October FLIP Meeting

Due to a conflict with another library event on October 10th, we are rescheduling the October FLIP meeting to October 24th, 12-1.

At this month’s meeting we’ll be discussing Open Access, and Erik Carlson, Metadata Services Librarian at the Consortium Library, will be speaking about open access in relation to ScholarWorks, the university’s institutional repository.

Open Access Week, October 20-26, 2014


EBSCO Charleston Conference Scholarship

Interested in book and serial acquisition or issues in scholarly publishing? EBSCO is offering a scholarship to attend the 34th annual Charleston Conference, in Charleston, South Carolina, November 5-8, 2014. This scholarship is open to para-professionals as well as librarians with the MLIS degree.

EBSCO Charleston Conference Scholarship

Scholarship Amount: up to $1,000
Application Deadline: Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Applicants must:

  • Currently work as a librarian or para-professional
  • Provide one professional recommendation
  • Provide a Curriculum Vitae
  • Submit short essay (up to 1,000 words) on the following topic: Please describe three professional objectives and how attending the Charleston Conference will help you to achieve them.

All application documents should be sent electronically to Kate Burgess at EBSCO (kburgess@ebsco.com) by October 1, 2014. Scholarship money must be used to attend the 2014 Charleston Conference.

Upcoming FLIP Meetings

Hello, and welcome to a new school year! We’ve set up our meeting schedule for the year and are busily planning topics for our upcoming meetings.  We will be meeting monthly every 2nd Friday (unless otherwise indicated) from 12-1 pm in the Consortium Library.  See the sidebar to the right of this page for the meeting schedule. (Parking is always free on Fridays!) We’re also looking into the possibility of conducting meetings online, so people outside of the Anchorage area can participate. Stay tuned for more information on that.

We do need your help though. We would really like to know what topics you are interested in discussing or learning more about. And we’d love to hear about what you’re doing in your library or in library school–FLIP meetings are all about sharing. Feel free to leave a comment on this blog if you have ideas for us.

Look forward to seeing you soon!

Americorps VISTA Volunteers Needed

The Anchorage Public Library is looking for 3 VISTA volunteers this summer, one for each of these locations: the Z. J. Loussac Library, the Chugiak-Eagle River Branch Library, and the Muldoon Branch Library. If you or someone you know is looking for an amazing summer experience in Anchorage, check out this opportunity.

Vistas will:

  • Train and coordinate youth volunteers
  • Develop teen-friendly enrichment activities
  • Assist with summer reading events
  • Promote and sign up children for the summer reading celebration


  • On the job training
  • Living allowance of approximately $1222/month
  • Education award or summer stipend upon completion of program

Runs May 27th through August 2nd.
Applications due by May 11th

For more information or to apply, please go online to http://tinyurl.com/la3t24t

Questions can be directed to:
Elizabeth Nicolai

Anchorage Public Library Job Openings

I thought this might be of interest to FLIP members. Note that the Girdwood position does not require an MLS. Please contact Elizabeth Nicolai at the contact information below if you have any questions.

Anchorage Public Library has some fantastic job openings that you might want to apply for.

We are recruiting a Youth Services Programming Librarian (Professional Librarian II). This position works at the Loussac Library on programs for Loussac and much of the system, including coordinating the summer reading program.

The Mountain View and Muldoon Branch Library manager positions are still open.

For the Girdwood Branch Library, we are recruiting a branch supervisor (no MLS required).

Please contact me if you have any questions about these positions or anything about the Anchorage Public Library. And please do share these with your professional networks if you know someone who might be interested!

Thank you,

Elizabeth Moreau Nicolai
Youth Services Coordinator
Anchorage Public Library
3600 Denali St
Anchorage, AK 99503

Are You Studying Library Information Sciences? Apply for the Roger K. Summit Scholarship today!

As a member of the ProQuest® Discover More Corps, you may be interested to learn about the 2014 Roger K. Summit Scholarship, presented annually in honor of Dialog’s founder, a pioneer in information systems design. Applications are being accepted now through April 30, 2014.

This $5,000 (USD) award is presented to a student currently enrolled in an accredited library or information science program anywhere in the world. It is one of the many ways ProQuest shows its support for librarianship.

To learn more about the scholarship or to download an application, click here.

If you are an LIS instructor, please share this information with your students. If you are a student, we encourage you to apply for the scholarship. After all, someone is going to receive $5,000. Why not you?

February FLIP Meeting

Hello everyone,

One of the great things about working in libraries is the opportunity, and the expectation, for continual learning. Come join us at this month’s FLIP meeting to hear about the variety of interesting professional development activities your colleagues have been engaged in. If you’ve participated in a conference, workshop, webinar, etc., we’d love to hear about your experience.

Anyone is welcome to attend, so please feel free to bring a friend, as well as your lunch. Hope to see you there!

When: 12-1pm Friday, February 14
Where: Room 306, UAA/APU Consortium Library

As Data Proliferate, So Do Data-Related Graduate Programs

I thought this article from the Chronicle of Higher Education might be of interest to FLIP:

As Data Proliferate, So Do Data-Related Graduate Programs

“Last month the School of Information at the University of California at Berkeley started what officials there say is the first all-online master’s degree in information and data science. Its mission, in part, is to produce graduates with an awareness of the social and policy implications of data…”


AkLA Conference Grant for Library Employees, Volunteers, or Board Members

2014 AkLA Regional Conference Attendance Grant for an Employee, Volunteer or Board Member of a Library in Southcentral Alaska

Do you live in the Southcentral Region of Alaska and are you interested in attending the Alaska Library Association 2014 Conference in Anchorage? Grant assistance is available to help defray your costs. The Alaska Library Association is offering $500 to one library employee, volunteer and/or board member from a library in the Southcentral region as designated by the Alaska Dept. of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (see http://www.commerce.state.ak.us/dca/commdb/CF_Plans.cfm) to assist with travel and lodging expenses incurred while attending the 2014 AkLA Conference. The conference registration fee will also be waived for the award recipient.


  • You must be working in or with a library within the Southcentral region boundaries, as designated by the DCCED.
  • You must be a library staff member, board member or volunteer.
  • You must either currently be a member of the Alaska Library Association, or join before the grant is awarded.
  • Submit your application by Thursday, February 3rd, 2014.

Conditions for Grant Acceptance:

  • The recipient will sign an acceptance statement agreeing to the following conditions:
  • The recipient will attend three days of the conference.
  • The recipient will receive their grant check at an awards function, to take place during the conference.
  • The recipient will keep an informal log or diary about the sessions attended. The log or diary is to be submitted to the Continuing Education Committee as a basis for project evaluation. This will be used by the committee to improve this grant award and its requirements. Both positive and negative comments are helpful.

2014 AkLA Conference Attendance Award Southcentral Region Application

Conference Attendance Award applications may be sent by email (Strongly preferred), fax, or letter by February 3, 2014 to:

AkLA Conference Attendance Grant

c/o Julie Niederhauser

Alaska State Library

P.O. Box 110571

Juneau, AK 99811-0571
Telephone 906-465-2916

Fax 907-465-2665

Email Julie.niederhauser@alaska.gov


Julie Niederhauser

Public Library Coordinator

Alaska State Library

(907) 465-2916 or within Alaska, (888) 465-2916

ListenAlaska Ebooks

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your winter break.

Due to a scheduling conflict, we have moved the January FLIP meeting from the 10th to the 17th.

Date: Friday, January 17, 2014
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm
Place: UAA/APU Consortium Library Room 309

At this month’s meeting we’ll be giving an overview of ebooks available through ListenAlaska. Whether you’d like to learn more about downloading ebooks or are an expert and would like to share any tips you’ve learned, please join us for this hands-on session. Feel free to bring your favorite ebook reader or tablet.

This session will be open to university faculty, staff, and students, as well as FLIP members, so please feel free to spread the word and bring a friend.