Guests, and members of the Library Assessment Team, Anna Bjartsmardottir and Rebecca Moorman share insight about the LibQual Survey, and how the LibQual Survey results from 2008 and 2011 have been used to evolve Library resources, services, and facilities. All UAA and APU students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to complete the survey. Make your voice count!
PRPE writing courses are explored this week on Informania, 88.1FM,
Deb the Librarian interviews Community and Technical College (CTC) Associate Professor, Shannon Gramse, about the Preparatory Development (PRPE) composition courses, and the role of PRPE courses for incoming university students. The evolution of the program, course content, and resources are discussed.
Listen to Informania on Monday, 9am or Thursday 5pm. Listen and be informed!
Dr. Kim Patterson discusses Student Support Services on Informania,, 88.1FM, Thurs. at 5pm.
Learn about UAA’s Student Support Services this week on Informania, as Deb the Librarian interviews Dr. Kim Patterson, Director. UAA Student Support Services (SSS) serves 160 students through this federally-funded program. These students include first generation students, adult students returning to college, veterans, and others who may need additional educational and financial support, but have the will to succeed in college. SSS provides helpful workshops, resources and opportunities, and a mentor relationship as well.
For UAA students interested in these services, but not eligible for SSS, check out the following resources: UAA Tutoring Resources
UAA’s Online Student Success Workshops
Your Guide to Selecting a Major
Listen and learn!
Informania explores Interlibrary Loan, Thursday at 5pm, KRUA, 88.1FM,
Deb the Librarian interviewed Dawn Berg, the Consortium Library’s Interlibrary Loan Technician, on Monday, September 15, 2014. This interview will be replayed on Thursday, September 18, from 5pm-6pm on and 88.1FM.
All University of Alaska and Alaska Pacific University students, faculty and staff have the ability to order materials (books, videos, CDs, articles) from other libraries through the Consortium Library’s Interlibrary Loan Department.
The Anchorage Public Library also offers Interlibrary Loan services to Anchorage community members for a nominal fee.
Listen to Informania and discover more about this service! Listen and learn.
Tips for the student from Deb the Librarian (like using to find username, create password… )
Welcome to a new semester at UAA! As a student you may have questions about your student ID, what support resources you have access to, and who to ask for help. Following are answers to these questions and more!
1) is the website you can go to find your username, and reset your password. As a student, this username and password will be your log in for Blackboard, your UAA email account, and Library computer internet access, and Library databases from outside of the Consortium Library.
2) Your WolfCard/student ID is your Library Card. Use this to check out books from the Consortium Library and the Anchorage Public Library branches.
3) Your WolfCard has $12.00 for printing on campus if you are registered as a student at UAA. You can use this to print at the Consortium Library, or in the Computer Labs on campus. This $12 comes from your Tech Fee payment.
4) You can get your WolfCard / student ID at the front desk at the Consortium Library. You can also get replacement WolfCards here.
5) You can place holds on items from Southcentral and Southeast Alaskan libraries by using your student ID number as a username, and the last four numbers of your student ID as the PIN (Personal Identification Number).
6) You can look up what textbooks and other course materials are on Reserve at the Consortium Library and the Learning Resources Center (LRC), located in the Sally Monserud Bldg, by searching the Library Catalog for Course Reserves.
7) Reference Librarians are here to help you during most hours that the Library is open.
8) You can set up research consultations for one-on-one research help with a subject librarian. To find the list of subject-resource specialist librarians, go to
So, if you have ANY questions about UAA, finding information, deciding on a subject for a paper or presentation, writing a bibliography/list of references, or identifying resources for further assistance on a multitude of topics, ask a librarian! Call 786-1848 to speak with a librarian, or select Ask A Librarian at Librarians are here to support you in your research success at UAA! Please ask!
I wish you abundant success in your academic and professional careers. To discover more about resources, faculty, staff, campus support and opportunities, listen to my KRUA Informania radio show this semester, Mondays at 9am, and repeated Thursdays at 5pm.
If you have questions or suggestions for a radio show guest or topic, email Deb the Librarian at And remember, if you can Imagine it, you can Become it!
Explore Communication with professor Marsha Olson on the next Informania, Mon. at 9am, Thurs. at 5pm on, 88.1FM.
Explore the Consortium Library’s past, present & future with Dean, Steve Rollins, Thurs. at 5pm on Informania,, 88.1FM!
Consortium Library Dean, Steve Rollins, shares insight into the Consortium Library’s evolution, and decision-making process.
Communication professor shares research about dreams and communication; and strategies for overcoming public speaking anxiety this week on KRUA’s Informania.
The week of June 9, Informania host Deb the Librarian interviews Michelle Scaman, a professor of Communication at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA). Informania airs on Monday at 9am and is replayed on Thursday at 5pm on / 88.1FM in Anchorage, Alaska.
Professor Scaman currently teaches the UAA courses, Fundamentals of Oral Communication (COMM A111), and Public Speaking (COMM A241). Her expertise in communication stems from years of research experience both in her undergraduate and graduate studies. As an undergraduate at Seattle University, she assisted a professor conducting research on the topic of online dating and communication. As a graduate student at UAF, she conducted her research on dreams and the social constructivism of reality, in other words she researched the sharing of dreams as the starting point for discussing topics of importance between partners. She discusses her research processes and findings during this week’s Informania interview.
As a Public Speaking professor, Professor Scaman also shares strategies she uses in class to help students overcome the anxiety of public speaking. Professor Scaman acknowledges during this program that each individual has their own reason for anxiety, and it is helpful to reflect on the cause of that anxiety in order to overcome it.
Listen, and learn!
Song played: Information, by Dredg.
How does the Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) impact UAA? Listen to Informania Monday at 9am or Thursday at 5pm on or 88.1FM to find out!
Deb the Librarian interviews Judy Green, Director of CAFE this week on Informania. Listen and learn!
What are ePortfolios, and are they used at UAA? Listen to Informania on Thursday at 5pm on, or 88.1FM and find out!
Deb the Librarian interviews Paul Wasko, ePortfolio Initiative Coordinator at UAA this week one Informania. Listen, and learn!