What does Virtual Reference MEAN?

Welcome back, Seawolves!

You may have seen the signs, blog posts, and emails that the Consortium Library is still providing reference services virtually. Curious about what that means? Read on!

First of all, you can still reach the reference librarians for research help and project assistance by email and phone. Email us using this form, text us at 907-312-1024, or call us at 907-786-1848.

You can also use the Chat available on the website. If you’ve never found this before, there are a couple of places to go on the library website. You can go to the Ask Us page and click the green “Chat is Online” button. The button will be grey if the Virtual Reference Desk is closed.

You can also access the chat when you’ve already started your catalog search. Just look to the right-hand side of your screen for the blue “Chat” button.

Once you start a chat, one of our friendly reference librarians receives it and begins assisting you as soon as possible. Exhibit A: me, checking the chat for new messages.

The reference librarians can assist in live time and even start up a screen sharing session if you have a really gnarly research query. We generally have other projects to work on while we wait for research questions, but we are available primarily to assist YOU, however you decide to contact us!

The virtual reference hours for the fall semester are Monday-Thursday 9am-10pm, Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday 10am-6pm, and Sunday 12pm-10pm.https://tenor.com/ZPKw.gif

If you’re ever uncertain about whether or not to use the chat or send the library an email, know that our staff is eager to help you. We can’t wait to hear from you!