Take Flight with AMIPA’s Fundraiser

The Alaska Moving Image Preservation Association (AMIPA) is having a fundraising event this Monday, May 6th, at 6 pm at the Bear Tooth Theatre, 1230 W. 27th Avenue in Anchorage.

The fundraiser features the 1939 classic “Only Angels Have Wings,” which  has been reimaged from film to digital format using 4 K digital restoration. This adventure romance film features Cary Grant, Jean Arthur and Rita Hayworth with action packed and visually stunning aerial scenes. Nominated at the 1940 Academy Awards for “Best Effects, Special Effects,” it won a place on the National Film Preservation Board’s National Film Registry in 2017.   Come enjoy a fun flight through the jungles of South America.

The film was chosen to highlight some of AMIPA’s own collection of historical flight cinematography and impart the importance of preserving these rare films. Prior to the screening AMIPA will be exhibiting their own  “aviation-themed motion picture clips,” carefully preserved from 8mm and 16mm film to 2K digital.

AMIPA was created in 1986 and since then has worked hard to stop the loss of historical film. They joined the Consortium Library in 2004 as a preservation partner. AMIPA can be found on the third floor of the Consortium Library. You can follow AMIPA and their events on Facebook.