
Here are how-to guides and standards for the project. Items that are not linked are still under development. The links in this section will take you off this site to PDF tutorials hosted on Scholarworks@UA, the University of Alaska hosted institutional repository. Please contact the statewide project administrator if you have any questions.

Selecting materials to go online

Setting up the software

The software behind the Alaska’s Digital Archives site is ContentDM, which is an OCLC product. The site is hosted by OCLC.


The metadata accompanying each item on the Alaska’s Digital Archives website is what makes the site searchable and provides the contextual information for each item. The links below point to a tutorial that goes through the step-by-step process for adding metadata to items, and the standards guidebook that defines how each field is to be used.


Whether you need to edit metadata, replace an item file, or replace or add a band to an item, this tutorial provides the ways in which you can make those changes.


  • Digital file standards

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