User Privacy at the UAA/APU Consortium Library


This privacy policy addresses user data collected and maintained by the Consortium Library as it relates to the use of library content and services. It does not address user data that may be collected by other units managing services and technology in the library including the Alaska Medical Library; ARLIS; UAA Learning Commons; UAA ITS (wired/wireless networks and open computer lab); UAA Facilities (electronic door locks); and UPD (surveillance cameras). Consult each unit about their privacy policies and practices.

Your privacy is important to us and we strive to protect and respect your personal information and keep your use of library content and services confidential.

Personally Identifiable Information

Personally identifiable information is any information that could potentially identify a specific individual. The Consortium Library’s goal is to collect the least amount of personally identifiable information possible in order to provide services. We avoid creating unnecessary records.

Alaska Library Catalog

We collect and maintain the following personally identifiable information in the Alaska Library Catalog for current UAA/APU students, staff, and faculty so that they can borrow physical materials from the Consortium Library and other libraries across the state:

Interlibrary Loan

We collect and maintain the following personally identifiable information in the Interlibrary Loan system for UAA/APU students, staff, and faculty who request materials:

Archives and Special Collections

We collect and maintain the following personally identifiable information when people conduct research in Archives and Special Collections:

Who has access to it?

The Consortium Library follows Alaska Statute 40.25.140, which requires all public, school, and university libraries in Alaska to guarantee the confidentiality of user records.

Library records in the Alaska Library Catalog or the Interlibrary Loan service may only be disclosed to:

Library records in Archives and Special Collections may only be disclosed to:

Library materials and borrowing history

The Consortium Library does not keep a record of your borrowing history in the Alaska Library Catalog beyond operational requirements as a default. Once you return an item, it is removed from your account. Items with lost, overdue, or damaged fees will remain on your account until paid. When you are no longer a current UAA/APU student, faculty, or staff, your account is removed from the Alaska Library Catalog if there are no outstanding items or fines.

The Interlibrary Loan system maintains a history of all your previous requests. Your account can be deleted upon request if there are no outstanding items. Deleting your account also removes all your previous requests.

Archives & Special Collections maintains a history of all your previous research inquires and duplication requests. Your personal information associated with this history can be cleared upon request.

Data & network security

The Alaska Library Catalog that houses library user records is committed to data security and keeping your personally identifiable information safe. The library catalog website and mobile application are encrypted with HTTPS. All communications between your browser/application and the library catalog are private. Your account and catalog searching are also encrypted. See the Alaska Library Catalog user privacy policy for more details.

OCLC, the vendor that provides the Interlibrary Loan system, provides similar data security safeguards for library user records; see their privacy policy.

Anonymous Information

Anonymous information is information that does not specifically identify an individual but is collected by websites and online services when you use them. This information may include:

Library website and related platforms

The Consortium Library collects anonymous information when you use the library website and related platforms such as library guides and virtual research help. The library uses a locally hosted web analytics platform to collect and analyze traffic. None of this tracking data is shared with advertisers or other third parties.

The platform provider Springshare also collects anonymous information when you use library guides or virtual research help. The provider shares some of this data with third parties; see their privacy policy for details.

Some personal information such as name and contact information may be collected from you when using virtual research help. This personal information is removed from the system after three years.

Online databases and content

The Consortium Library provides access to licensed online content and services from dozens of providers. These resources include research databases, journal subscriptions, ebook collections, video streaming services, and more.

Your interaction with these systems is governed by the individual privacy policies of the specific provider. Most if not all of them collect the types of anonymous information described above. Some of these vendors may collect and share information you provide to them or require you to provide additional personal information in order to use their services. Check the vendor’s privacy statement and terms of service to learn more about how your data is tracked, stored, and used by them. Here are the privacy policies for some of our major vendors:


The following services provided by the Consortium Library require authentication with your UAA/APU account credentials. The authentication determines if you are a current UAA/APU student, faculty, or staff. No personally identifiable information is retained or associated with your use of these services.

The Consortium Library provides internet access to the general public on designated computers in the library. Access to these computers requires authentication with a library card number and password from any library in the Alaska Library Catalog or with an internet-only card provided by the Consortium Library. A record of the card number used to login is retained by the library for up to 1 year.


Questions about this policy should be directed to Steve Rollins, Dean, UAA/APU Consortium Library, 3211 Providence Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508 (email, phone 907-786-1825).