Author Archives: Meneka Thiru

Getting started on research at home!

Did you know that the library has lots of useful guides that can help with your research at home?

These guides cover all kinds of topics, including how-tos (e.g. how to choose keywords for your search) and guides on doing research in a particular subject area (e.g. chemistry).

The subject guides are a great starting point if you’re just starting on your research and need to get pointed in the right direction. Subject guides will identify databases that include publications in your subject, link to other guides that might be helpful, and include the contact information for the librarian who is an expert in your subject.

If you ever find that you need a little more help, you can use that contact information on the subject guide page to get in touch with that subject’s librarian to make an appointment (a great option if you’re doing an in-depth project) or you can reach out to one of our virtual reference librarians with your question by email, text, chat, or phone – more info here!

As always, if you have questions about access to the library and what services are available, you can find up-to-date information at our Library Services: COVID-19 guide.

More resources you can use from home – through SLED!

Have you heard of SLED? It stands for the Statewide Library Electronic Doorway and houses some amazing information resources for all Alaskans to access and use! If you haven’t already, we encourage you to take a look at some of the great resources they have available here:

A few new resources have been added for access through the summer, including Audio Book Cloud, eBook Public Library Collection, and Business Source Ultimate. You can also find resources like Learning Express, which provides test preparation and study materials on a variety of topics. Access them here:

Don’t forget that if you need any help finding information or resources, the Reference Librarians are still here to help – virtually! Check out our previous post for ways to contact us.

Happy Spring Break!

We hope you’re getting some rest during Spring Break, but if you’re working on projects or papers this week, the Research Help Desk is still here to help! We are open every day this week except Friday. You can always check the open hours of the library, the Research Help Desk and other departments here:

Working on assignments from home? No problem – you can contact us by email, phone, text, or chat! Find more information on our Ask Us page here:

If you’re doing research off-campus, don’t forget to log in for off-campus access to ensure you’re able to access all the articles and databases we are subscribed to. Log in from the homepage using your UA login.

Happy Spring Break!

Learn More About Open Educational Resources (OER)!

You may have heard the term “Open Educational Resources” or “OER” but what does it mean for you?

Today, Dr. Roberts, the OER Keynote speaker, will be discussing “how open educational practices can strengthen sustainable connections between universities, rural communities and cultural learning contexts. She will suggest how university programs can benefit from learning from and with multiple learning contexts. She will also advocate for how learning networks can provide the foundational bridge that can interconnect learning communities in order to expand learning opportunities for all learners. This keynote aims to emphasize how student-centered learning and open educational practices can expand learning opportunities for all learners, especially those from rural and culturally diverse communities who may have previously felt confused when designing their learning pathway in university contexts.”

The talk will be taking place today, Tuesday February 11th 7:30-8:30pm at Beatrice McDonald Hall Room 116. This is a free event with free parking.

For registration information, including distance delivery options, visit

Want to learn more about Open Educational Resources generally? Check out the Library’s Guide here: