Family/Neighborhood Determinants of Health

Adolescent family experiences and educational attainment during early adulthood  J.N. Melby et al., Developmental Psychology, November 2008

Adolescent physical activity and screen time: Associations with the physical home environment  J.R. Sirard et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, November 2010

Adolescent screen time and attachment to parents and peers  R. Richards et al., Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, March 2010

Adolescents, family history, and inherited disease risk: An opportunity  P.M. Boone, Pediatrics, August 2016

Adolescents', mothers', and fathers' gendered coping strategies during conflict: Youth and parent influences on conflict resolution and psychopathology  K. Marceau et al., Development and Psychopathology, November 2015

Adolescents' relationship with God and internalizing adjustment over time: The moderating role of maternal religious coping  M.C. Goeke-Morey et al., Journal of Family Psychology, December 2014

Adolescents who are less religious than their parents are at risk for externalizing and internalizing symptoms: The mediating role of parent-adolescent relationship quality  J. Kim-Spoon et al., Journal of Family Psychology, August 2012

Adverse childhood experiences and health in adulthood in a rural population-based sample  K.C. Iniguez & R.V. Stankowski, Clinical Medicine & Research, December 2016

AHA: Traumatic childhood could increase heart disease risk in adulthood  HealthDay News, November 8, 2018

Are community level prescription opioid overdoses associated with child harm? A spatial analysis of California zip codes, 2001-2011  J.P. Wolf et al., Drug and Alcohol Dependence, September 2016

Are there nutritional and other benefits associated with family meals among at-risk youth?  J.A. Fulkerson et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, October 2009

Assessing health disparities in children using a modified housing-related socioeconomic status measure: A cross-sectional study  E. Ryu et al., BMJ Open, July 2016

Assessing the nutrition literacy of parents and its relationship with child diet quality  H.D. Gibbs et al., Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, August 2016

Assessment of prescription opioid medical use and misuse among parents and their adolescent offspring in the US  P.C. Griesler et al., JAMA Network Open, January 2021

Assessment of whole brain white matter integrity in youths and young adults with a family history of substance-use disorders  A. Acheson et al., Human Brain Mapping, November 2014

Association between the built environment in school neighborhoods with physical activity among New York City children, 2012  M.M. Graziose et al., Preventing Chronic Disease, August 2016

Association between neighborhood violence and biological stress in children  K.P. Theall et al., JAMA Pediatrics, January 2017

Association between parental barriers to accessing a usual source of care and children's receipt of preventive services  J. Bellettiere et al., Public Health Reports, June 2017

The association of household food security, household characteristics and school environment with obesity status among off-reserve First Nations and Métis children and youth in Canada: Results from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey  J. Bhawra et al., Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, March 2017

Association of respondent psychiatric comorbidity with family history of comorbidity: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions-III  J. Jung et al., Comprehensive Psychiatry, November 2016

The association of self-efficacy and parent social support on physical activity in male and female adolescents  M.S. Peterson et al., Health Psychology, June 2013

Associations between nine family dinner frequency measures and child weight, dietary, and psychosocial outcomes  M.L. Horning et al., Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, June 2016

Associations between the parent-child relationship and adolescent self-worth: A genetically informed study of twin parents and their adolescent children  T.A. McAdams et al., Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, January 2017

Associations between parenting styles and teen driving, safety-related behaviors and attitudes  K.R. Ginsburg et al., Pediatrics, October 2009

Associations of family meal frequency with family meal habits and meal preparation characteristics among families of youth with type 1 diabetes  M.L. Kornides et al., Child, May 2014

Atypical parietal lobe activity to subliminal faces in youth with a family history of alcoholism  J. Peraza et al., American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, March 2015

Authoritarian parenting predicts reduced electrocortical response to observed adolescent offspring rewards  A.R. Levinson et al., Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, March 2017

Being blunt about marijuana: Parent communication about marijuana with their emerging adult children  L.E. Napper et al., Prevention Science, October 2016

Beyond food access: The impact of parent-, home-, and neighborhood-level factors on children's diets  L. Futrell Dunaway et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, June 2017

Brief psychotherapy for maternal depression: Impact on mothers and children  H.A. Swartz et al., Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, June 2016

Can frequent family dinners help teens resist drugs?  K. Husted, Shots: Health News from NPR, September 22, 2011

Census tract based income level and lipid levels in urban pediatric primary care: A retrospective study  E.E. Martinez et al., BMC Pediatrics, July 2016

Characteristic substance misuse profiles among youth entering an urban emergency department: Neighborhood correlates and behavioral comorbidities  J.E. Goldstick et al., American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, November 2016

Childhood ADHD symptoms: Association with parental social networks and mental health service use during adolescence  R. Bussing et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, September 2015

Childhood obesity and the associated roles of neighborhood and biologic stress  K.P. Theall et al., Preventive Medicine Reports, June 2019

Childhood-onset essential hypertension and the family structure  M. Gupta-Malhotra et al., Journal of Clinical Hypertension, May 2016

Childhood reports of food neglect and impulse control problems and violence in adulthood  M.G. Vaughn et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, March 2016

Community, family, and peer influences on alcohol, marijuana, and illicit drug use among a sample of Native American youth: An analysis of predictive factors  A.R. Heavyrunner-Rioux & D.R. Hollist, Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 2010

The complex associations between neighborhoods and adolescent health  E. Ruel, Journal of Adolescent Health, January 2012

A component-centered meta-analysis of family-based prevention programs for adolescent substance use  M.J. Van Ryzin et al., Clinical Psychology Review, April 2016

Context-dependent pathways of the transmission of risk from communities to individuals  A.E. Lamont et al., American Journal of Community Psychology, December 2014

Coparenting profiles in the context of Mexican-origin teen pregnancy: Links to mother-daughter relationship quality and adjustment  N.J. Perez-Brena et al., Family Process, June 2015

Cumulative family risks across income levels predict deterioration of children's general health during childhood and adolescence  Y.C. Lin & D.C. Seo, PLoS One, May 2017

Daily positive spillover and crossover from mothers' work to youth health  K.M. Lawson et al., Journal of Family Psychology, December 2014

Day-to-day inconsistency in parent knowledge: Links with youth health and parents' stress  M.A. Lippold et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, March 2015

Decreases in perceived maternal criticism predict improvement in subthreshold psychotic symptoms in a randomized trial of family-focused therapy for individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis  M.P. O'Brien et al., Journal of Family Psychology, December 2015

Decreasing substance use risk among African American youth: Parent-based mechanisms of change  S.R. Beach et al., Prevention Science, July 2016

Demographic and psychological predictors of parent-adolescent communication about sex: A representative statewide analysis  P. Jerman P & N.A. Constantine, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, October 2010

Density and proximity of tobacco outlets to homes and schools: Relations with youth cigarette smoking  S. Lipperman-Kreda et al., Prevention Science, October 2014

Depressive symptoms in adolescence: Longitudinal links with maternal empathy and psychological control  L.L. Werner et al., Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, August 2016

Developmental trajectories of family management and risk for violent behavior in adolescence  T.I. Herrenkohl et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, August 2006

Differences in the neighborhood retail food environment and obesity among US children and adolescents by SNAP participation  M.T. Gorski Findling et al., Obesity, May 2018

Direct and extended intergenerational contact and young people's attitudes towards older adults  L. Drury et al., British Journal of Social Psychology, September 2016

Disentangling overlapping influences of neighborhoods and schools on adolescent body mass index  T.K. Richmond et al., Obesity, December 2016

Disordered eating behaviours and food insecurity: A qualitative study about children with obesity in low-income households  J.M. Tester et al., Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, October 2016

Disordered neighborhood environments and risk-taking propensity in late childhood through adolescence  C.D.M. Furr-Holden, Journal of Adolescent Health, January 2012

Disparities in adolescents' residence in neighborhoods supportive of physical activity--United States, 2011-2012  K.B. Watson et al., CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, June 17, 2016

Do better executive functions buffer the effect of current parental depression on adolescent depressive symptoms?  S. Davidovich et al., Journal of Affective Disorders, July 2016

Do parent-adolescent discrepancies in family functioning increase the risk of Hispanic adolescent HIV risk behaviors?  D. Cordova et al., Family Process, June 2014

Do parents meet adolescents' monitoring standards? Examination of the impact on teen risk disclosure and behaviors if they don't  L. Cottrell et al., PLoS One, May 2015

Do parents' support behaviours predict whether or not their children get sufficient sleep? A cross-sectional study  E. Pyper et al., BMC Public Health, May 2017

Does parental and adolescent participation in an e-health lifestyle modification intervention improve weight outcomes?  A.W. Tu et al., BMC Public Health, April 2017

Does parental drinking influence children's drinking? A systematic review of prospective cohort studies  I. Rossow et al., Addiction, February 2016

A dynamic model of adolescent friendship networks, parental influences, and smoking  C.M. Lakon et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, September 2015

Dyslipidemia and food security in low-income US adolescents: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003-2010  J.M. Tester et al., Preventing Chronic Disease, February 2016

Early adolescent trajectories of impulsiveness and sensation seeking in children of fathers with histories of alcohol and other substance use disorders  A. Acheson et al., Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, December 2016

Early child care and adolescent functioning at the end of high school: Results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development  D.L. Vandell et al., Developmental Psychology, October 2016

Ecodevelopmental trajectories of family functioning: Links with HIV/STI risk behaviors and STI among Black adolescents  D. Córdova et al., Developmental Psychology, July 2016

Economic and other barriers to adopting recommendations to prevent childhood obesity: Results of a focus group study with parents  K.R. Sonneville, BMC Pediatrics, December 2009

The effect of childhood supervisory neglect on emerging adults' drinking  S.M. Snyder & D.H. Merritt, Substance Use & Misuse, January 2016

The effect of neighborhood context on the relationship between substance misuse and weapons aggression in urban adolescents seeking ED care  J.E. Goldstick et al., Substance Use & Misuse, April 2015

Effect of race and marital status on mothers' observed parenting and adolescent adjustment in youth with type 1 diabetes  J.H. Lord et al., Journal of Pediatric Psychology, February 2015

Effective parenting interventions to reduce youth substance use: A systematic review  M.L. Allen et al., Pediatrics, August 2016

Effects of a family intervention in reducing HIV risk behaviors among high-risk Hispanic adolescents: A randomized controlled trial  G. Prado et al., JAMA Pediatrics, February 2012

Effects of the interparental relationship on adolescents' emotional security and adjustment: The important role of fathers  G.W. Suh et al., Developmental Psychology, October 2016

The effects of parental mood on reports of their children's psychopathology  H. Maoz et al., Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, October 2014

Effects of socioeconomic status on maternal and child positive behaviors in daily life among youth with asthma  L. Imami et al., Journal of Pediatric Psychology, February

Effects of workplace intervention on affective well-being in employees' children  K.M. Lawson et al., Developmental Psychology, May 2016

Elevated cortisol in healthy female adolescent offspring of mothers with posttraumatic stress disorder  K. Liu et al., Journal of Anxiety Disorders, May 2016

Emotional closeness in Mexican-origin adolescents' relationships with mothers, fathers, and same-sex friends  S.A. Rodriguez et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, December 2014

Environmental determinants of aggression in adolescents: Role of urban neighborhood greenspace  D. Younan et al., Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, July 2016

An epigenetic mechanism links socioeconomic status to changes in depression-related brain function in high-risk adolescents  J.R. Swartz et al., Molecular Psychiatry, February 2017

Epigenetic patterns modulate the connection between developmental dynamics of parenting and offspring psychosocial adjustment  O.Y. Naumova et al., Child Development, February 2016

Equivalence of family functioning and externalizing behaviors in adolescent substance users of different race/ethnicity  D.J. Feaster et al., Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, June 2010

Ethnic/racial disparities in adolescents' home food environments and linkages to dietary intake and weight status  N. Larson et al., Eating Behaviors, January 2015

Even 'non-problem' drinking by parents tied to mental health problems in kids  L. Rapaport, Reuters Health News, January 8, 2019

Examining the etiology of associations between perceived parenting and adolescents' alcohol use: Common genetic and/or environmental liabilities?  S.J. Latendresse et al., Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, May 2010

Examining the interplay among family, culture, and Latina teen suicidal behavior  L.E. Gulbas & L.H. Zayas, Qualitative Health Research, May 2015

Examining reciprocal influences among family climate, school attachment, and academic self-regulation: Implications for school success  M. Xia et al., Journal of Family Psychology, June 2016

Exposure to neighborhood immigrant concentration from adolescence to young adulthood and immune function among Latino young adults  J.L. Ford & C.R. Browning, Health & Place, March 2015

Exposure to violence in childhood is associated with higher body mass index in adolescence  H.C. Gooding et al., Child Abuse & Neglect, December 2015

Exposure to violence, substance use, and neighborhood context  A.A. Fagan et al., Social Science Research, January 2015

Familial and special twin influences on cigarette use initiation  C.B. Bares et al., Twin Research and Human Genetics, April 2017

Familial correlates of adolescent girls' physical activity, television use, dietary intake, weight, and body composition  K.W. Bauer et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, March 2011

Familial risk and protective factors in alcohol intoxicated adolescents: Psychometric evaluation of the family domain of the Communities That Care Youth Survey (CTC) and a new short version of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ)  H. Kuttler et al., BMC Pediatrics, November 2015

A familial risk enriched cohort as a platform for testing early interventions to prevent severe mental illness  R. Uher et al., BMC Psychiatry, December 2014

Families affected by parental substance use  V.C. Smith et al., Pediatrics, August 2016

Family acceptance key in preventing gay youths from considering suicide  K. Husted, Shots: Health News from NPR, February 14, 2012

Family accommodation of child and adolescent anxiety: Mechanisms, assessment, and treatment  K.R. Normal et al., Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, August 2015

Family and school socioeconomic disadvantage: Interactive influences on adolescent dating violence victimization  A.L. Spriggs et al., Social Science & Medicine, June 2009

A family-based education program for obesity: A three-year study  R. Tanas et al., BMC Pediatrics, October 2007

A family-centered, community-based system of services for children and youth with special health care needs  J.M. Perrin et al., Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, October 2007

Family density and SES related to diabetes management and glycemic control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes  L.J. Caccavale et al., Journal of Pediatric Psychology, June 2015

Family dinner meal frequency and adolescent development: Relationships with developmental assets and high-risk behaviors  J.A. Fulkerson et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, September 2006

Family, employment, and individual resource-based antecedents of maternal work-family enrichment from infancy through middle childhood  N. Zhou & C. Buehler, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, July 2016

Family environment as a moderator of the association between anxiety and suicidal ideation  K.A. Machell et al., Journal of Anxiety Disorders, May 2016

Family functioning and the course of adolescent bipolar disorder  A.E. Sullivan et al., Behavior Therapy, December 2012

Family functioning and high risk adolescents' aggressive behavior: Examining effects by ethnicity  A.K. Henneberger et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, January 2016

Family functioning and parent support trajectories and substance use and misuse among minority urban adolescents: A latent class growth analysis  D. Cordova et al., Substance Use & Misuse, December 2014

Family functioning and quality of parent-adolescent relationship: Cross-sectional associations with adolescent weight-related behaviors and weight status  J. Haines et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, June 2016

Family functioning, social impairment, and symptoms among adolescents with bipolar disorder  D. Keenan-Miller et al., Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, October 2012

Family history density predicts long term substance use outcomes in an adolescent treatment sample  R. Khoddam et al., Drug and Alcohol Dependence, February 2015

Family history of alcohol use disorders and neuromaturation: A functional connectivity study with adolescents  A.D. Spadoni et al., American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, November 2013

Family impact of migraine: Development of the Impact of Migraine on Partners and Adolescent Children (IMPAC) Scale  R.B. Lipton et al., Headache, April 2017

Family income trajectory during childhood is associated with adiposity in adolescence: A latent class growth analysis  D.E. Kendzor et al., BMC Public Health, August 2012

Family influences related to adult substance use and mental health problems: A developmental analysis of child and adolescent predictors  T.I. Herrenkohl et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, August 2012

Family leadership styles and adolescent dietary and physical activity behaviors: A cross-sectional study  K.L. Morton et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, April 2012

Family meals and disordered eating in adolescents: Are the benefits the same for everyone?  K. Loth et al., International Journal of Eating Disorders, January 2015

Family obligation values and family assistance behaviors: Protective and risk factors for Mexican-American adolescents' substance useE.H. Telzer et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, February 2014

Family obligation values as a protective and vulnerability factor among low-income adolescent girlsS. Milan & S. Wortel, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, June 2015

Family poverty over the early life course and recurrent adolescent and young adult anxiety and depression: A longitudinal study  J.M. Najman et al., American Journal of Public Health, September 2010

Family process and peer deviance influences on adolescent aggression: Longitudinal effects across early and middle adolescence  M.J. Benson & C. Buehler, Child Development, August 2012

Family relationships and parental monitoring during middle school as predictors of early adolescent problem behavior  G.M. Fosco et al., Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, March 2012

Family structure and child health: Does the sex composition of parents matter?  C. Reczek et al., Demography, October 2016

Family structure as a correlate of organized sport participation among youth  R. McMillan et al., PLoS One, February 2016

The family that Tweets together stays together  N. Shute, Shots: Health News from NPR, July 16, 2013

Fast-food environments and family fast-food intake in nonmetropolitan areas  M.R. Longacre et al., American Journal of Preventive Medicine, June 2012

Fast food price, diet behavior, and cardiometabolic health: Differential associations by neighborhood SES and neighborhood fast food restaurant availability in the CARDIA study  P.E. Rummo et al., Health & Place, September 2015

Father involvement, dating violence, and sexual risk behaviors among a national sample of adolescent females  B. Alleyne-Green et al., Journal of Interpersonal Violence, March 2016

Fathers' roles in the care and development of their children: The role of pediatricians  M. Yogman et al., Pediatrics, July 2016

Fine particles in homes of predominantly low-income families with children and smokers: Key physical and behavioral determinants to inform indoor-air-quality interventions  N.E. Klepeis et al., PLoS One, May 2017

Food insecurity and dietary intake among US youth, 2007-2010  L.M. Rossen & E.K. Kobernik, Pediatric Obesity, June 2016

Food insecurity and rural adolescent personal health, home, and academic environments  A. Shanafelt et al., Journal of School Health, June 2016

Food-related beliefs of adolescent girls ages 9-13 and their mothers on O'ahu, Hawai'i  M. Mosley et al., Hawai'i Journal of Medicine & Public Health, April 2016

French lessons: Why letting kids drink at home isn't 'tres bien'  S. Varnery, Shots: Health News from NPR, December 12, 2011

Frequent residential mobility among American Indians and early indications of sexual risk among young adolescents  N.r. Tuitt et al., PLoS One, June 2019

Gen Z kids are the stars of their parents' social media - and they have opinions about that  C. Gibson, Washington Post, June 3, 2019

Gender differences in the association between family conflict and adolescent substance use disorders  M.R. Skeer et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, August 2011

Gender-specific mediational links between parenting styles, parental monitoring, impulsiveness, drinking control, and alcohol-related problems  J.A. Patock-Peckham et al., Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, March 2011

The genetic and environmental association between parental monitoring and risk of cannabis, stimulants, and cocaine initiation in a sample of male twins: Does parenting matter?  E.L. Olivares et al., Twin Research and Human Genetics, August 2016

Genetic and environmental influences on the allocation of adolescent leisure time activities  B.C. Haberstick et al., BioMed Research International, May 2014

Genetic and environmental influences underlying externalizing behaviors, cigarette smoking and illicit drug use across adolescence  T. Korhonen et al., Behavior Genetics, July 2012

Genetic moderation of transactional relations between parenting practices and child self-regulation  J. Cho et al., Journal of Family Psychology, October 2016

"Getting out of downtown": A longitudinal study of how street-entrenched youth attempt to exit an inner city drug scene  R. Knight et al., BMC Public Health, May 2017

The growth of neighborhood disorder and marijuana use among urban adolescents: A case for policy and environmental interventions  C.D.M. Furr-Holden et al., Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, May 2011

Harsh parenting and food insecurity in adolescence: The association with emerging adult obesity  B.J. Lohman et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, July 2016

Harsh parenting, parasympathetic activity, and development of delinquency and substance use  J.B. Hinnant et al., Journal of Abnormal Psychology, February 2015

Health implications of social networks for children living in public housing  A. Kennedy-Hendricks et al., Health & Place, November 2015

Health status and residential exposure to air toxics: What are the effects on children's academic achievement?  S.E. Clark-Reyna et al., Family & Community Health, September 2016

Healthy families: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment intervention for caregivers to reduce secondhand smoke exposure among pediatric emergency patients  E.M. Mahabee-Gittens et al., BMC Public Health, May 2017

Housing mobility and cognitive development: Change in verbal and nonverbal abilities  P.J. Fowler et al., Child Abuse & Neglect, October 2015

How parents can learn to tame a testy teenager  P. Neighmond, Shots: Health News from NPR, February 11, 2013

How parents of adolescents store and monitor alcohol in the home  B. Friese et al., Journal of Primary Prevention, June 2012

How to talk to a teenage daughter about clothes that aren't 'appropriate' for school  S. Schmidt, Washington Post, October 4, 2019

The impact of discrimination on the mental health of trans*female youth and the protective effect of parental support  E.C. Wilson et al., AIDS and Behavior, October 2016

Impact of family history of alcoholism on glutamine/glutamate ratio in anterior cingulate cortex in substance-naïve adolescents  J.E. Cohen-Gilbert et al., Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, December 2015

The importance of family factors to protect against substance use related problems among Mexican heritage and White youth  A.M. Kopak et al., Drug and Alcohol Dependence, July 2012

The importance of family to youth living in violent communities  C.C. McDonald et al., Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, September 2011

Increased pre- and early-adolescent stress in youth with a family history of substance use disorder and early substance use initiation  N.E. Charles et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, October 2015

The influence of assets and environmental factors on gender differences in adolescent drug use  C.B. Aspy et al., Journal of Adolescence, August 2014

Influence of family factors and supervised alcohol use on adolescent alcohol use and harms: Similarities between youth in different alcohol policy contexts  B.J. McMorris et al., Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, May 2011

The influence of parental nativity, neighborhood disadvantage and the built environment on physical activity behaviors in Latino youth  S.E. Echeverría et al., Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, April 2015

Information management strategies within conversations about cigarette smoking: Parenting correlates and longitudinal associations with teen smoking  A. Metzger et al., Developmental Psychology, August 2013

Initiation of alcohol, marijuana, and inhalant use by American-Indian and white youth living on or near reservations  L.R. Stanley & R.C. Swaim, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, October 2015

Integrating mindfulness with parent training: Effects of the Mindfulness-Enhanced Strengthening Families Program  J.D. Coatsworth et al., Developmental Psychology, January 2015

Intergenerational ambivalence in adolescence and early adulthood: Implications for depressive symptoms over time  L.A. Tighe et al., Developmental Psychology, May 2016

Intergenerational continuity in parents' and adolescents' externalizing problems: The role of life events and their interaction with GABRA2  J.E. Salvatore et al., Journal of Abnormal Psychology, August 2015

Intergenerational influences on early alcohol use: Independence from the problem behavior pathway  D.C. Kerr et al., Development and Psychopathology, August 2012

Intergenerational transmission of educational attitudes in Chinese American families: Interplay of socioeconomic status and acculturation  Y. Shen et al, Child Development, September 2016

Intergenerational transmission of overweight and obesity from parents to their adolescent offspring: The HUNT study  M. Næss et al, PLoS One, November 2016

The interplay between parental monitoring and the dopamine D4 receptor gene in adolescent cannabis use  R. Otten et al., PLoS One, November 2012

Intervening in the lives of youth with complex behavioral health challenges and their families: The role of the wraparound process  E.J. Bruns et al., American Journal of Community Psychology, December 2010

Intimate partner violence in neighborhood context: The roles of structural disadvantage, subjective disorder, and emotional distress  J.E. Copp et al., Social Science Research, September 2015

Involvement of fathers in pediatric obesity treatment and prevention trials: A systematic review  P.J. Morgan et al., Pediatrics, February 2017

Is childhood socioeconomic status independently associated with adult BMI after accounting for adult and neighborhood socioeconomic status?  G. Pavela, PLoS One, January 2017

Is a crop top empowering for girls? How parents navigate what's 'appropriate' for high school  S. Schmidt, Washington Post, October 4, 2019

Is grand-parental smoking associated with adolescent obesity? A three-generational study  M.M. Dougan et al., International Journal of Obesity, March 2016

Is parenting the mediator of change in behavioral parent training for externalizing problems of youth?  R. Forehand et al., Clinical Psychology Review, December 2014

It's about trust: Low-income parents' perspectives on how pediatricians can screen for social determinants of health  United Hospital Fund, June 2019

Kids listen when parents say no to teen drinking  N. Shute, Shots: Health News from NPR, February 15, 2012

Labeling and intergenerational transmission of crime: The interaction between criminal justice intervention and a convicted parent  S. Besemer et al., PLoS One, March 2017

Linking mother and youth parenting attitudes: Indirect effects via maltreatment, parent involvement, and youth functioning  R. Thompson et al., Child Maltreatment, November 2014

Links between parental depression and longitudinal changes in youths' neural sensitivity to rewards  Y. Qu et al., Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, August 2016

Longitudinal associations of parental and peer influences with physical activity during adolescence: Findings from the COMPASS study  E.Y. Lau et al., Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, November 2016

Longitudinal family effects on substance use among an at-risk adolescent sample  B.A. Ewing et al., Addictive Behaviors, February 2015

The longitudinal impact of parent distress and behavior on functional outcomes among youth with chronic pain  E.T. Chow et al., Journal of Pain, June 2016

Lower neighborhood quality in adolescence predicts higher mesolimbic sensitivity to reward anticipation in adulthood  M.Z. Gonzalez et al., Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, December 2016

Male perpetration of teen dating violence: Associations with neighborhood violence involvement, gender attitudes, and perceived peer and neighborhood norms  E. Reed et al., Journal of Urban Health, April 2011

Many parents think vaping around kids is fine  A. Norton, HealthDay News, March 11, 2019

Maternal caregiving and girls' depressive symptom and antisocial behavior trajectories: An examination among high-risk youth  G.T. Harold et al., Development and Psychopathology, November 2014

Maternal drinking and risky sexual behavior in offspring  N.M. De Genna & M.D. Cornelius, Health Education & Behavior, April 2015

Maternal psychopathology and offspring clinical outcome: A four-year follow-up of boys with ADHD  S.S. Agha et al., European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, February 2017

A micro-developmental view of parental well-being in families coping with chronic illness  T.L. Queen et al., Journal of Family Psychology, October 2016

The Mindfulness-enhanced Strengthening Families Program: Integrating brief mindfulness activities and parent training within an evidence-based prevention program  J.D. Coatsworth et al., New Directions for Youth Development, Summer 2014

A mixed methods study to examine the influence of the neighborhood social context on adolescent health service utilization  K. Mmari et al., BMC Health Services Research, August 2016

A model of integrated health care in a poverty-impacted community in New York City: Importance of early detection and addressing potential barriers to intervention implementation  M.C. Acri et al., Social Work in Health Care, April 2016

Modifiable neighborhood features associated with adolescent homicide  A.J. Culyba et al., JAMA Pediatrics, May 2016

Modification and validation of the Treatment Self Regulation Questionnaire to assess parental motivation for HPV vaccination of adolescents  D.C. Denman et al., Vaccine, September 2016

Most parents want pot dispensaries away from schools  T. Dyson, UPI Health News, February 18, 2019

Motivated attention and family risk for depression: Neuronal generator patterns at scalp elicited by lateralized aversive pictures reveal blunted emotional responsivity  J. Kayser et al., Neuroimage, March 2017

A multidimensional model of mothers' perceptions of parent alcohol socialization and adolescent alcohol misuse  S.T. Ennett et al., Psychology of Addictive Behavior, February 2016

Multi-level examination of correlates of active transportation to school among youth living within 1 mile of their school  K.M. Gropp et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, October 2012

Multiple domains of parental secure base support during childhood and adolescence contribute to adolescents' representations of attachment as a secure base script  B.E. Vaughn et al., Attachment & Human Development, August 2016

Multiple pathways from the neighborhood food environment to increased body mass index through dietary behaviors: A structural equation-based analysis in the CARDIA study  A.S. Richardson et al., Health & Place, November 2015

Multiple trajectories of peer and parental influence and their association with the development of adolescent heavy drinking  S.C. Martino et al., Addictive Behaviors, August 2009

Multivariable analysis of the association between fathers' and youths' physical activity in the United States  Z. Isgor et al., BMC Public Health, November 2014

A multivariate model exploring the predictive value of demographic, adolescent, and family factors on glycemic control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes  S. Agarwal et al., Pediatric Diabetes, November 2016

Neighborhood and family intersections: Prospective implications for Mexican American adolescents' mental health  R.M.B. White et al., Journal of Family Psychology, October 2012

Neighborhood and home food environment and children's diet and obesity: Evidence from military personnel's installation assignment  V. Shier et al., Social Science & Medicine, June 2016

Neighborhood contextual factors, alcohol use, and alcohol problems in the United States: Evidence from a nationally representative study of young adults  W.S. Slutske et al., Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, May 2016

Neighborhood disorder and screen time among 10-16 year old Canadian youth: A cross-sectional study  V. Carson & I. Janssen, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, May 2012

Neighborhood environment and urban African American marijuana use during high school  B.A. Reboussin et al., Journal of Urban Health, December 2014

Neighborhood factors and dating violence among youth  R.M. Johnson et al., American Journal of Preventive Medicine, September 2015

Neighborhood greenness and 2-year changes in body mass index of children and youth  J.F. Bell et al., American Journal of Preventive Medicine, December 2008

Neighborhood influences on women's parenting practices for adolescents' outdoor play: A qualitative study  M.M. Kepper et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, October 2019

Neighborhood-level and individual-level correlates of cannabis use among young persons living with HIV/AIDS  D. Bruce et al., Drug and Alcohol Dependence, June 2015

Neighborhood predictors of dating violence victimization and perpetration in young adulthood: A multilevel study  S. Jain et al., American Journal of Public Health, September 2010

Neighborhood socioeconomic status effects on adolescent alcohol outcomes using growth models: Exploring the role of parental alcoholism  R.S. Trim & L. Chassin, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, September 2008

Neighborhood sociodemographic predictors of serious emotional disturbance (SED) in schools: Demonstrating a small area estimation method in the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS-A) Adolescent Supplement  J.G. Green et al., Administration and Policy in Mental Health, January 2015

Neighborhood stress, depressive symptoms, and asthma morbidity in youth  E.T. Tobin et al., Journal of Pediatric Psychology, October 2016

Neighborhood variation in adolescent alcohol use: Examination of socioecological and social disorganization theories  A.B. Brenner et al., Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, July 2011

Neighborhoods and adolescent health-risk behavior: An ecological network approach  C.R. Browning et al., Social Science & Medicine, January 2015

Neighborhoods and racial/ethnic disparities in adolescent sexual risk behavior  D.L. Carlson et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, September 2014

Neural markers of familial risk for depression: An investigation of cortical thickness abnormalities in healthy adolescent daughters of mothers with recurrent depression  L.C. Foland-Ross et al., Journal of the Abnormal Psychology, August 2015

The nonlinear dynamics of family problem solving in adolescence: The predictive validity of a peaceful resolution attractor  T.J. Dishion et al., Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, July 2012

Neural correlates of parent-child HPA axis coregulation  D. Saxbe et al., Hormones and Behavior, September 2015

Neural mediators of the intergenerational transmission of family aggression  D. Saxbe et al., Development and Psychopathology, May 2016

Neural responses to maternal praise and criticism: Relationship to depression and anxiety symptoms in high-risk adolescent girls  R.L. Aupperle et al., Neuroimage, April 2016

Not just academics: Paths of longitudinal effects from parent involvement to substance abuse in emerging adulthood  M. Hayakawa et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, April 2016

Observed racial socialization and maternal positive emotions in African American mother-adolescent discussions about racial discrimination  M.A. Smith-Bynum et al., Child Development, November 2016

An overview of the Families Improving Together (FIT) for weight loss randomized controlled trial in African American families  D.K. Wilson et al., Contemporary Clinical Trials, May 2015

Ozone and childhood respiratory disease in three US cities: Evaluation of effect measure modification by neighborhood socioeconomic status using a Bayesian hierarchical approach  C.R. O'Lenick et al., Environmental Health, April 2017

Parent-adolescent conversations about eating, physical activity and weight: Prevalence across sociodemographic characteristics and associations with adolescent weight and weight-related behaviors  J.M. Berge et al., Journal of Behavioral Medicine, February 2015

Parent-adolescent relationship quality as a moderator for the influences of parents' religiousness on adolescents' religiousness and adjustment  J. Kim-Spoon et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, December 2012

Parent attitudes, family dynamics and adolescent drinking: qualitative study of the Australian Parenting Guidelines for Adolescent Alcohol Use  C. Gilligan, K. Kypri, BMC Public Health, June 2012

Parent-child communication and marijuana initiation: Evidence using discrete-time survival analysis  J.M. Nonnemaker et al., Addictive Behaviors, December 2012

Parent-child discrepancies in reports of parental monitoring and their relationship to adolescent alcohol-related behaviors  C.C. Abar et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, September 2015

Parent-child divergence in the development of alcohol use norms from middle childhood into middle adolescence  J.C. Prins et al., Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, May 2011

Parent-child relationships and parent psychological distress: How do social support, strain, dissatisfaction, and equity matter?  C. Reczek & Z. Zhang, Research on Aging, October 2016

Parent cortisol and family relatedness predict anxious behavior in emerging adults  V.K. Johnson & S.E. Gans, Journal of Family Psychology, October 2016

Parent discrimination predicts Mexican-American adolescent psychological adjustment 1 year later  G. Espinoza et al., Child Development, July 2016

Parent HPV vaccine perspectives and the likelihood of HPV vaccination of adolescent males  S.J. Clark et al., Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, February 2016

Parental-adolescent drug use discussions: Physiological responses and associated outcomes  T.M. Chaplin et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, December 2014

Parental alcohol use and risk of behavioral and emotional problems in offspring  L. Mahedy et al., PLoS One, June 2017

Parental autonomy granting and child perceived control: Effects on the everyday emotional experience of anxious youth  K. Benoit Allen et al., Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, July 2016

Parental characteristic patterns associated with maintaining healthy physical activity behavior during childhood and adolescence  S. Kwon et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, May 2016

Parental divorce and adolescent delinquency: Ruling out the impact of common genes  S.A. Burt et al., Developmental Psychology, November 2008

Parental divorce and initiation of alcohol use in early adolescence  K.M. Jackson et al., Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, June 2016

Parental expressed emotion and youth psychopathology: New directions for an old construct  T.S. Peris & D.J. Miklowitz, Child Psychiatry and Human Development, December 2015

Parental health literacy and outcomes of childhood nephrotic syndrome  K. Borges et al., Pediatrics, March 2017

Parental involvement in brief interventions for adolescent marijuana use  T.F. Piehler & K.C. Winters, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, September 2015

Parental knowledge is a contextual amplifier of associations of pubertal maturation and substance use  K. Marceau et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, September 2015

Parental loss of family members within two years of offspring birth predicts elevated absorption scores in college  N.I. Bahm et al., Attachment & Human Development, October 2016

Parental monitoring affects the relationship between depressed mood and alcohol-related problems in adolescents  K.H. O'Brien et al., Substance Abuse, January 2016

Parental monitoring, association with externalized behavior, and academic outcomes in urban African-American youth: A moderated mediation analysis  R. Lopez-Tamayo et al., American Journal of Community Psychology, June 2016

Parental monitoring, parent-adolescent communication about sex, and sexual risk among young men who have sex with men  B.C. Thoma & D.M. Huebner, AIDS Behavior, August 2014

Parental nonmedical prescription opioid use linked to adolescent use  M. Dinh & L.H. Carr, 2 Minute Medicine, February 25, 2019

Parental perceptions of teen driving: Restrictions, worry and influence  A. Jewett et al., Journal of Safety Research, December 2016

Parental psychopathology and treatment outcome for anxious youth: Roles of family functioning and caregiver strain  J.L. Schleider et al., Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, February 2015

Parental support and condom use among transgender female youth  E.C. Wilson et al., Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, August 2012

Parental transmission of risk for cannabis use disorders to offspring  D.B. Kosty et al., Addiction, July 2015

Parenting among adolescents and young adults with human immunodeficiency virus infection in the United States: Challenges, unmet needs, and opportunities  K. Hatfield-Timajchy et al., AIDS Patient Care and STDs, July 2016

Parenting mediates symptoms and impairment in children with ADHD-inattentive type  L.M. Haack et al., Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, April 2016

Parenting strategies for reducing adolescent alcohol use: A Delphi consensus study  S.M. Ryan, BMC Public Health, January 2011

Parenting stressors and young adolescents' depressive symptoms: Does high vagal suppression offer protection?  A.C. Fletcher et al., Physiology & Behavior, March 2017

Parenting style as a predictor of adolescent weight and weight-related behaviors  J.M. Berge et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, April 2010

Parenting styles and body mass index trajectories from adolescence to adulthood  B.F. Fuemmeler et al., Health Psychology, July 2012

Parents and friendships: A longitudinal examination of interpersonal mediators of the relationship between child maltreatment and suicidal ideation  A.B. Miller et al., Psychiatry Research, December 2014

Parents' daily time with their children: A workplace intervention  K.D. Davis et al., Pediatrics, May 2015

Parents' differential treatment and adolescents' delinquent behaviors: Direct and indirect effects of difference-score and perception-based measures  A.C. Jensen & S.D. Whiteman, Journal of Family Psychology, August 2014

Parents' harsh words might make teen behaviors worse  N. Shute, Shots: Health News from NPR, September 5, 2013

Parents' views on engaging families of middle school students in obesity prevention and control in a multiethnic population  B.O. Cowgill et al., Preventing Chronic Disease, April 2014

Parents who refuse or delay HPV vaccine: Differences in vaccination behavior, beliefs, and clinical communication preferences  M.B. Gilkey et al., Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, May 2017

Paternal influences on adolescent sexual risk behaviors: A structured literature review  V. Guilamo-Ramos et al., Pediatrics, November 2012

A path modeling approach to understanding family conflict: Reciprocal patterns of parent coercion and adolescent avoidance  D.E. Saxbe et al., Journal of Family Psychology, June 2014

Pathways to suicide-related behavior in offspring of mothers with depression: The role of offspring psychopathology  G. Hammerton et al., Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, May 2015

Pediatric positive airway pressure adherence in obstructive sleep apnea enhanced by family member positive airway pressure usage  P. Puri et al., Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, July 2016

Peers and parents: A comparison between neural activation when winning for friends and mothers in adolescence  B.R. Braams & E.A. Crone, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, March 2017

Perceived and police-reported neighborhood crime: Linkages to adolescent activity behaviors and weight status  A. Forsyth et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, August 2015

Perceived social support from friends and parents for eating behavior and diet quality among low-income, urban, minority youth  E. Anderson Steeves et al., Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, May 2016

Perceptions of siblings' sexual activity predict sexual attitudes among at-risk adolescents  B. Almy et al., Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, May 2015

Persistently obese youth: Interactions between parenting styles and feeding practices with child temperament  R.E. Boles et al., Clinical Pediatrics, December 2013

Pharmaceutical opioids in the home and youth: Implications for adult medical practice  I.A. Binswanger & J.M. Glanz, Substance Abuse, February 2015

Physical fighting, fighting-related injuries and family affluence among Canadian youth  M. Djerboua et al., BMC Public Health, February 2016

Poor self-control and harsh punishment in childhood prospectively predict borderline personality symptoms in adolescent girls  M.N. Hallquist et al., Journal of Abnormal Psychology, August 2015

Positive parenting and children's prosocial behavior in eight countries  C. Pastorelli et al., Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, July 2016

Positive parenting mitigates the effects of poor self-regulation on body mass index trajectories from ages 4-15 years  L.E. Connell & L.A. Francis, Health Psychology, August 2014

Poverty and child development: A longitudinal study of the impact of the earned income tax credit  R. Hamad & D.H. Rehkopf, American Journal of Epidemiology, May 2016

The power of place: Social network characteristics, perceived neighborhood features, and psychological distress among African Americans in the Historic Hill District in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  K.R. Flórez et al., American Journal of Community Psychology, September 2016

The power of the proposition: Frequency of marijuana offers, parental knowledge, and adolescent marijuana use  J.T. Siegel et al., Drug and Alcohol Dependence, March 2015

Predicting condom use attitudes, norms, and control beliefs in Hispanic problem behavior youth: The effects of family functioning and parent-adolescent communication about sex on condom use  S. Malcolm et al., Health Education & Behavior, August 2013

Prevalence and determinants of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents from migrant and seasonal farmworker families in the United States: A systematic review and qualitative assessment  Y.M. Lim et al., Nutrients, February 2017

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Prevention effects on trajectories of African American adolescents' exposure to interparental conflict and depressive symptoms  A.W. Barton et al., Journal of Family Psychology, April 2015

Profiles of cognitive appraisals and triangulation into interparental conflict: Implications for adolescent adjustment  G.M. Fosco & B.C. Bray, Journal of Family Psychology, August 2016

Promoting parent-child sexual health dialogue with an intergenerational game: Parent and youth perspectives  J. D'Cruz et al., Games for Health Journal, April 2015

The proportion of excessive fast-food consumption attributable to the neighbourhood food environment among youth living within 1 km of their school  R.E. Laxer & I. Janssen, Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, April 2014

The proportion of U.S. parents who talk with their adolescent children about dating abuse  E.F. Rothman et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, August 2011

A prospective cohort study of influences on externalizing behaviors across childhood: Results from a nurse home visiting randomized controlled trial  M.A. Enoch et al., Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, May 2016

The protective effects of neighborhood collective efficacy on adolescent substance use and violence following exposure to violence  A.A. Fagan et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, September 2014

Protective families in high- and low-risk environments: Implications for adolescent substance use  M.J. Cleveland et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, February 2010

Protective prevention effects on the association of poverty with brain development  G.H. Brody et al., JAMA Pediatrics, January 2017

Provider, patient, and family perspectives of adolescent alcohol use and treatment in rural settings  A.J. Gordon et al., Journal of Rural Health, Winter 2011

Psychosocial family factors and glycemic control among children aged 1-15 years with type 1 diabetes: A population-based survey  A. Haugstvedt et al., BMC Pediatrics, December 2011

Putting theory to the test: Examining family context, caregiver motivation, and conflict in the Family Check-Up model  G.M. Fosco et al., Development and Psychopathology, May 2014

A qualitative study for understanding family and peer influences on obesity-related health behaviors in low-income African-American adolescents  S.M. St. George et al., Childhood Obesity, October 2012

Racial/ethnic differences in adolescent substance use: Mediation by individual, family, and school factors  R.A. Shih et al., Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, September 2010

Racial/ethnic differences in associations between neighborhood social cohesion and meeting physical activity guidelines, United States, 2013-2014  S.S. Yi et al., Preventing Chronic Disease, December 2016

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Racial-ethnic identity in context: Examining mediation of neighborhood factors on children's academic adjustment  D.P. Witherspoon et al., American Journal of Community Psychology, March 2016

A randomized, controlled trial of the family check-up model in public secondary schools: Examining links between parent engagement and substance use progressions from early adolescence to adulthood  M.H. Véronneau et al., Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, June 2016

The relationship between developmental assets and food security in adolescents from a low-income community  Z. Shtasel-Gottlieb et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, January 2015

The relationship between parental depressive symptoms, family type, and adolescent functioning  D.S. Sieh et al., PLOS ONE, November 2013

Relationships among parent and youth healthful eating attitudes and youth dietary intake in a cross-sectional study of youth with type 1 diabetes  T.R. Nansel et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, November 2013

Relationships between the family environment and school-based obesity prevention efforts: Can school programs help adolescents who are most in need?  K.W. Bauer et al., Health Education Research, August 2011

Relationships of parental monitoring and emotion regulation with early adolescents' sexual behaviors  W. Hadley et al., Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, June 2015

Residential mobility during adolescence: Do even "upward" moves predict dropout risk?  M.W. Metzger et al., Social Science Research, September 2015

A review of familial correlates of child and adolescent obesity: What has the 21st century taught us so far?  J.M. Berge, International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, October 2009

A review of family and environmental correlates of health behaviors in high-risk youth  H.G. Lawman & D.K. Wilson, Obesity, June 2012

A review of the structural characteristics of family meals with children in the United States  M.B. McCullough et al., Advances in Nutrition, July 2016

The role of economic strain on adolescent delinquency: A microsocial process model  S. Low et al., Journal of Family Psychology, August 2012

The role of neighborhood characteristics and the built environment in understanding racial/ethnic disparities in childhood obesity  M. Sharifi et al., Preventive Medicine, October 2016

Sequence of alcohol involvement from early onset to young adult alcohol abuse: Differential predictors and moderation by family-focused preventive intervention  W.A. Mason & R.L. Spoth, Addiction, December 2012

Sexually active adolescent women: Assessing family and peer relationships using event history calendars  M.A. Saftner et al., Journal of School Nursing, June 2011

Sibling differences in parent-child conflict and risky behavior: A three-wave longitudinal study  C.B. Lam et al., Journal of Family Psychology, August 2012

Single-parent households and children's educational achievement: A state-level analysis  P.R. Amato et al., Social Science Research, September 2015

A six-year predictive test of adolescent family relationship quality and effortful control pathways to emerging adult social and emotional health  G.M. Fosco et al., Journal of Family Psychology, August 2012

Social context, parental monitoring, and multisystemic therapy outcomes  B.A. Robinson et al., Psychotherapy, March 2015

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A teen says he has school under control, but mom isn't sure. How involved should she be?  M. Leahy, Washington Post, October 16, 2019

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Tipping points in adolescent adjustment: Predicting social functioning from adolescents' conflict with parents and friends  K.B. Ehrlich et al., Journal of Family Psychology, October 2012

Tobacco outlet density near home and school: Associations with smoking and norms among US teens  N.C. Schleicher et al., Preventive Medicine, October 2016

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