ice, Glaciers and Ocean Chemistry, Mixing of Ocean Fish, Nunavut's Hunger Problem, Winter Sports, and Polar Bears and Snow Geese
- No. 231, January 22, 2015—The Last Skiers, Building the Sponge City, Gray Seals, Greenland's Glacial Lakes, Sea Ice Change, and a Record Year
- No. 230, January 15, 2015—Mollusks, Wildlife Die-off, Tundra Sink, Port Heiden's Reindeer Plan, Coping with Winter Blues, and Idita-where?
- No. 229, January 8, 2015—Caribou Harvest Challenges in Alaska and Quebec, NWT's Solar Village, Innovative Homes for the North Slope, and the Mysterious Auklet Die-off
- No. 228, December 19, 2014—Unseasonable Christmas in Nanwalek (LEO), Sweden's Seal Die-off, Avian Flu in BC, Patchy the Polar Bear, Shishmaref, and Greenland's Ice Sheet Change
- No. 227, December 11, 2014—Awakening to Ocean Change, Mega Fires, Operation Santa, Wetlands and Invasives, Demystifying Acidification
- No. 226, December 4, 2014—Rising Seas, St. Lawrence Harvest, Global Glaciers, Baffin Caribou, an Important Inuit Gene, and Arctic Surfing
- No. 225, November 20, 2014—Unalakleet Speaks Up, Climate Refugees, Sea Stars, Wild Weather, Skating Season, and a Northern Lights Symphony
- No. 224, November 13, 2014—Warm in the Gulf, Sea Ice after 2020?, Fukushima, Groundwater Change, and a Skier's Dream
- No. 223, November 6, 2014—Sea Stars, Ice Age Virus, Food Security, Moose and Wildfire, and Iceland's Sea Bird Mystery
- No. 222, October 23, 2014—New Sea Level Rise Estimate, Restricting Canada Fisheries, Subsistence Food Crisis, and Arctic Communities Video
- No. 221, October 16, 2014—Grasshoppers North (LEO), Climate's Big 12 Diseases, PSP in Marine Birds, Besieged Birch Trees, Amazing Aleut Cooking, and Morgan on Climate (video)
- No. 220, October 9, 2014—Caterpillar Bonanza (LEO), Russia's Moth Problem, Jellyfish Fields, Nuiqsut Climate, Radioactive Reindeer, and the Northwest Caribou Conundrum
- No. 219, October 2, 2014—Global Wildlife, How Fish Adapt, Foods Wild and Good, at Waters Edge, and a Pacific Islander's Climate Change Poem
- No. 218, September 19, 2014—Warm Seas, Weird Fish, NWT Wildfires, Red Fox, Avian Cholera and Downwind Air Quality
- No. 217, September 4, 2014—Arctic Phytoplankton Blooms, Alaska Cranberry Fungus, Alberta Caribou Woes, Bears and Trichinellosis, and Maine's Warming Waters
- No. 216, August 28, 2014—Atqasuk, Alaska, Ice Melt and Health, Dall Sheep, Inuit Hunger Effects, and Amazing Unangan Food
- No. 215, August 21, 2014—Climate in Wainwright, Sweden's Sea Level, Bering Strait Walrus Hunting Guide, Siberia Reindeer, and Canada's Woodland Caribou
- No. 214, August 14, 2014—Subsistence Monitoring, Canada and Sweden Wildlfires, Nanuq in the Camp, Freshwater Beluga Harvest, and a Happy Ending in Siberia
- No. 213, August 7, 2014—Acidification, Forest Disturbance, Caribou Threats and Status, Healthy Cloudberries, and a Siberia Hail Storm
- No. 212, July 24, 2014—Fish Camp, Siberian Mystery Crater, Vitamin D and Schizophrenia, Studying Permafrost Impact on Buildings, Sanitation Needs in Rural Alaska (video)
- No. 211, July 17, 2014—Invasive King Crabs, Walrus Harvest, Alaska Economy and Climate, Indigenous River Watch (video)
- No. 210, July 10, 2014—Arviat Climate Hazards, Finnish Ticks, Fish School, PSP Caution, Shishmaref Video
- No. 209, July 2, 2014—Moths, Wildfire and Ice Thaw, Shipping and Invasives, and the Albedo Effect
- No. 208, June 26, 2014—Arctic Soil, Early Birds, Mystery Beast, Food Security, Extreme Weather, Research Needs Video
- No. 207, June 19, 2014—Novel PSP Event in Alaska, Yukon Fish Health Manual, Arctic Red Fox, Elodea Invasion, the Bird-Plant Connection
- No. 206, June 12, 2014—Levelock, Alaska, Earthquakes and Permafrost, Inuit Trail Atlas, Rock Snot, Swedish Ticks, and the Polar Bear Cam
- No. 205, May 29, 2014—Juneau Water Shortage, Kenai King Salmon Closure, Agriculture and Forestry in Sweden, Marine Invasives, Iqaluit Gardens, and Alaska Wildfire Videos
- No. 204, May 22, 2014—Forest Fires and Greenland Ice, Walrus Illness, Alaska Ticks, Vitamin D Deficiencies, and Subsistence Impacts in Alaska's Northwest Arctic
- No. 203, May 8, 2014—Glaciers and Sea Level, Heat Hardy Livestock, Nunavut Food Plan, Sitka Food Study, and a Community Garden Program in Arviat (video)
- No. 202, May 1, 2014—Solar Powered Cold Storage, Ocean Acidification, Sea Ice and Fetch, Extreme Weather Preparedness, Healthy Seaweed, and a Barrow Sea Ice Season
- No. 201, April 24, 2014—Spring Bowhead Hunting, Drunken Trees, Peru's Glaciers, a Street View of Polar Bears
- No. 200, April 10, 2014—Greenland Melt Increase, Iceland Rising, Sea Level Trend Map, Shaktoolik, the Valdez Avalanche, and Sea Ice - an Inuit Perspective
- No. 199, April 3, 2014—IPCC Report, Opening Seas, Mackenzie River Ice, Acidification, and Iceland from the Air
- No. 198, March 27, 2014—Nondalton, Razor Clams, Avian Influenza, Iceland, Shrinking Salamanders, Invasion of the Worm, and the Lazy Jet Stream
- No. 197, March 20, 2014—Q Fever, Pribilof Islands, Invasive Plants, Greenland Glaciers, and the Implications of Climate Change in Mongolia
- No. 196, March 13, 2014—Toxoplasma gondii, Beluga Whales, Vitamin D, and the Impacts of a Snowless Winter on Frost Line and Plants
- No. 195, March 6, 2014—Fish Illness in Chefornak (LEO), Iditarod Trail, the Growing Ice Free Season, Ancient Virus from the Permafrost, Green Energy for Svalbard, Superior Ice Caves, and Inuit Sled Dog Wisdom
- No. 194, February 27, 2014—Algae, Marine Mammal Strandings and Sand Lance, West Coast Scallop Crisis, Warming and Mortality Rates, Fishing on the Volga
- No. 193, February 21, 2014—Svalbard Temperature, Arctic Cyclones, North Slope Alaska Geese, Greenland's Shelter Sleds, and Farewell to Old Sea Ice (video)
- No. 192, February 13, 2014—Tundra Lake Ice, an Irruption of Owls, Erosion 'How To', Chukchi Seabird Winners, and Return of Greenland's Sun
- No. 191, February 6, 2014—The "Damalanche", Arctic Lakes, Our Vulnerable Coasts, Greenland's Rapidly Calving Glaciers and How to Know When You Are Too Close to One
- No. 190, January 30, 2014—Winter Rain, Subsistence Impacts, Winter (?) Olympics, Shishmaref, Youth Arctic Coalition, More Valdez Avalanches
- No. 189, January 23, 2014—Climate Science Haiku, Kenai King Salmon Forecast, Adapting Whalers and Polar Bears, Benefits of a Deep Freeze, and the Haunting Ice Music of Norway
- No. 188, January 16, 2014—Thriving Geese, Northward Expansion of Cod, Europe's Drought Future, Finding Biodiversity Havens, and Egg Munching Polar Bears
- No. 187, January 10, 2014—Pilot Point Climate Assessment, Acidification and Fish, Yukon Toads, Russian Burbot, and Boston Sea Level Video
- No. 186, December 19, 2013—Anchorage Water and Power, Focus on Caribou - Vulnerability and Impact, and Lake Baikal's Ice Drummers
- No. 185, December 12, 2013—Warm December Winds, Avian Cholera, Alaska Highway, Arctic Broadband, Dad's Diet, and Athabascan Fiddlers (video)
- No. 184, December 5, 2013—St. Lawrence Island Bird Die-Off, Weather Change and Subsistence, Rainfall Impact on Arctic Peregrines, the Healthy Cranberry, and Greenland's New Frontier (video)
- No. 183, November 21, 2013—Kachemak Bay Plankton Bloom, Pinto Abalone, Marine Monitoring, Planning for Food Security, Video of Kotlik Storm Damage
- No. 182, November 14, 2013—Hell and Highwater, Northwest Sheefish, Bird Migration, Western Alaska Storm Relief, Polar Bear Attacks, Time Lapse Video of Communities
- No. 181, November 7, 2013—The LEO Network. Fukushima's Radiation Plume, Starfish Wasting Disease in Alaska, Moose and Ticks, and a Delayed Caribou Migration
- No. 180, October 31, 2013—Algal Bloom Toxicity, Warming Canada, Northbound Grizzlies, Lake Superior Fish Habitat, Surviving Darkness, and Reflections of Winter Sun
- No. 179, October 24, 2013—Heat Deaths in Sweden, Losing Hare, River Erosion Prevention, Climate and Arctic Commerce, and Thawing Permafrost(video)
- No. 178, October 18, 2013—Raw Game Meat Risk, Tribal Adaptation Leaders, Forest Changes, Continental Moose Crisis, and Spirit of the Whale
- No. 177, October 10, 2013—Kachemak Algal Bloom, The Ocean Trio (Temperature, O2, Acidity), Thawing Arctic Coastlines, How to Eat Locally in Urban Alaska, and Sea Star Wasting Syndrome
- No. 176, October 3, 2013—Illiamna Fish Kill (LEO), Impacts on Arctic Development, Alaska Caribou Delay, Greenland Caribou Study, Anchorage Wind Generation, and Revenge of the Jellyfish
- No. 175, September 19, 2013—Galena Flood Recover, Arctic Ocean Acidification, Ocean Acidification in the Pacific Northwest, and Animated Video - "The Other CO2 Problem"
- No. 174, September 13, 2013—Changing Snow Water Storage, Climate and Health Surveillance, Chukchi Polar Bears, and Historic Floods in Russia's Far East
- No. 173, September 5, 2013—Walrus Harvest Disaster, Avian Flu Surveillance, Fukushima- What You Should Know, and a Good Time for Red Spruce
- No. 172, August 29, 2013—EPA's Climate Priority, Chinook Summit in Unalakleet, Ocean Acidification, Alaska Wildfire Impact, Firenado
- No. 171, August 22, 2013—Alaska Crop Failure, Extreme Weather and Sea Ice, Ice Seal Illness, Vitamin D in Dene, and Sami Rap Music
- No. 170, August 16, 2013—Invasive Sawfly, Arctic Mussels, Sealife Relocation, Russia's Nenet Herders, New Hampshire Moose, and Drift of the Earth's Poles
- No. 169, August 1, 2013—Alaska's Boreal Forests, New Brunswick Weather, Alberta Algal Bloom, Russia's Nenets, Arctic Mosquitoes
- No. 168, July 25, 2013—Water Shortage in Canada, Snow and Sea Ice Vanishing, UAF Professor Uses Drones, Community Based Monitoring in the Arctic
- No. 167, July 11, 2013—New LEO Regional Maps, Shrubification, WNV Vaccine, Blueberry Health, Toronto Floods
- No. 166, June 20, 2013—Calgary Flood, Delayed Spring, Migratory Birds, Lightening, Bison, Galena Story
- No. 165, June 20, 2013—Alaska Heatwave, Ice Dam Flood, Alpine Lakes, What Caves Tell Us About Permafrost, Gliding With Eagles
- No. 164, June 13, 2013—A Chilly Spring, Arctic Infectious Disease, Monitoring Sea Ice, Geese and Berries, the Weekend Greenup Video
- No. 163, June 6, 2013—Climate and the Common Cold, Making Healthy Food Choices, Thunderstorms, Eye Health, and a New Newtok Video
- No. 162, May 30, 2013—Yukon Floods, Growing Ice Age Plants, Drifting North Pole, Alaska Climate Refugees, Polar Research Center Evacuation, and the Last Wild Salmon Fishers
- No. 161, May 23, 2013—Tornados, Delayed Whaling, Amazing Bird Migration, Finland's Dropping Greenhouse Emissions, Yukon Flooding (video)
- No. 160, May 16, 2013—Sea Mammals Health, Arctic Biodiversity, Declining Snow "Subnivium", and a Moving Wall of Ice
- No. 159, May 10, 2013—Shrinking Wetlands, Predicting Dengue, Finland's Sea Level, How to Estimate Sea Level
- No. 158, May 2, 2013—ISA in Salmon, Dall Sheep Predation, Caribou and Climate, Snow Change Effect on Flora and Fauna, People of the Feather (video)
- No. 157, April 25, 2013—Weird Spring Salmon (LEO), Apples in India, Snow Change in Alaska, Range Change in Norway Ticks, Midwest Floods (video)
- No. 156, April 18, 2013—Sick Spotted Seal, Delayed Spring, Sea Lion UME, Harmful Algae, Road Dust, Beaufort Sea Ice Breakup
- No. 155, April 11, 2013—Fisheries, Managing Marine Invasives, Fish Consumption and Water Quality, Science TEK Nexus, Wasteful Hunters
- No. 154, April 4, 2013—Vulnerable Birds, Sea Ice and Ecosystems, A New Normal, and Public Support for Preparedness
- No. 153, March 28, 2013—Ozone Hole, Ice Seal Illness, Research Priorities, Invasive Plants, and Community Caribou Hunts
- No. 152, March 14, 2013—Vegetation Shift, Canada's Glaciers, Norway seed Archive, and Sitka's Food Security Assessment.
- No. 151, March 7, 2013—Sweating Climate Change, Polar Snow Forecast, Sinking Algae, Nunavik Emissions Plan, and Disappearing Moose
- No. 150, February 21, 2013—Sea Mammal Events, Uneven Sea Level Rise, Disease Surveillance, Social Vulnerability, Dolphin Super Pod
- No. 149, February 14, 2013—Managing Polar Bears, Extreme Rain, Tree Die-Off, Alternative Energy, Fire Island Wind (vid)
- No. 148, February 8, 2013—Zoonotic Disease, Vulnerable Coasts, Coast Observers, Groundwater Depletion, Early Leaf Buds, and Beekeepers Feeling the Sting (vid)
- No. 147, February 1, 2013—Climate and Flu, Funding Eroding Villages, Forest Fires and Health, Invasive Pike
- No. 146, January 25, 2013—Glaciers and Earthquakes, Tree/Human Health, Flu, Vitamin D in School Children, Fall-Through-Ice Video
- No. 145, January 18, 2013—Particulate Pollution, Record Heat, Dengue Fever, Salinization, Berry Heart, and the Polar Bear Visit
- No. 144, January 11, 2013—Cooling Alaska, Hurricane Season, Tornados and Fungal Infections, Precipitation and Stomach Illness, Killer Whale Video
- No. 143, January 4, 2013—Arctic Nation Climate Maps, Forest Dhanges, Jelly Fish Blooms, Bark Beetles, Avalanches, and the Kulluk
- No. 142, December 21, 2012—Bear Conflicts, Nunatsiavut Caribou Hunt, Fairbank's Frost and Air Troubles, Holiday Snow, and a Tour of Mt Everest
- No. 141, December 14, 2012—Warmer Northeast Winters, Moose and Reindeer Trouble, Barrow Guillemots, Kipnuk Student Sues Alaska
- No. 140, December 7, 2012—Walrus Diaries, Addressing Change in Arctic Canada, Lights for Swedes, Winter Flu, Rabies in Alaska, Mertarvik
- No. 139, November 30, 2012—A Hot Year (Except Alaska), UN on Permafrost, Seeing is Believing, Getting Serious About Acidification, Newtok Part 4
- No. 138, November 16, 2012—National Climate Assessment, Beetle Infestations, Health Connections, Deer Tick Diseases, Possible Benefits for Real Estate, Newtok Part 3
- No. 137, November 7, 2012—Size of Aquatic Species, Arctic Snow Cover, Estimating Sea Level Rise, Village on the Edge 2
- No. 136, November 2, 2012—Sandy and Climate, Sandy and Health Effects, Road Development in NWT, Growing Potatoes Up North, Time Lapse of the Storm
- No. 135, October 26, 2012—King Salmon Crash, Nunavut Wildlife Changes, Polar Bear Ambassadors, Newtok, Village on the Edge
- No. 134, October 19, 2012—Shrinking Fish, Why America's Weather Is So Weird, Ocean Acidification, Draining Glacier Lake (video)
- No. 133, October 4, 2012—Hot in Svalbard, Fewer Sick Ice Seals, Restoring Troubled Fisheries, Eating Local Plants, and (video) the Loss of Our Ocean "Parasol"
- No. 132, September 27, 2012—Arctic Homeowner's Guide, Effects of Drought on Infrastructure, Plant Zone Maps Obsolete (Already!), and Climate Change's Biggest Health Effect
- No. 131, September 21, 2012—Alaska Bird Malaria, Extreme Weather, Vertical Greenhouses, and a New Windy City
- No. 130, September 14, 2012—Spruce Rust Bloom, Monitoring Shellfish, Anthrax in NWT Bison, High Arctic Trees, and the Plight of Salmon People
- No. 129, September 07, 2012—Alaska Windstorm, Stockpiling Food, "Vibrio" Shellfish Pathogens, and Acid Water Thinning of Shells
- No. 128, August 31, 2012—Planning for High Water, Avian Influenza, Increased River Discharge, and the Joy of Sharing Food.
- No. 127, August 24, 2012— Vitamin D and Respiratory Infections, Summer Wasps, West Nile, and Trichinella in Walrus
- No. 126, August 17, 2012—Changes in the Intertidal Zone, Suicide Parasite, Algae Blooms, Mosquitoes, and Alaska Villages
- No. 125, August 10, 2012—Drought, Food Production and Arctic Food Security
- No. 124, August 3, 2012—Emerging Fisheries, Harbor Seal and Ice Seal Illnesses, Ozone and Skin Cancer, Walrus Calves
- No. 123, July 27, 2012—Lake Changes, Lyme Disease, Dolphin UME, Greenland Glaciers
- No. 122, July 18, 2012—Adapting Salmon, Glacier Bay Landslide, Status of Canada's Birds, Russian Flood Update, and Climate in Scotland
- No. 121, July 12, 2012—Heat Wave, Drought, Wildfires and Air Quality
- No. 120, July 6, 2012—Sea Mammal Illness, Western Wildfires, Caribou Decline, Cyanobacteria
- No. 119, June 29, 2012—Salmon Crisis, Northern Food Prices, Wayward Musk Oxen, the Local Observers
- No. 118, June 22, 2012—Permafrost Thaw in Arctic Village, Wildfires, Opening the Northeast Passage
- No. 117, June 6, 2012—Sick Moose, Alaska Ticks, Late Flu Season, Pop Up Forests, and the Dreaded Bed Bug
- No. 116, May 31, 2012—Climate Assessment for Selawik Alaska, Northern Lakes, Bad Beetle Air, Berry Pollinators, and Montreal's Flash Flood
- No. 115, May 25, 2012—Birch Pollen, Nordic UV Increase and Cancer, Changing Country Foods, Sea Mammal Illness, Change in Mongolia
- No. 114, May 18, 2012—Adapting Seabirds, Monitoring PSP, Arctic Ice, and Deer Ticks
- No. 113, May 11, 2012—Bigger Storms, The Winter That Wasn't, Yukon Fish Wheels, Hello Grasslands, and Surveying "Extreme Ice"
- No. 112, May 4, 2012—Tsunami Zone Hardship, Oyster Acidification, Detecting Domoic Acid, Berries and the Brain, and Green Sky Moscow
- No. 111, April 27, 2012—Newtok Relocation, Big Trout, Jellyfish Fields, Europe's Mountain Flora, Reindeer Herding (video)
- No. 110, April 20, 2012—Snow Mosquitoes, Catastrophic Lake Drainage, Family and Disaster, Food Security, and Bridging the Health Divide (video)
- No. 109, April 13, 2012—Waterborne Illness in Arctic, Polar Bear Update, Snowy Regions, and Summer Temperatures
- No. 108, April 6, 2012—Vegetation and Snow Melt, Preparing for Extremes, Our Wild Winter, and More on Avalanches
- No. 107, March 30, 2012—Glacier River Biodiversity, Narwhal Quota, Arctic Sharks, Arctic Shipping
- No. 106, March 23, 2012—Aleut Diet, Effects of Early Spring on Trees, Seal Disease Update, Ice Fishing Greenland Style
- No. 105, March 16, 2012—Avalanches, Transgeneration Contaminants, Landfill Erosion, WHO Comments on Climate and Health
- No. 104, March 9, 2012—Fukushima Fallout, Seal Illness Reaches Southeast, Kivalina Goo Mystery, Growing Ice-Age Plants
- No. 103, February 24, 2012—Seals Not Radioactive, Subsistence Fish, Sea Level in BC, Sick Seal
- No. 102, February 17, 2012—Glacial Floods, Glacial Melt, Projecting Water Availability, and Harvesting Mussels Under the Sea Ice
- No. 101, February 10, 2012—Seal Illness, Yellow Cedars, Seafood Parasites, and Wayward the Snowy Owls
- No. 100, February 3, 2012—LEO, Killer Whales, Precipitation Atlas, Task Force Report, and Murmurations
- No. 99, January 27, 2012—New Gardening Guidelines, Debris Poses No Radiation Threat, River Erosion Mapping, Top Climate Events of 2011
- No. 98, January 20, 2012—Sea Ice Decline and Seals, Arctic Duck Illness, Boreal Ducks Decline, and Adaptation in European Birds
- No. 97, January 13, 2012—Snow Storms, Snow Load, Snow Shoveling, and Permafrost Impacts on an Arctic Village
- No. 96, January 2, 2012—Epic Weather, Ice Seal Die Off, Russia's Ocean Radiation Legacy, and Attack of the Jellyfish
- No. 95, December 23, 2011—Sick Seals, Traveling Sea Lions, Reducing Polar Bear Conflicts, Shellfish Growers, and Our Favorite Holiday Video Clip
- No. 94, December 16, 2011—Ocean Methane, Shrubification, Polar Bears as a Threat, and Tularemia in Alaska
- No. 93, December 9, 2011—Shaktoolik Impacts, Fukishima Ocean Releases, Fish Diet Healthy for Young and Old, Canada Sea Ice Change, Wind Storm in Scotland (video)
- No. 92, December 2, 2011—Seal Illness, Building on Permafrost, a Changing Kenai Peninsula, Shrinking Mussels, the Arctic Report Card
- No. 91, November 23, 2011—Rapid Tree Growth, Weather and Arthritis, Alaska Real-Time Sensor Map, Cost of Climate Disasters, Nursing in Nunavik
- No. 90, November 11, 2011—Mega Storm, Swedish Snowbirds, Seal Disease, China Market, Storm Video
- No. 89, November 4, 2011—Health Effects in Kiana, Alaska, Tick-borne Encephalitis, Pike versus Char, Seal Surveillance, Bridging the Arctic Health Divide
- No. 88, October 28, 2011—Seal Sickness, an Ozone Hole over Canada, Mercury in the Yukon River, a Cold Spot in the Bering Sea
- No. 87, October 21, 2011—Declining YK Salmon, Infected BC Salmon, Shrinking Animals, and Opportunistic Crabs
- No. 86, October 13, 2011—Ringed Seal Die-Off, Necropsy of Orcas, Thin Ice, Fall Whaling
- No. 85, October 7, 2011—Circumpolar Map, Ozone, Mosquitoes, Sea Ice Loss, Orca Video
- No. 84, September 30, 2011—Community Impacts, Costs in Canada, Species Movement, Inuit Food Security, Sea Ice Video
- No. 83, September 22, 2011—Seabed Methane, Atlantic Fish Stocks, Bowheads & Adventurers in Northwest Passage, Vitamin D & Skin Pigment
- No. 82, September 15, 2011—Walrus Haul Out, Ocean Methane, Indigenous Observations, Mendenhall Glacier, Invasive King Crabs
- No. 81, September 8, 2011—Pathogens in the Arctic, C. burnetti in Fur Seals. U.S. Weather Extremes, and Food Security in Nunuvut Children
- No. 80, September 1, 2011—Building Floating Homes, Cliff Climbing Polar Bears, Childhood Asthma, Wild Rice
- No. 79, August 26, 2011—Walrus Monitoring, Salmon Parasites, Healthy Fish Oil, Unique Immune System of Cod Fish
- No. 78, August 19, 2011—Pacific Northwest Algae Blooms, Northwest Alaska Fungi Bloom, Shifting Atlantic Mackerel, and the Plight of Bumblebees
- No. 77, August 11, 2011—Barometric Bones, Extreme Weather, Arctic Cod Fisheries
- No. 76, August 5, 2011—Tundra Fires, Tracking Dust, Arctic Vitamin D Deficiency, Boreal Forests
- No. 75, July 28, 2011—Invasive Crab, Water Vulnerability in Homer, Unusual Lightning in Finland, Thawing POPs in Canada
- No. 74, July 22, 2011—Juneau's Glacial Flood, Heat Stroke in AK, Harmful Algae Blooms, Exotics in Nunavut, Early Spring in Alberta
- No. 73, July 15, 2011—Drifting Ice Island, Alberta Caribou Decline, E-Coli in Streambeds, Alaska Caterpillar Infestation, Marketing Traditional Foods in Sweden
- No. 72, July 7, 2011—Climate Change in Noatak, Plane Crash Trends, Farm Animal Disease, Climate Advocacy by American Medical Association
- No. 71, June 29, 2011—Wildfire Smoke, Rainwater Safety, Snowfall and Fungus, Invasive Whales
- No. 70, June 24, 2011—Ocean Health, PSP Bulletin, Salmon-Human Health Connection, Health Impact
- No. 69, June 16, 2011—Bear Behavior, Shellfish Poisoning, and Food Security
- No. 68, June 3, 2011—Ice Roads, Extreme Heat, Acidification, Abalones, and the Future of Marine Mammals
- No. 67, May 27, 2011—Sea Ice Forecasting, Bacteria in Hailstones, Tribal Workshop, Marine Mammal Infections, Temperature Effects on Fish, Climate Video III
- No. 66, May 20, 2011—Spring Ice in Beaufort, Changes for Greenland Women, Shifting Treeline, Sami Health, New Marine Ecosystem Film
- No. 65, May 12, 2011—Ocean Acidification, Ice Warning in Finland, Type 2 Diabetes, Marine Ecosystem Series Film 1
- No. 64, April 21, 2011—Coastal Erosion, Sick Salmon, Red Fox in the High Arctic, Russian Heatwave, a Household Carbon Calculator
- No. 63, April 14, 2011—Arctic Ozone, Sea Ice Projections, Children and Natural Disaster Stress, Mapping for Emerging Global Diseases
- No. 62, April 7, 2011—Fresh Water Change in Arctic Ocean, Stewards of the Walrus, Studying Climate and Infectious Disease, Summer Infestations
- No. 61, March 31, 2011—Tundra to Forest, Community Health Effects, Good Salmon Diet, and Flood Forecast for Alaska
- No. 60, March 24, 2011—Rural Climate Observers, Permafrost and Carbon, Zoonotic Disease, Ozone Hole Update
- No. 59, March 17, 2011—Arctic Ozone, Disaster Preparedness, Air Pollution and Health, Arctic Plankton
- No. 58, March 11, 2011—Ice Breaking Tankers, Safety at Sea, Fran Ulmer at Helm of USARC
- No. 57, March 3, 2011—Health Impacts in Arctic Alaska, Shifting Boreal Forests, Invasive Chokecherries, Toxic Lake Algae
- No. 56, February 24, 2011—Koyukuk, National Parks, Permafrost, Toxic Algae
- No. 55, February 15, 2011—Climate Vulnerability, Harvest Restrictions and Monitoring Plan
- No. 54, February 7, 2011—Health Effects in Kivalina; Ice Storm Impacts on Wildlife
- No. 53, January 28, 2011—Bird Disease, Weather Observation Capacity, Lemmings, Greenland Ice Sheet Update
- No. 52, January 20, 2011—Glacier Melt, Arctic Biodiversity, Season Influence on Deer Rut, Climate Impacts on Rural Water
- No. 51, January 13, 2011—Stressed Salmon, Ice Storm Impacts on Trees, Bering Sea Shipping, New PSP Test
- No. 50, January 6, 2011—Savoonga Electrical Outage, Hazards of Glacier Travel, Vitamin D and Infant Respiratory Infections
- No. 49, December 29, 2010—CO Poisoning, 2010 Natural Disasters, Alaska Natives and Pandemic Flu
- No. 48, December 23, 2010—The Genetics of Polar Bears, New Harmful Algae Detection Method, Ocean Acidification Report
- No. 47, December 15, 2010—Northern Wildfires, Inuit Knowledge, Warming Lakes, Ringed Seals
- No. 46, December 9, 2010—Brucellosis Fact Sheet, Fish & Game Strategy, Weather and Children's Injuries, Vitamin D in the Arctic
- No. 45, December 2, 2010—Ice Storm, Siberian Methane Seeps, Invasive Aquatic Plants
- No. 44, November 23, 2010—Brucellosis, Long Term Effects of E.coli, Arctic Tundra Fires
- No. 43, November 19, 2010—Rising Seas, Ocean Waves, Sitka Squirts
- No. 42, November 11, 2010—Warming Water, King Crabs, and Ocean Acidification
- No. 41, November 4, 2010—Long Fishing Season, Wild Berry Benefits, and Climate Impacts on Northwest Canada Waterfowl
- No. 40, October 28, 2010—Toxic Algae Update, NOAA Report Card, Survival of Arctic Plants, Community Voices
- No. 39, October 21, 2010—Toxic Algae, Arctic Parasites, USARC Climate Dialogue
- No. 38, October 13, 2010—Northwest Caribou Update, New Seaweed Guide, UAA Climate Grant, Invasive Shrubs and Human Disease
- No. 37, October 6, 2010—Caribou, Blueberries, Water Cycle
- No. 36, September 29, 2010—Point Lay Walrus, Chukchi Skate, Northwest Arctic Climate and Health Summit
- No. 35, September 14, 2010—Walrus, Narwhals and Sea Ice
- No. 34, September 8, 2010—Hot Water for Salmon and Trout, and a new Audubon "WatchList" for Alaska Birds
- No. 33, September 1, 2010—Climate Change Assessment Report - Point Hope, Alaska, Arctic Home Design, Fairbanks Air Quality and Health
- No. 32, August 27, 2010—PSP in Alaska and Maine, the Shrinking World of Blue Mussels
- No. 31, August 19, 2010—Arctic Rivers, Baffin Island Wasps, Western Arctic Caribou
- No. 30, August 15, 2010—Greenland's Ice Island, Alaska Inupiat and Walrus, Greenland Inuit and Food Security
- No. 29, August 6, 2010—Russian Fires, Soot and Climate Change, U.S. Forest Service Roadmap
- No. 28, August 4, 2010—Lots of rain, a longer growing season, and the great "thrip" infestation
- No. 27, August 2, 2010—Ocean Temperature, Phytoplankton and Biodiversity
- No. 26, July 22, 2010—Yukon River Polar Bear, Climate Effects on Mt. Marmots, Vitamin D Levels in Adult Canadian Inuit
- No. 25, July 19, 2010—PSP, Yukon King Salmon, Vitamin D Research
- No. 24, July 14, 2010—Flooding in Alaska, Melting Glaciers in Greenland
- No. 23, July 10, 2010—Water Security
- No. 22, July 2, 2010—Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning
- No. 21, June 18, 2010—Arctic Flora and Fauna
- No. 20, June 15, 2010—Arctic Sea Ice, MRSA
- No. 19, June 4, 2010—Changing Glaciers
- No. 18, June 1, 2010—Arctic Toxins and Thawing Everest
- No. 17, May 31, 2010—Arctic Health Resources and Search and Rescue Technology
- No. 16, May 25, 2010—Record Tree Pollen / Arctic Infections
- No. 15, May 21, 2010—Polar Bear Research and NRC Climate Change Adaptation Report
- No. 14, May 14, 2010—Traditional Ice Cellars (bulletin)
- No. 13, May 10, 2010—Permafrost Research, Sea Ice (video)
- No. 12, May 4, 2010—Climate Effects on Polar Bears
- No. 11, April 23, 2010—Traditional House Design
- No. 10, April 15, 2010—Climate Effects on Mental Health (bulletin)
- No. 9, April 13, 2010—Dangerous Ice Conditions
- No. 8, March 31, 2010—Ocean Acidification (podcast)
- No. 7, March 26, 2010—Forum on Climate Change and Health (podcast)
- No. 6, March 3, 2010—Climate Effects on Community Water Supply
- No. 5, February 25, 2010—Grizzly Bears in Polar Bear Country
- No. 4.2, February 18, 2010—Community Flood Study
- No. 4.1, February 17, 2010—Sea Level Change
- No. 3, January 29, 2010—Sea Ice, Whales, and Walrus
- No. 2, December 29, 2009—Melting Glaciers
- No. 1, December 22, 2009—Methane Seeps (video)
- December 15, 2009—Coastal Erosion (video)
- August 4, 2009—Wildfires