Author Archives: Simone Polasek

Do I have the right source?

Knowing what type of source you are reading is important for deciding whether to use the information you gain from that source in a research paper or an assignment. Three common types of Publication Sources include:

  • Popular Magazines & Newspapers
  • Scholarly Journals
  • Trade and Professional Publications

Professors typically have a preference to what type of source you must use for an assignment. They will usually explain this in the assignment guidelines. If you are unsure, make sure to contact your Professor directly for clarification.  For help understanding the difference between a Scholarly Source and a Popular Source, the following LibGuide is available for Students to access: Scholarly vs Popular Sources.

It is also important to note that just because something is published does not mean it is peer- reviewed. Individual Publications have their process for selecting and publishing material. Another important fact to note is that just because something is published in a Scholarly Journal does not make it automatically peer-reviewed. For help determining if a source is peer-reviewed, the following LibGuide is available: Peer Review.

Still need clarification, The Research Help Desk is available to answer any questions or concerns, ASK US, in person, via phone, online chat or email.

Disability Support Services Available at the Library

The UAA Consortium library strives to provide equitable access and services to all UAA and APU students, including those who may be experiencing a disability.

Currently, there is one adjustable computer workstation equipped with assistive technology and specialized software available for students to use. Priority is given to students using this computer for academic purposes, and it is first come, first serve. Some of the accessible features include:

  • Screen reader narration
  • Display and vision settings
  • Color control settings
  • Color filters to accommodate color blindness
  • Voice access for hands-free control and typing
  • Live captions

Here is a link to the LibGuide that addresses library services and accommodations available for people experiencing disabilities:

For more information concerning disability support services, please check out UAA and APU’s Disability Support Services Links:

The Research Help Desk is available to answer any questions or concerns and will prioritize directing you in the right direction. Do not hesitate to ASK US, in person, via phone, online chat or email.

Share the love and stay cozy this Valentine’s Day season

February is here and like every February, the supermarkets are filling their shelves with flower bouquets, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, and Valentine’s Day cards. This red, pink, and chocolate overload might inspire you to find a Valentine’s Day-themed book to read when your brain needs a break from more scholarly material. If you are not feeling motivated and are homebound due to cold and snowy weather, do not fret because the Alaska Digital Library has you covered. There is no need to check out a book in person; find a cozy title online and read it digitally at For inspiration for a loved one’s Valentine’s Day card, check out the Consortium’s Library’s Creative Writing & Literary Arts LibGuide, and if you feel like your life is lacking in poetry, explore poem-a-day feature. And lastly, a friendly reminder from the UAA Consortium’s Library’s Reference Desk: the UAA Learning Commons is now located in the library. For more information, click on