The Consortium Library’s public computers and network are intended for research and educational purposes.
- Priority is given to members of the UAA and APU communities.
- Monopolizing public computers or preventing others from using them is not allowed.
- Groups that wish to use library computers for a class must schedule an instruction session.
- Public display of sexually graphic images and other content found to be harassing, disruptive, or offensive to others is not allowed.
Access to Resources
- Online catalogs, article databases, full-text resources, and scholarly websites are available to all library users on all public computers in the library.
- Internet access is available to UAA/APU students, faculty, and staff on all computers, and to the general public on designated computers in the Reference Area; see more details about Internet access.
- The library does not monitor and has no control over information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. Not all information posted on the Internet is accurate, current, or complete.
Laptops & Personal Devices
Laptops and personal computing devices are welcome in the library.
- All users may connect laptops and personal equipment to the wireless network or to ports designated for such use; see more details about wireless access.
- UAA/APU users can borrow laptops and other technology at the library.
- Users may not unplug any library equipment or cables for any reason.
- Use of personal equipment must not pose a safety hazard for others (e.g., stretching power cords across walkways).
Sanctions for Non-Compliance
Use of library computers is subject to applicable UA and Consortium Library policies, including the Consortium Library’s Code of Conduct, Library Services to the General Public, and Information and Research Services Policy. Failure to comply with these policies may result in the loss of Consortium Library privileges and access to library computers, as well as university disciplinary action and/or legal action. See also the UAA IT Acceptable Use Policy, the UA Board of Regents Information Resources Policy, and the library’s webpages on Copyright & Fair Use and Database Restrictions.
Questions about this policy should be directed to Steve Rollins, Dean, UAA/APU Consortium Library, 3211 Providence Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508 (email , phone 907-786-1825).