Category Archives: Uncategorized

Textbooks on Reserve at the Library

Looking for a textbook? Your professors may have placed their course books on reserve at the Consortium Library! These books are available free of charge for either check out or in-library use (meaning you may only use them in the library). 

To see if your books are available on reserve, go to the UAA/APU Consortium Library’s home page and click on “Course Reserves” under “Services.”

You can search by Course ID, Course Name, or Instructor Name. Once you find your class or professor, click on the name to pull up the list of materials on reserve. Visit the Circulation Desk to pick up your books.

If you’d like more information about finding textbooks, check out this guide:

Happy studying!

Learn More About Open Educational Resources (OER)!

You may have heard the term “Open Educational Resources” or “OER” but what does it mean for you?

Today, Dr. Roberts, the OER Keynote speaker, will be discussing “how open educational practices can strengthen sustainable connections between universities, rural communities and cultural learning contexts. She will suggest how university programs can benefit from learning from and with multiple learning contexts. She will also advocate for how learning networks can provide the foundational bridge that can interconnect learning communities in order to expand learning opportunities for all learners. This keynote aims to emphasize how student-centered learning and open educational practices can expand learning opportunities for all learners, especially those from rural and culturally diverse communities who may have previously felt confused when designing their learning pathway in university contexts.”

The talk will be taking place today, Tuesday February 11th 7:30-8:30pm at Beatrice McDonald Hall Room 116. This is a free event with free parking.

For registration information, including distance delivery options, visit

Want to learn more about Open Educational Resources generally? Check out the Library’s Guide here:

The Great Backyard Bird Count is almost here!

Learn how you can participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count February 14-17, 2020. Begun in 1998, it’s the first online citizen-science project to collect data on wild birds.

February is also National Bird Feeding Month. And to help you attract birds to your backyard and learn to identify them, check out this list of field guides, basic birding books, and much more found in libraries all across the state.

Consider applying for the Consortium Library Award

The Consortium Library Award for Undergraduate Research recognizes and honors an undergraduate research paper or project that demonstrates significant use of the Library’s collections or services.

The committee accepts applications from the Monday after Thanksgiving to the Monday after spring break.

This year: December 2, 2019 to March 16, 2020

The Award amount is $500

To learn more about the award and to apply please visit the Consortium Library Award guide.