Comfort Foods and Holiday Feasts

As the semester winds down, perhaps your thoughts are turning to comfort foods and holiday feasting.

Did you know that the UAA/APU Consortium library collection includes a large cookbook collection? If you’d like to take a break from your studies by spending some time in the kitchen, we have lots of inspiration for you!

A quick search of the Consortium Library Catalog will help you find these resources. You can limit your search to just books in the UAA/APU Consortium. Searching by subject terms will also be helpful. Subject searches for “seasonal cooking“, “holiday cooking“, or for a particular holiday plus the phrase “cooking” (i.e., “Kwanzaa cooking” or “Christmas cooking“, etc.) will yield results that will send you running to the kitchen.

Want some recipes using Alaskan foods? Try searching “cooking – Alaska” or “food – Alaska“. You’ll find recipes with salmon, halibut, berries, and many other traditional foods. A search for “wild plants, edible – Alaska” or “cooking – game” will provide multiple cookbooks with Alaskan recipes. 

Enjoy your time in the kitchen, and happy eating!