Another FLIP meeting! See you at noon on Friday, March 31

Please join us for FLIP’s third meeting of 2023!

March’s FLIP meeting will be a recap discussion of the AkLA conference, followed by a brief presentation about the Alaska Digital Library.

Sometimes conferences are such a blur that it’s nice to take time to reflect on the experience with others and hear their impressions.

The Alaska Digital Library is a program managed by the Alaska Library Network. Jodi’s presentation will include a tour of the patron’s interface and the back-end librarian interface where reports are run and content purchases are made.

Mark your calendars! Friday, March 31 from noon – 1pm. You are welcome to bring your lunch, there will be cookies!

We’re meeting in Library Room 306, but a Zoom link will be coming soon for those who aren’t able to join us in-person.

Please help us spread the word about FLIP and forward this message on to anyone who may be interested. Suggested topics and other ideas for future FLIP meetings are always welcome!

Please join us for FLIP’s second meeting of 2023!

February’s FLIP meeting will discuss library and archives professional associations – ALA, AASL, SLA, SAA, AkLA … 

Library school students and those new to the profession are often encouraged to join and participate in library and archives associations… but there are so many! How does a new librarian or archivist evaluate which (and if) associations will be beneficial to their professional development?

FLIP will ask attendees to share their experiences, questions, and advice on this topic – even just sharing the name of a smaller library/archive-related association is valuable information!

We will also talk about conferences! Which ones are you interested in going to? Which ones have you attended in the past? What is their value?

Mark your calendars! Friday, February 24 from noon – 1pm. You are welcome to bring your lunch, there will be cookies! We’ll be meeting in Library Room 306, but a Zoom link will be coming soon for those who aren’t able to join us in-person.

FLIP meeting at noon in Room 306, Friday, Jan 20

Join us in Consortium Library Room 306 this Friday, January 20th, noon – 1pm, for the first FLIP meeting of 2023. Campus parking is free on Fridays. On tap is a discussion of current job openings in Alaska libraries with the folks who are doing the hiring. We’ll even have cookies!
Check the FLIP listserv to get the Zoom link for those who would like to be there but can’t come in person (sorry, you’ll have to provide your own cookies). Please note that this meeting will NOT be recorded.

We’re back! Join us for the first FLIP meeting of 2023!

FLIP has returned! Hope to see you on Friday, January 20th, noon – 1pm, for the first meeting of 2023 when we’ll discuss current library job openings in Alaska, including those at the UAA/APU Consortium Library. We’ll even have cookies! More details about the meeting location and a Zoom link will be coming soon.

FLIP meetings are open to anyone interested in current issues in the information field. Please help us spread the word about FLIP and share this with anyone who may be interested. Do you have any ideas for future FLIP topics? Let us know!



FLIP meeting this Friday, April 30

Join us this Friday when Erik Carlson will enlighten us on Land Acknowledgements: Making them Meaningful and Appropriate. Here’s more:
Land acknowledgements in public institution contexts can be controversial. Some believe that recognizing the Indigenous people whose land has become the site of our work is meaningful and fights the erasure of uncomfortable history, while others – including some of our Indigenous colleagues and students – feel that these acknowledgements exist mostly to help white people feel better about themselves. This presentation asserts that – when done well – land acknowledgements are an important first step in decolonizing operations and provides guidance and resources for participants interested in developing land acknowledgements to use in their own work.
Associate Professor Erik Carlson is the Metadata Librarian at the Consortium Library and UAA’s coordinator for ScholarWorks, the institutional repository for the University of Alaska.
Hope you can join us for this timely topic! Friday, April 30 from noon-1pm.

FLIP meeting: Friday, March 26

The March 26 FLIP meeting will feature Julie Varee and Pa Ja Yang talking about Libraries in Bloom. Pa Ja leads the project, which is dedicated to highlighting narratives of nontraditional librarianship as told by library professionals from culturally diverse backgrounds. Nontraditional library positions or services involve innovative and sustainable processes of adapting libraries to meet their community needs in the 21st century. Follow along as we capture the many ways in which libraries are blooming, impacting the environment around them.
Be sure to take a look at the Libraries in Bloom feature on Julie Varee and outreach archivism in Alaska.
Hope you can join us! Friday, March 26 from noon-1pm.

Join FLIP at UAA’s eLearning Luncheon, Feb 26

The February FLIP meeting will be a little different from our usual fare. We have permission from the organizers for FLIP participants to register for the UAA eLearning Luncheon, 11:30am – 1:00pm on Friday, February 26, 2021. Yes, this used to be a real luncheon with real food (deliciously prepared by the UAA Culinary Department) at Lucy’s in Cuddy Hall, but like last year, will be a Zoom event instead.
Register here to attend.  A Zoom invite will be included in the confirmation email.
This year’s theme is Online Community and Innovation: Taking the Distance out of Distance Education and will feature a keynote on “Self-care for Educators” presented by Drs. Hattie Harvey and Sara Buckingham from UAA’s Psychology Department.
Other presentations will feature innovative online teaching strategies being used at UAA by Drs. Ray Ball (History), Mark Fitch (Math), and Mary Dallas Allen (Social Work).
For over a decade, this luncheon has been dedicated to introducing exciting and cutting-edge faculty initiatives to support student learning at UAA. The event is hosted by the UAA Academic Computing, Distance Learning, Instructional Technology, and eLearning Committee, and is generously sponsored by UAA Information Technology Services.
Hope to see you there!
FLIP will be back on March 26 with Julie Varee and Pa Ja Yang, Project Lead of Libraries in Bloom, a blog highlighting innovative librarianship as told by library professioanals from culturally diverse backgrounds to broaden perspective and encourage progress.

Next FLIP meeting: January 29

The first FLIP session of 2021 will feature VILDA, aka Alaska’s Digital Archives, with Arlene Schmuland, Head of Archives & Special Collections at the UAA/APU Consortium Library, at noon on Friday, January 29th.
To make this a more interactive session, Arlene requested that FLIP participants share their questions in advance to get the conversation started. Please send your questions to the FLIP co-chairs (Rebecca or Daria) to pass along to our speaker.
So, what would you like to know? What is VILDA? What/how is metadata used? What is metadata anyway? What is the criteria for describing photos? Who decides what to include in the photo archive? What else?
Thanks for your input. We look forward to an interesting presentation!

FLIP meeting – Nov 20: MLIS Programs Explained : A FLIP Panel

Please join us Friday, November 20, from noon to 1pm, for a panel discussion of library school programs. Recent grads will be providing information about four MLIS programs. Are they offered in person or online? What are the types of online delivery (synchronous vs. asynchronous, course management systems, etc.)? What degrees are offered? What are the costs, benefits, and deficits of each program?

We hope this can be an interactive session! Our speakers are:
Clarion University – Sam Dinges
San José State University – Rochene Hellén
Syracuse University – Adrienne Canino & Chris Turner
University of Washington – Meneka Thiru