Author Archives: Daria O. Carle

On this day in London, 1785 …

Did you know that the Consortium Library has access to the historical archive of The Times, London’s major newspaper, from 1785 to 2004?

Do some primary source research on the French Revolution or the War of 1812 (from the English perspective), Jack the Ripper or Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, Lord Horatio Nelson or Charles Darwin, or any one of a number of topics. It even includes Letters to the Editor and Classified and Display Advertising.

Or find out what was happening on your birthday in London 100 or 200+ years ago!

You’ll find it under Times Digital Archive, 1785-2004 on the Databases page.

In need of significant primary research literature? Try Annual Reviews!

Need literature reviews for topics in Anthropology? Environment and Resources? Psychology? Political Science? Public Health? Sociology? Not to mention Biochemistry? Computer Science? Earth and Planetary Science? Physics?

Explore the Library’s expanded coverage of this great resource.  Take a look at the full list of available Annual Reviews titles here.

Each year, Annual Reviews critically reviews the most significant primary research literature to guide you to the principal contributions of the field and help you keep up-to-date in your area of research.  Annual Reviews are comprehensive, authoritative reviews in a variety of subject fields across the Sciences and Social Sciences, and rank among the most highly cited sources in the literature.