Memorandum: Charges involving possible disloyalty to the United States.
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Memorandum: Charges involving possible disloyalty to the United States.
Memorandum from E.L. Compton, Secretary of the Interior Department Loyalty Board notifying Schmidt of the charges against her.
Compton, E.L.
Ruth Schmidt papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
1950 August 15
1950 August 15
Document Item Type Metadata
To: Ruth Anna Maria Schmidt
1817 North Rhodes St.
Arlington, Virginia
From: Secretary, Interior Department Loyalty Board
Subject: Charges involving possible disloyalty to the United States
This is a notice of a possible removal action.
You are notified that the following charge involving possibly disloyalty to the United States has been made against you:
You have been a member of, affiliated with, and sympathetically associated with the Washington Book Shop Association, which has been designated by the Attorney General as being within the purview of paragraph “f”, section 2, part V, of Executive Order 9835. In this connection, it is reported that:
(a) You were Chairman of a meeting of the Washington Book Shop Association on May 23, 1946, at which Edwin C. Randall spoke on the “Political Implications of Atomic Energy”.
(b) You were in attendance at a forum sponsored by the Washington Book Shop Association at the Phyllis Wheatley Annex of the YWCA on October 24, 1947.
(c) A copy of the Washington Book Shop Association’s publication “The Book Shopper” for October 1947 under the caption “Meet the Board” lists the name of Ruth Schmidt, Publicity Director for the Forum Committee.
(d) You were in attendance at a lecture of the Washington Book Shop Association on March 21, 1948, at the Washington Bookshop.
(e) You attended meetings of the Washington Book Shop Association on January 2, 1949, January 30, 1949, March 27, 1949, and October 28, 1949.
(f) You were active in the Washington Book Shop Association up until January, 1950, having been chairman of several committees of the Washington Book Shop Association and having introduced speakers at several important lecture meetings.
You may answer this charge in writing, under oath or affirmation, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date on which this notice is received by you.
If, in addition, you desire that a hearing on the charge be held before a Loyalty Board of this Department, you may submit such a request in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days after this notice is received by you.
In the event that a hearing is requested in accordance with paragraph 4 above, you may appear before the Loyalty Board personally, you may be accompanied by counsel or other representative of your choosing, and you may present evidence on your own behalf through witnesses or by affidavits.
You will be carried without a change in your duty and pay status pending a determination by the Loyalty Board.
The possible removal action will not become effective in less than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the receipt of this notice by you.
This notice is sent you in accordance with Executive Order 9835 of March 21, 1947 (12 F. R. 1935); Order No. 2308, issued by the Secretary of the Interior on March 29, 1947; Order No. 2459, issued by the Secretary of the Interior on August 13, 1948; regulations issued by the Loyalty Review Board of the Civil Service Commission effective December 17, 1947, revised through December 17, 1948, (5 CFR 200.1—230.6; 13 F. R. 9361); Section 9A of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C., 1946 ed., Supp. II sec. 118j); and Section 14 of the Veterans Preference Act of 1944.
E.L. Compton, Secretary
Interior Department
Loyalty Board
Letter transcribed from original document in Ruth A.M. Schmidt collection, Archives and Special Collections, UAA/APU Consortium Library.
[Note: transcription by Jamie Gonzales]
1817 North Rhodes St.
Arlington, Virginia
From: Secretary, Interior Department Loyalty Board
Subject: Charges involving possible disloyalty to the United States
This is a notice of a possible removal action.
You are notified that the following charge involving possibly disloyalty to the United States has been made against you:
You have been a member of, affiliated with, and sympathetically associated with the Washington Book Shop Association, which has been designated by the Attorney General as being within the purview of paragraph “f”, section 2, part V, of Executive Order 9835. In this connection, it is reported that:
(a) You were Chairman of a meeting of the Washington Book Shop Association on May 23, 1946, at which Edwin C. Randall spoke on the “Political Implications of Atomic Energy”.
(b) You were in attendance at a forum sponsored by the Washington Book Shop Association at the Phyllis Wheatley Annex of the YWCA on October 24, 1947.
(c) A copy of the Washington Book Shop Association’s publication “The Book Shopper” for October 1947 under the caption “Meet the Board” lists the name of Ruth Schmidt, Publicity Director for the Forum Committee.
(d) You were in attendance at a lecture of the Washington Book Shop Association on March 21, 1948, at the Washington Bookshop.
(e) You attended meetings of the Washington Book Shop Association on January 2, 1949, January 30, 1949, March 27, 1949, and October 28, 1949.
(f) You were active in the Washington Book Shop Association up until January, 1950, having been chairman of several committees of the Washington Book Shop Association and having introduced speakers at several important lecture meetings.
You may answer this charge in writing, under oath or affirmation, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date on which this notice is received by you.
If, in addition, you desire that a hearing on the charge be held before a Loyalty Board of this Department, you may submit such a request in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days after this notice is received by you.
In the event that a hearing is requested in accordance with paragraph 4 above, you may appear before the Loyalty Board personally, you may be accompanied by counsel or other representative of your choosing, and you may present evidence on your own behalf through witnesses or by affidavits.
You will be carried without a change in your duty and pay status pending a determination by the Loyalty Board.
The possible removal action will not become effective in less than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the receipt of this notice by you.
This notice is sent you in accordance with Executive Order 9835 of March 21, 1947 (12 F. R. 1935); Order No. 2308, issued by the Secretary of the Interior on March 29, 1947; Order No. 2459, issued by the Secretary of the Interior on August 13, 1948; regulations issued by the Loyalty Review Board of the Civil Service Commission effective December 17, 1947, revised through December 17, 1948, (5 CFR 200.1—230.6; 13 F. R. 9361); Section 9A of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C., 1946 ed., Supp. II sec. 118j); and Section 14 of the Veterans Preference Act of 1944.
E.L. Compton, Secretary
Interior Department
Loyalty Board
Letter transcribed from original document in Ruth A.M. Schmidt collection, Archives and Special Collections, UAA/APU Consortium Library.
[Note: transcription by Jamie Gonzales]
Compton, E.L. , “Memorandum: Charges involving possible disloyalty to the United States.,” Archives and Special Collections, UAA/APU Consortium Library online exhibits, accessed March 14, 2025,