Anchorage Arctic Research Day, March 24

On March 24, UAA and the Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. will hold the first ever Anchorage Arctic Research Day in Rasmuson Hall.

This all day event will bring together Arctic researchers within the Anchorage municipality to share information about the diversity of research and creative activity being conducted by a broad array of organizations.  Come meet with participants from government, industry, academic, nonprofit and indigenous groups, and hear about Arctic research from leading researchers across the natural and social sciences, health, engineering, and arts and humanities.

Highlights include keynote speaker Fran Ulmer, Chair of the Arctic Research Commission of the U.S. (and former UAA Chancellor).  There will also be a poster reception featuring activities from the wide range of participants from the Anchorage Arctic research community.

Click here to see the day’s schedule, to register, or for more information.