Monthly Archives: November 2016

Affordable Care Act — 2017 Enrollment Information

If don’t already have coverage for 2017, you may be eligible to sign up for health insurance through ACA’s Health Care Marketplace.  Open enrollment runs from November 1 – December 15, 2016 for coverage starting January 1.

If you miss the open enrollment deadline, January 31, 2017 is the last day to sign up to receive coverage for 2017.

There are many types of plans, so to help you decide, check out this helpful guide on the Affordable Care Act and Insurance Exchanges, kindly compiled by Sigrid Brudie, Alaska Medical Library.  Alaska-specific information is included there as well.

Despite election promises to end ACA, experts say to go ahead and sign up since laws prevent your policy from being cancelled during 2017.  If Congress ends the subsidies before the year is out, you can drop the coverage without penalty.