Research help options at the Consortium Library

Do you need help researching a topic? The librarians at the Consortium Library are here to help! You can get research help by getting in touch with us in a number of ways:

What’s that last option? In addition to helping students with research at the reference desk, librarians at the Consortium Library meet with students one-on-one or in small groups in appointments called research consultations. Research consultations can really help move along a more in-depth project. What happens during these appointments? Anything from outlining a research plan to teaching advanced searching skills. How do you book an appointment? Contact the librarian whose name is listed next to your subject area at, or call the reference desk at 907-786-1848 if you’re not sure who to contact.

Here’s a nice after pic of a research consultation I had last week (used with permission by this kind student). Don’t you want to feel like this about YOUR research project?

Research consultation