Category Archives: Uncategorized

As seen on 60 Minutes: HistoryMakers: interviews with 2,701 African Americans

HistoryMakers offers more than 149,000 stories from interviews with 2,701 historically significant African Americans.
Search on Alaska to hear local experiences.

More than 200 local stories are available on HistoryMakers which is a featured database on SLED.

The HistoryMakers program was recently featured on 60 Minutes:

ANCSA Research Resource Guide Now Available Online

ANCSA Research Resource Guide Now Available Online

The Alaska Historical Society has launched its new online publication, Guide to the Sources for the Study of the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. The three-part guide includes an extensive survey of archival resources, a bibliography of popular and scholarly print materials as well as films, oral histories, webinars, and radio programs (many of which are available online), and a guide designed for social studies teachers and instructors who teach the history of ANCSA.

William Schneider directed the two-year project to mark the 50th anniversary of the passage of ANCSA. The guide, edited by Karen Brewster, was a collaborative effort funded by Doyon, Sealaska, Calista, Bering Straits, and Koniag Regional Corporations as well as the Rasmuson Foundation and the Atwood Foundation.

It is online on the AHS website at or ScholarWorks@UA at

How to Contact Legislators

How to contact Legislators:

Public Opinion Messaging

From this website you can select specific committees.

Select Finance and Education Standing Committees and University Subcommittees
Or Select specific legislators who serve on these committees

Or send emails from the Senate or House website.

Senate Finance

Senate Finance UA subcommittee

House Finance

House Finance UA subcommittee

Information to Contact the Governor or Legislature

Who to contact via email:

Governor’s Office

Public Opinion Messaging

From this website you can select specific committees.

Select Finance and Education Standing Committees and University Subcommittees
Or Select specific legislators who select on these committees

Or send emails from the Senate or House website.

Senate Finance

Senate Finance UA subcommittee

House Finance

House Finance UA subcommittee

Or Write to Legislators at:

State Capitol

Juneau AK, 99801