Homeless and Street-Involved Youth

The challenge of pregnancy among homeless youth: Reclaiming a lost opportunity  M. Smid et al., Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, May 2010

Challenges to immunization: The experiences of homeless youth  A. Doroshenko et al., BMC Public Health, 2012

Childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and homelessness: A 33-year follow-up study  L. García Murillo et al., Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, November 2016

Children who run away from home: Risks for suicidal behavior and substance misuse  H. Meltzer et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, November 2012

Discrimination and exiting homelessness among homeless adolescents  N.G. Milburn et al., Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, October 2006

Elevated risk of incarceration among street-involved youth who initiate drug dealing  C. Hoy et al., Harm Reduction Journal, November 2016

Employment and risk of injection drug use initiation among street involved youth in Canadian setting  L. Richardson et al., Preventive Medicine, September 2014

Eviction and loss of income assistance among street-involved youth in Canada  R. Zivanovic et al., Journal of Public Health Policy, May 2016

Families on the edge: Young homeless parents and their welfare experiences. A survey of homeless youth and service providers  Report by B. Reeg et al., 2002

Gender influences on hepatitis C incidence among street youth in a Canadian setting  N. Puri et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, December 2014

Health-seeking challenges among homeless youth  A.L. Hudson, Nursing Research, May 2010

A homeless teen finds solace in a teacher and a recording  NPR's StoryCorps, March 7, 2014

Homeless youths' HIV risk behaviors with strangers: Investigating the importance of social networks  K.A. Tyler, Archives of Sexual Behavior, November 2013

Homelessness and health care access after emancipation: Results from the Midwest Evaluation of Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth  M.B. Kushel et al., Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, October 2007

Housing homeless youth takes trust, love  A. Brice, KCAW, Sitka, January 24, 2013

The immediate and lasting effects of adolescent homelessness on suicidal ideation and behavior  B.D.L. Marshall & S.E. Hadland, Journal of Adolescent Health, November 2012

Impact of nursing intervention on decreasing substances among homeless youth  A. Nyamathi et al., American Journal on Addictions, December 2012

Inability to access addiction treatment predicts injection initiation among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting  K. DeBeck et al., Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, January 2016

Increases and decreases in drug use attributed to housing status among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting  T. Cheng et al., Harm Reduction Journal, April 2014

Initiation of drug dealing among a prospective cohort of street-involved youth  K. Hepburn et al., American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, September 2016

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth: An epidemic of homelessness  Report by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute, 2006

Out on the street: A public health and policy agenda for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth who are homeless  A.S. Keuroghlian et al., American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, January 2014

Perceptions of a drug prevention public service announcement campaign among street-involved youth in Vancouver, Canada: A qualitative study  L. Ti et al., Harm Reduction Journal, January 2017

Pet ownership among homeless youth: Associations with mental health, service utilization and housing status  H. Rhoades et al., Child Psychiatry and Human Development, April 2015

Predictors of substance use severity among homeless youth  A. Nyamathi et al., Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, November 2010

Quality of life themes in Canadian adults and street youth who are homeless or hard-to-house: A multi-site focus group study  A. Palepu et al., Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, August 2012

Reorienting risk to resilience: Street-involved youth perspectives on preventing the transition to injection drug use  K. Tozer et al., BMC Public Health, August 2015

Risk evaluations and condom use decisions of homeless youth: A multi-level qualitative investigation  D.P. Kennedy et al., BMC Public Health, January 2015

Running away from home: A longitudinal study of adolescent risk factors and young adult outcomes  J.S. Tucker et al., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, May 2011

Social network and individual correlates of sexual risk behavior among homeless young men who have sex with men  J.S. Tucker et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, October 2012

Social networking technology use and engagement in HIV-related risk and protective behaviors among homeless youth  A. Barman-Adhikari et al., Journal of Health Communication, July 2016

Substance use and other risk factors for unprotected sex: Results from an event-based study of homeless youth  J.S. Tucker et al., AIDS and Behavior, August 2012

Substance use patterns and unprotected sex among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting: A prospective cohort study  T. Cheng et al., BMC Public Health, January 2016

Understanding condom use decision making among homeless youth using event-level data  Y. Rana et al., Journal of Sex Research, December 2015

To use or not to use: A stage-based approach to understanding condom use among homeless youth  J.S. Tucker et al., AIDS Care, May 2014

Unprotected sex of homeless youth: Results from a multilevel dyadic analysis of individual, social network, and relationship factors  D.P. Kennedy et al., AIDS and Behavior, October 2012

Wherever I can lay my head: Homeless youth on homelessness  Report by R Levin et al., March 2005

Youth in crisis: Characteristics of homeless youth served by Covenant House Alaska--Final report  Research results from a partnership between Covenant House Alaska and the Institute of Social and Economic Research at the University of Alaska Anchorage