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What do you like best about the Consortium Library?

Thanks for your feedback! The Consortium Library Assessment Team placed posters near each library entrance for a week (Nov. 18-25, 2019), and collected answers to this question.

Here is what we heard: You enjoy the library space very much! You like the plants, the study areas, the windows, and the quiet atmosphere.

  • “It is a place where I can relax and gain peace back. A place to escape stress at home and just be free.”
  • “The architecture is gorgeous and it offers a clean and free place to study.”

You also like the staff and the services we provide. Group and individual study rooms, interlibrary loan, wifi, and late night hours were all mentioned multiple times.

  • “Displays in front are the best! Thx for keeping it fresh!”
  • “The reference librarians and student workers!”
  • “The staff are wonderful & accommodating.”

Finally, you like our resources. Many mentioned books, plus the government document section and periodicals also received shout outs.

  • “Newspaper records going back decades & out of print books”
  • “The books on medieval history”

We’ll be asking questions about once a month for the rest of the academic year. The library wants to hear from you!