Do I have the right source?

Knowing what type of source you are reading is important for deciding whether to use the information you gain from that source in a research paper or an assignment. Three common types of Publication Sources include:

  • Popular Magazines & Newspapers
  • Scholarly Journals
  • Trade and Professional Publications

Professors typically have a preference to what type of source you must use for an assignment. They will usually explain this in the assignment guidelines. If you are unsure, make sure to contact your Professor directly for clarification.  For help understanding the difference between a Scholarly Source and a Popular Source, the following LibGuide is available for Students to access: Scholarly vs Popular Sources.

It is also important to note that just because something is published does not mean it is peer- reviewed. Individual Publications have their process for selecting and publishing material. Another important fact to note is that just because something is published in a Scholarly Journal does not make it automatically peer-reviewed. For help determining if a source is peer-reviewed, the following LibGuide is available: Peer Review.

Still need clarification, The Research Help Desk is available to answer any questions or concerns, ASK US, in person, via phone, online chat or email.