Risks, Prevention, Treatment

Active transportation to school in Canadian youth: Should injury be a concern?  K. Gropp et al., Injury Prevention, February 2013

Adaptive adolescent flexibility: Neurodevelopment of decision-making and learning in a risky context  E.M. McCormick & E.H. Telzer, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, March 2017

Adolescent injury deaths and hospitalization in Canada: Magnitude and temporal trends (1979-2003)  S.Y. Pan et al., Journal of Adolescent Health, July 2007

Age and preexisting conditions as risk factors for severe adverse events and failure to rescue after injury  E. Earl-Royal et al., Journal of Surgical Research, October 2016

Are community level prescription opioid overdoses associated with child harm? A spatial analysis of California zip codes, 2001-2011  J.P. Wolf et al., Drug and Alcohol Dependence, September 2016

At risk of being risky: The relationship between "brain age" under emotional states and risk preference  M.D. Rudolph et al., Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, April 2017

Bicycle helmet use among persons 5 years and older in the United States, 2012  A. Jewett et al., Journal of Safety Research, December 2016

The Citizenship Safety Project: A pilot study  K. Frederick & J. Barlow, Health Education Research, February 2006

Continuous electroencephalography in pediatric traumatic brain injury: Seizure characteristics and outcomes  J. Vaewpanich & K. Reuter-Rice, Epilepsy & Behavior, September 2016

County poverty concentration and disparities in unintentional injury deaths: A fourteen-year analysis of 1.6 million U.S. fatalities  R.A. Karb et al., PLoS One, May 2016/p>

Cross-sectional examination of the association of co-occurring alcohol misuse and traumatic brain injury on mental health and conduct problems in adolescents in Ontario, Canada  J. Ilie et al., BMJ Open, November 2016

Developing injury indicators for First Nations and Inuit children and youth in Canada: A modified Delphi approach  I. Pike et al., Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada, November 2014

ED utilization up for pediatric mTBI after TBI legislation  HealthDay News, November 21, 2018

Educational placement after pediatric intracerebral hemorrhage  C. Hawks et al., Pediatric Neurology, August 2016

Elite US college admissions: Could the quest for admission increase overuse injury risk?  D.C. Schwebel & J. Yang, Journal of Injury & Violence Research, July 2016

Epidemiology of injury-related emergency department visits in the US among youth with autism spectrum disorder  L.G. Kalb et al., Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, August 2016

Eye injury prevention for the pediatric population  A.K. Hoskin et al., Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology, May 2016

Factors associated with musculoskeletal injuries in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder  J.A. Guy et al., Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, June 2016

Functional outcomes during inpatient rehabilitation for American Indian and Alaska Native children with traumatic brain injury  M.M. Fuentes et al., Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, May 2016

Health-risk behaviors among high school athletes and preventive services provided during sports physicals  K.E. Johnson & A.L. McRee, Journal of Pediatric Health Care, February 2015

High risk behaviors but low injury-related mortality among Hispanic teens in Missouri  S. Yun et al., Public Health Reports, November 2016

Injury prevention and the attainment of child and adolescent health  A. Harvey et al., Bulletin of the World Health Organization, May 2009

Injury-related emergency department visits by children and adolescents: United States, 2009-2010  M. Albert & L.F. McCaig, NCHS Data Brief, May 2014

Kids with brain injuries may have higher ADHD risk  L. Rapaport, Health News, March 19, 2018

A longitudinal study on quality of life after injury in children  A. Schneeberg et al., Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, August 2016

Management of pediatric trauma  Pediatrics, August 2016

Measuring activity limitation outcomes in youth with spinal cord injury  M.D. Slavin et al., Spinal Cord, July 2016

Moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury in children: Complications and rehabilitation strategies  M.L. Popernack et al., Journal of Pediatric Health Care, June 2015

More than 1.2 million adolescents die every year, nearly all preventable  K. Chriscaden, WHO News Release, May 16, 2017

Nonfatal playground-related traumatic brain injuries among children, 2001-2013  T.A. Cheng et al., Pediatrics, June 2016

Patterns of youth injury: A comparison across the northern territories and other parts of Canada  J. Byrnes et al., International Journal of Circumpolar Health, August 2015

Predictors and outcomes of pediatric firearm injuries treated in the emergency department: Differences by mechanism of intent  M.C. Monuteaux et al., Academic Emergency Medicine, July 2016

Predictors of long-term victimization after early pediatric traumatic brain injury  A.H. Hung et al., Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, January 2017

Preventive counseling at adolescent ambulatory visits  C.M. Rand, Journal of Adolescent Health, August 2005

A process evaluation of an injury prevention school-based programme for adolescents  L. Buckley & M. Sheehan, Health Education Research, June 2009

A QI initiative to reduce hospitalization for children with isolated skull fractures  T.W. Lyons et al., Pediatrics, June 2016

A qualitative analysis of children's emotional reactions during hospitalization following injury  K.D. Ramsdell et al., Journal of Trauma Nursing, August 2016

A randomized problem-solving trial for adolescent brain injury: Changes in social competence  S.J. Tlustos et al., Rehabilitation Psychology, November 2016

Recent increases in injury mortality among children and adolescents aged 10-19 years in the United States: 1999-2016  S.C. Curtin et al., National Vital Statistics Reports, June 1, 2018

Relationships between community social capital and injury in Canadian adolescents: A multilevel analysis  A. Vafaei et al., Injury Prevention, December 2015

Risk of preventable injuries associated with Halloween  H. Zhang & A. Kahn, Public Health, December 2020

The role of appraisals and coping in predicting posttraumatic stress following pediatric injury  M.L. Marsac et al., Psychological Trauma, July 2016

Rural risk: Geographic disparities in trauma mortality  M.P. Jarman et al., Surgery, December 2016

Selected state policies and associations with alcohol use behaviors and risky driving behaviors among youth: Findings from Monitoring the Future study  P.A. Cavazos-Rehg et al., Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, May 2016

Severe traumatic brain injury in children: A vision for the future  M.J. Bell & S.R. Wisniewski, Intensive Care Medicine, October 2016

Study reveals common products linked to most traumatic brain injuries in kids  J. Howard, CNN Health, July 29, 2019

Subtle motor findings during recovery from pediatric traumatic brain injury: A preliminary report  J. Stephens et al., Journal of Motor Behavior, February 2017

A systematic review of psychiatric, psychological, and behavioural outcomes following mild traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents  C.A. Emery et al., Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, May 2016

Traumatic spinal injuries in children at a single level 1 pediatric trauma centre: Report of a 23-year experience  C. Kim et al., Canadian Journal of Surgery, June 2016

Treatment practices and outcomes after blunt cerebrovascular injury in children  M.C. Dewan et al., Neurosurgery, December 2016

Underage drinking, brief interventions, and trauma patients: Are they really special?  P.F. Ehrlich et al., Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, July 2016

Unintentional injury hospitalizations among children and youth in areas with a high percentage of Aboriginal identity residents: 2001/2002 to 2005/2006  L.N. Oliver & D.E. Kohen, Health Reports/Statistics Canada, September 2012

U.S. trends of ED visits for pediatric traumatic brain injuries: Implications for clinical trials  C. Chen et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, April 2017

Utilization of mental health services after mild pediatric traumatic brain injury  N. Jimenez et al., Pediatrics, March 2017

Validation of a score to determine time to postconcussive recovery  S.J. Hearps et al., Pediatrics, February 2017

A 'wake-up call' about what's killing America's young people  J. Howard, CNN, June 1, 2018

Young people and snowmobiling in northern Norway: Accidents, injury prevention and safety strategies  G. Mehus et al., Rural and Remote Health, December 2016

Youth injury prevention in Canada: Use of the Delphi method to develop recommendations  I. Pike et al., BMC Public Health, December 2015