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Author Archives: Nicole Jackelen
Learn about Fur Rondy at the Library
The Fur Rondezvous winter festival kicks off tomorrow, Friday, February 23, with 10 days of
activities and entertainment. There’s something for everyone, including the Iditarod ceremonial
start on Saturday, March 2.
Perhaps you’re curious about the history of dog mushing in Alaska or want to know more about
sled dog racing. The Consortium Library provides access to excellent resources that can be used
to research many aspects of dog mushing. From our homepage, use QuickSearch or link to any
of our databases to find information. The Newsbank database is a great starting point for both
current and historical news coverage. If you want historical footage, make sure to also explore
Alaska’s Digital Archives for archival images of sled dogs and dog mushing.
Check out this link for a picture of Balto, famous for helping deliver the diphtheria medicine to Nome in 1925.