AkLA Conference Grant for Library Employees, Volunteers, or Board Members

2014 AkLA Regional Conference Attendance Grant for an Employee, Volunteer or Board Member of a Library in Southcentral Alaska

Do you live in the Southcentral Region of Alaska and are you interested in attending the Alaska Library Association 2014 Conference in Anchorage? Grant assistance is available to help defray your costs. The Alaska Library Association is offering $500 to one library employee, volunteer and/or board member from a library in the Southcentral region as designated by the Alaska Dept. of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (see http://www.commerce.state.ak.us/dca/commdb/CF_Plans.cfm) to assist with travel and lodging expenses incurred while attending the 2014 AkLA Conference. The conference registration fee will also be waived for the award recipient.


  • You must be working in or with a library within the Southcentral region boundaries, as designated by the DCCED.
  • You must be a library staff member, board member or volunteer.
  • You must either currently be a member of the Alaska Library Association, or join before the grant is awarded.
  • Submit your application by Thursday, February 3rd, 2014.

Conditions for Grant Acceptance:

  • The recipient will sign an acceptance statement agreeing to the following conditions:
  • The recipient will attend three days of the conference.
  • The recipient will receive their grant check at an awards function, to take place during the conference.
  • The recipient will keep an informal log or diary about the sessions attended. The log or diary is to be submitted to the Continuing Education Committee as a basis for project evaluation. This will be used by the committee to improve this grant award and its requirements. Both positive and negative comments are helpful.

2014 AkLA Conference Attendance Award Southcentral Region Application

Conference Attendance Award applications may be sent by email (Strongly preferred), fax, or letter by February 3, 2014 to:

AkLA Conference Attendance Grant

c/o Julie Niederhauser

Alaska State Library

P.O. Box 110571

Juneau, AK 99811-0571
Telephone 906-465-2916

Fax 907-465-2665

Email Julie.niederhauser@alaska.gov


Julie Niederhauser

Public Library Coordinator

Alaska State Library

(907) 465-2916 or within Alaska, (888) 465-2916