Author Archives: Holly Godfree

Using the library will get you better grades!

Yes, that’s right, a study from the University of North Carolina (Croxton & Moore, 2019) confirms what we all have long suspected: students who use library services have higher GPAs.

So, what does “use library services” actually mean at the UAA/APU Consortium Library?

Obvious answers to that question might include:

Come to our beautiful building to study. 

  • There are quiet spaces, spaces for collaborative work, small rooms with doors, and tables by windows with uplifting vistas.

Borrow books (or other things)

  • We have access many thousands of items from around Alaska and (and the world!) here that you can borrow to take home, or access online on a device (like e-books and e-audiobooks).

However…if you really want to get the top grades, these are the library services that will fast track your learning and achievements.

Work with a librarian on your research

  • Google will get you a million possible answers but a Librarian will get you the right one. Meeting with a librarian at the Ref Desk (on the first floor) is a savvy thing to do for any research project.  For the uber-tough questions, you can even make an appointment with the specialist Liaison Librarians (who are experts in certain subject areas).

Use databases

  • A database will save you time and get you directly to the best information (as opposed to Google or other sources where you have to very carefully judge the quality of what comes up). This is because all the journal articles and other information on a database has been put there because it’s top quality.
  • Note: there are some tricks to learn if you are new to using databases. You need to find the right database for your particular topic and also you need to know how to best use the search functions for keywords and filters.  Guess who can teach you those tricks?  [See item above!]

We want you to succeed.  Come see us!


Croxton, R. A., & Moore, A. C. (2019). Quantifying the Value of the Academic Library.