March is Women’s History Month! There is a lot to explore in the collection that can help you delve into women’s history in the United States and around the world, but we wanted to share one particular resource that you may not know about.
While the Quicksearch finds eBooks among all the materials it searches (including books, journal articles, etc.), there are two databases that you can use to more narrowly search for eBooks: eBook Collection and eBook Central.
Simply searching “women’s history” through either database brings up an varied selection of books on women’s history. Here are a few highlights:
Put Your Hands on Your Hips and Act Like a Woman : Black History and Poetics in Performance by Gale P Jackson
Women’s Medicine : Sex, Family Planning and British Female Doctors in Transnational Perspective, 1920–70 by Caroline Rusterholz
A Black Women’s History of the United States by Daina Ramey Berry and Kali Nicole Gross
Inside the Expressive Culture of Chinese Women’s Mosques : ‘This Turmoil of the Soul’ by Maria Jaschok
Reshaping Women’s History : Voices of Nontraditional Women Historians, Edited by Julia Gallagher and Barbara Winslow
Women’s Private Practices of Knowledge Production in Early Modern Europe, Edited by Natacha Klein Kafer and Natalia da Silva Perez
Westerns : A Women’s History by Victoria Lamont
A History of Women’s Boxing by Malissa Smith
We hope you’ll explore this wide and diverse collection of books!