Informania explores UAA’s College and Career Pathways, Monday, May 11, at 9am, replayed Thursday at 5pm, on, 88.1FM.

Monday, May 11, Deb the Librarian interviews Kelly Donnelly, the Director of Outreach and Program Development for College and Career Pathways (CCP).  CCP is part of the Community and Technical College at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

CCP strives to enlighten Alaskan high school students about the various vocational and technical career opportunities; to build bridges between high school, college, and career; and to provide support for students pursuing a vocational or technical career path.

Many courses and programs are integrating academic skills with real-world work tasks, so students can use their math and writing  skills in workplace settings.  Also, programs like the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) demonstrates how organizations working together (for 20 years), can develop educational pathways and support structures to help students succeed academically and vocationally, and become leaders in industry.

For students interested in pursuing a vocational or technical career but feel financially overwhelmed, there may be scholarship funds available to help!  Many scholarships go unclaimed because qualified students do not apply.  All scholarships are not based on grades alone, so it may be worthwhile to submit a University of Alaska Anchorage scholarship application (including the essay)!  For more information, go to

With Anchorage’s Run-off Mayoral Election on Tuesday, May 5, Informania explores the history of elections and political parties. Listen on Thursday at 5pm on 88.1FM,

Monday, May 4, Deb the Librarian interviewed Forrest Nabors, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Alaska Anchorage.  In this interview, Professor Nabors provides information about the history of elections, and the history of the Democratic and Republican political parties.  He also shares insight into when and why Anchorage has a run-off Mayoral election.  Listen, and be informed!