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Need background info for a research paper?

Credo Reference  can help….  Credo is a research database that provides access to background material:  handbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and also links to other research databases.  Credo is even included in QuickSearch.

Credo covers every major subject, offering more than 650 highly-regarded titles from over 80 publishers

As easy to use as your favorite search site and fully citable in any research paper, Credo is the perfect place to get your research started.Whether you are just starting your project, looking to add some interesting images to your final draft or building a bibliography, Credo Reference has something for you.Credo Reference offers:* Tools to quickly map your paper topic
* Citable sources for your bibliography
* Answers to your research questions
* Thousands and thousands of images, charts, graphs, diagrams and more

Furs and Skulls and Birds, oh my!

Have you seen the black bear at ARLIS (the one inside, not outside)? And what’s up with all of those stuffed birds? And that caribou mount? Most of these have come to ARLIS from the AK Dept. of Fish & Game for educational purposes.  There are even kits for check-out to educators on the road system. Whether you need a skull to draw, a bird or fish to paint, or a clear view of an animal’s anatomy, ARLIS has it all. Just across the hall from the Consortium Library reference desk.

Search terms: the key to success in research

Search terms can make or break your research. Thinking differently about the terms you are using to search on a topic can sometimes create different search results. Pulling out main idea words from your topic and identifying synonyms can open up a world of relevant sources on your topic. To learn more about how to think differently about the search terms you are using watch this quick tutorial on Main Idea Words.

On this day in London, 1785 …

Did you know that the Consortium Library has access to the historical archive of The Times, London’s major newspaper, from 1785 to 2004?

Do some primary source research on the French Revolution or the War of 1812 (from the English perspective), Jack the Ripper or Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, Lord Horatio Nelson or Charles Darwin, or any one of a number of topics. It even includes Letters to the Editor and Classified and Display Advertising.

Or find out what was happening on your birthday in London 100 or 200+ years ago!

You’ll find it under Times Digital Archive, 1785-2004 on the Databases page.